Want to share your knowledge about natural home remedies that have really worked for you? Write for us!
We are currently accepting contributions for HomeRemediesforLife.
Guidelines for Submissions
What Should I Write About?
We are only looking for quality content about natural home remedies for common conditions.
Article Length
Please submit your unique and original article in English. Your article should be at least 1000 words long.
Please provide a short bio and image that can be included with your post crediting you as the author. You may include links to your social network profile(s) and website within your byline. Please do not include affiliate links.
Post Image Guidelines
Contributors may submit original or personal photos, graphics, diagrams, etc to be used within the text. Images created by other individuals or organizations must be listed with one of the following creative commons licenses: Attribution (CC BY), Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND) or Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), and must be properly cited.
Submission Format
Please submit your post in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, google docs or html.
While not required, it would be great if your article already contains H2 and H3 tags, bullets, and other formatting that makes the content easy to read.
All contributions must be original and not published elsewhere. Once published on HomeRemediesforLife, content becomes the property of the site.
Editorial Policies
We reserve the right to edit format the submitted article to match the rest of the site.
If you have read the above and want to contribute please reach out and pitch an idea here: