Honey and cinnamon combination is one of the best one that deals with many health problems including weight loss, heart diseases, arthritis, toothaches, regulating blood pressure, curing skin problems, relieves stress, etc. without any side effects. It aids in lowering the cholesterol, boosts the immune system and insulin levels.
In these days overweight and obesity is found as one of the most common problem in the world and many people are searching for natural home remedies to cure this ailment but among most other natural products and spices, this honey and cinnamon have been found to be useful in this process of weight loss.
First of all, let us know how individually these two ingredients help to lose weight.
Honey for Weight Loss:
Honey is a natural sweetener that contains many vitamins (vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6 and C), minerals and carbohydrates. Actual for digesting food that has sugar, our body digest it uses the vitamins and minerals present in the tissues. So if you use any artificial sweeteners then you there will be deficit of these vitamins and minerals are created in the body.
Honey raises energy levels and naturally suppresses psychological food cravings that in turn help to lose weight. Hence honey itself contains all these essential things that ease the digestive process and remains the metabolism of fats and cholesterol unhindered in this way to lose weight. Simply taking honey after having heavy meal will avoid all the problems that arise due to overeating and indigestion.
Raw, organic, unheated and unprocessed honey is the best one to use for this weight loss treatment. It is available in natural food sections of any health food store or on supermarkets. But remember that it should be usually solid, thick but not that one in fluid form.
Cinnamon for Weight Loss:
Cinnamon when taken in the form of either powder or sticks will be useful in controlling the cholesterol levels in the body and it lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises the good cholesterol (HDL) to lose weight. It also regulates blood sugar levels that fight against obesity and insulin resistance (treats Type 2 Diabetes) as they trend to overeat and fat first accumulates around waist and finally it becomes difficult to lose weight.
It is a powerful antioxidant and rich in manganese, fiber, calcium and iron which provides all the necessary ingredients to lose weight and also cleanse the colon and digestive system to clear the fat content in the body. Ceylon cinnamon is the best one among other types of cinnamon to treat weight loss.
Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss:
Everyone feels that honey and cinnamon, whether is a hoax or cure all the health problems especially weight loss. Also you will get the answer for the questions like does cinnamon and honey work for weight loss if you see these properties of this great combination to lose weight.
- Honey and cinnamon mixture helps to lower the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol which are in turn related to being overweight or obese.
- The combination of this helps to clean the parasites, bacterial and fungus in the digestive tract indirectly helps to lose weight.
- It also crabs the appetite and results in less food cravings that makes you feel fullness and satiety.
- This formula helps to block the body from gaining fat. But it shows great results only when taken regularly. Drinking this regularly will not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though you eat a high calorie diet.
- This helps to lower the blood cholesterol levels by up to 10% within 2 hours of time after taking it. Drinking this will lose inches of weight and fat that you notice the scale creeping downward.
- This mixture also cures chronic cholesterol that ultimately loses weight and fat that deposited in the body from many days.
- It also helps to speed up the metabolism and breaks down the body’s fat faster that regular intake definitely leads to proper weight loss.
- It has many vitamins and minerals that help to have good health and contains nutrients like water, proteins, fiber, sugars and various other healthy nutrients. All of them help for proper weight loss.
- It ease digestion that helps to prevent gas and provides energy that makes people more mentally alert and ready for physical activity and ultimately leads to good health.
Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss Diet:
The combination of this honey and cinnamon diet is strongly recommended for weight loss and other several health problems and this diet is increasing its popularity day by day with its low – calorie balanced diet that loses weight and improves health. This drink acts as weight loss diet drink that won’t allow you to accumulate fat in the body and finally lose weight.
Observe the following methods to get an idea about how to take honey and cinnamon for weight loss and try these for effective results over weight loss.
Method – 1:
- Take a teaspoon of organic cinnamon powder and add this to a cup of boiling water.
- Stir it well and allow it to steep for about 10 – 15 minutes and it takes some time to cool the water (to reach room temperature).
- Then add a tablespoon of raw organic honey in that water.
- Stir it well and strain it to drink this 1/2 cup in the morning with an empty stomach and another 1/2 a cup in 45 minutes after completing your dinner.
- Continue drinking this twice daily will help to lose weight and make you look slim, young and beautiful.
Method – 2:
- Take a teaspoon of raw, organic honey and mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (without sugar added).
- Take a pan and boil a cup of water in it and then add this honey and cinnamon mix in that water.
- Stir it well and pour this mixture into 2 equal cup servings.
- Allow it to cool for few minutes and then consume one of this serving before breakfast and another one to consume about 30 minutes before eating lunch or dinner.
- This process helps you to lose weight for about 3 – 5 pounds a week without dieting.
- Regularize this process of drinking this honey and cinnamon twice a day till you reached the desired weight loss.
Method – 3:
- Take a saucepan and pour a cup of water into it.
- Boil it for few minutes and add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
- Stir it well in water by using whisk till there is no lumps in it and it is not floating.
- Then reduce the heat to low and cover the saucepan.
- Wait for about 30 minutes and add a teaspoon of honey to that steeped cinnamon water.
- Whisk it till it has no lumps in the mixture and then pour this mixture in a small container.
- Place the lid tightly and keep this at room temperature to avoid honey from crystallizing at the top of the mixture.
- Drink this to lose weight and regularize taking this for more effective results over weight loss.
- Or else you can use this mixture on bread instead of jam or any other mix and eat this.
- Or simply you can add this mix it in with tea while drinking it.
- Or you can add this paste on breakfast cereals or oatmeal, spread it on the toast or add a little to your cup of coffee or tea.
Method – 4: (Cinnamon Bark Tea with Honey)
- Take a long cinnamon bark (stick) and break it into pieces, generally a cinnamon stick is broken into at least 3 pieces.
- Place these in a teapot and pour 1 ½ cups of water into it.
- Boil this water to a rolling boil in a tea kettle and always start with cold water and never reheat water as this is already been boiled.
- Then pour this boiling water over the cinnamon sticks that were kept in the teapot and place it with a lid over the tea pot.
- Now allow the cinnamon to steep for about 10 minutes and then strain the tea to discard the cinnamon sticks and serve the tea in tea cups.
- Enjoy drinking this tea by mixing a teaspoon of honey into it and for more effective results, regularize drinking this tea to lose weight.
- Or you can spread honey on the top of the toast like jam and then sprinkle some cinnamon powder on it and the eat this regular use to lose weight and makes fit and slim.
Method – 5: (Honey and Cinnamon Tea)
- Take 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 cups of tea (as per your preference but green tea and black tea works great).
- Then mix this cinnamon powder and honey in a large bowl.
- Now add 2 cups of tea into it and stir it well.
- Drink this to get relief from the cholesterol and overweight.
- Drink this thrice a day for more effective results and won’t stop this till you reached your desired goal of weight loss.
Method – 6: (Honey, Cinnamon and Lemon)
- Take a teaspoon of cinnamon particles and add this to a tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice. Lemons have polyphenols that go beyond calories and carbs to reduce obesity and prevents weight gain and improves insulin resistance.
- Stir it well and steep it for few minutes that allow the cinnamon stick particles to sink in that water.
- Strain this tea and enjoy every sip of this tea that leads to weight loss.
- Regular drinking of this tea twice a day will help to you reaches the weight loss goals.
Method – 7: (Honey, Cinnamon and Lemon in Green Tea)
- Take a teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice, 1/2 a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
- Mix all these well in a cup of green tea and then drink this to prevent weight gain.
- Continue drinking this daily to get rid of weight loss.
- Or you can mix these honey, lemon juice and cinnamon in black tea and drink this to promote weight loss.
Method – 8: (Cinnamon, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar with Lemon)
- Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of raw honey, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, juice of 1 lemon and a cup of drinking water.
- Mix all these ingredients and drink this mixture to lose weight.
- Regularly drinking 3 – 5 times daily will support the weight loss goals.
- Method – 9: (Cinnamon, Honey and Lemon)
- Take 10 oz of water and place it on stove for few minutes till it boils.
- Then let it stand and cool for few minutes, but won’t add either cinnamon, honey or lemon juice in that hot water as they lose their quality.
- Now take 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey and a freshly squeezed lemon juice of a lemon.
- Mix it in hot water and allow it to steep for about 15 – 20 minutes.
- Drink this to get relief from the overweight problem.
- Or else you can add lemon juice before drinking this drink to promote weight loss.
- Regular drinking of this will provides proper weight loss.
How long should take Honey and Cinnamon:
You have to take this honey and cinnamon drink for more days means you should not overuse this as it leads to another health problems. So use this for about a couple of weeks or months or till you reached your desired goal on losing weight. Then make sure to drink this mixture occasionally to relieve from overweight, fat and other health problems.
How much Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss:
Not only for weight loss but also for any health benefits, you have to mix the cinnamon and honey in such a way that the mixture of cinnamon and honey should be in the ratio 1:2. This means mix one teaspoon of cinnamon to 2 teaspoons of raw honey. Always prefer this combination for any health benefits that you’re using it to cure and gain maximum benefit from it without any side effects.
How to use this Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss:
You can use this honey and cinnamon combination for weight loss in this 4 ways and in this particular time which definitely helps you to lose weight.
In the Morning Section:
- A good start up of using natural method to lose weight will definitely enhance you with good result for the long day.
- Take this mixture right when you wake up in the morning with an empty stomach.
- Wait for about 30 minutes without having your breakfast.
- This mixture when taken in the morning will help to clear up the digestive system, helps to speed up your metabolism and energy level through lunch.
- Regular intake of this mixture early in the morning will help to promote effective weight loss.
In-Between Meals:
- Taking this mixture will help to lessen the appetite, that makes it easier to make you from one meal to another without the need to eat any other unhealthy snacks in between meals.
- This helps to lower the blood sugar levels that makes you stay alert and focused throughout the day and avoid that after lunch crash that is so common for everyone that aids weight gain.
- It prevents snacking on junk between meals and it is better choice than letting yourself go hungry.
Before Starting Aerobic Workouts:
- To make an aerobic workout effectively, you have to follow few things like stretching may matter what you’re putting it on your body prior to making this workout.
- This combination helps to give you more energy that helps to push through it for effective energy. There are many other ways that cardio workouts will be effective.
- Workout on an empty stomach and also make sure that don’t eat for more than at least 30 minutes after at least 30 minutes after doing this aerobic workout.
- This helps you to burn more calories since it is focused on digesting your next meal.
- Here sugar in honey give energy to boost through your workout and the metabolism – boosting nature of cinnamon will amplify the effect the cardio.
Before Going to Bedtime (At Night):
- The important time is that between the dinner and sleep time can be hardest to get through when you’re trying to lose weight.
- Here late night snacks or midnight trips to fridge to eat something will make you not to lose weight.
- At that time, taking this honey and cinnamon mixture which is not a solid food that won’t weigh on your stomach and it also helps you to avoid these snacks by acting smooth on your digestive system and helps to reset itself for further process.
- This curbs nighttime cravings and allows you to sleep well without any hunger pangs (that keep you awake at night time).
Besides the above methods, you have to follow these tips to lose weight that makes you look slim and fit.
- Cinnamon and honey diet when combined with balanced diet and regular exercise will promote the weight loss and also offers you with various health benefits.
- Drink plenty of water while following this diet to lose weight.
- Remember to check your cupboards regularly and store this cinnamon and honey as this will be good for many ailments besides weight loss and replace them if it is empty.
- Don’t forget to consult your doctor and discuss with him about the pros and cons of using this as weight loss before using it why because if you’re any other over the counter medicines that react with this honey and cinnamon.
- Remember to check the cinnamon before buying why because cassia (Chinese cinnamon bark) which comes as a cheap form from Vietnam, China and Indonesia. This contains a potentially dangerous substance called coumarin that looks like Ceylon cinnamon. This cassia is not taken by pregnant women, other people who have liver diseases and diabetes.
- Honey when mixed with any hot liquid will destroy the enzymes in that raw honey. So add honey in water or any liquid that is at room temperature to lose weight loss and also to provide other health benefits.
- There is no medical or scientific evidence to support the benefits of this honey and cinnamon for overall health and also for weight loss.
- You can sometimes experience side effects that due to the release of toxicity. Also you can experience some healthy benefits like increased energy, better sex and a better mood.
- It also helps to cure many health problems like arthritis, bladder infections, cholesterol, cold, flu, upset stomach, gas, indigestion, heart problems, strengthens immune system, influenza, skin infections, cancer, fatigue, pimples, acne, sore throat, bad breath and healing loss problems.
- Regular follow up of these methods will make you see the cinnamon and honey weight loss results on you dreamed weight loss program.
This is all about Cinnamon and Honey for Weight Loss. Hope you’ll try this combination to lose weight and gain many health benefits Or have you tried any of the above mentioned methods to lose weight Or do you know any other methods in this combination for weight loss? Then share your experience with us.
What are side effects of taking cinnamon and honey for weight loss
If the cinnamon is taken in more quantities than mentioned in the article, it can lead to liver or kidney diseases. Follow cinnamon and honey method only 2 – 3 months. If you didn’t achieve results in this time, switch to different remedies.
Hi, need a clarification on method 2, from the cinnamon and honey cure. At one point, it is written to consume it on an empty stomach and before every meal and later it says to drink it twice daily. I would highly appreciate if someone could clarify how many times a day do I drink the mixture? Thanks, Lucky
You have to drink once on an empty stomach and another one before lunch/dinner.
At night should we reheat again
Nope, you don’t have to reheat the mixture at night.
If suppose I am not getting Ceylon cinnamon then can I have Cassie cinnamon?
Yes, you can use it.
For weight loss im drinking a juice in night before going bed which involves [corrinder , zinger , lemon , aloe vera juice , cucumber and water] and in early morning i drink cinnamon and honey [ i soak cinnamon stick in boiling water and left it for overnight and in morning i make it lukewarm add some honey and drink it]. Is I’m doing it right? , is doing this in routine make any harmful effects on me? Or its just good one for weight loss?
The procedure you are following should be fine. Apart from that exercise regularly and eat nutritional food.
Hey is it fine if i have this drink 30 mins prior my dinner and breakfast?
Yes, it is fine.
I am 124kg so i use one TBS of Cinnamon, two TBS of honey and one cup of water is it right?
Reduce the amount of cinnamon to 1 teaspoon. Drink the solution 2 – 3 times a day. Apart from that exercise regularly, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and eat nutrition rich diet.
Hhi can you clarify the following for Method 2… it says Take a pan and boil a cup of water in it and then add this honey and cinnamon mix in that water.
Stir it well and pour this mixture into 2 equal cup servings.
Does this mean really you are boiling 2 cups of water??
No, you have to boil 1 cup of water. The result of the process should be divided into 2 equal parts. One part should be consumed before breakfast and another 30 minutes before lunch/dinner.
What is the quantity of water when you say one cup of water? Also, can we make this mixture in bulk and store it?
250ml of water should be fine. Freshly prepared mixture yields better results.
Is it ok to take the cinnamon power mixed with honey mixture early morning in empty stomach.
Yes, you can. Sometimes the mixture may cause stomach pain. If it is happening for you, dilute it with water.
Nau i m nt facibg ny stomach pain stll i want to knw if i l take it with honey dn …..kya results wll b sane kya
Yes, you can take. Apart from that exercise regularly, eat a nutritional diet and avoid fatty and oily foods.
Hey can I take this when its cold?
I can’t make this in morning as I have to wake up pretty early so can I make it at night, drink it and then refrigerate it and drink it in morning when its cold? Will that be okay?
Yes, you can.
In first method it is mentioned to take after dinner and in second to take before dinner .plz clarify
You have to drink ½ cup of the solution on an empty stomach. You have to repeat the process and drink another ½ cup of solution after 45 minutes of completing dinner.
I have cinnamon spice which I use in cooking,can I use. It fr weight loss, if no pls how can I get d honey and cinnamon cos I don’t want to buy fake if there is any. Thanks
Yes, you can use it. If you want to choose an effective one, then you can buy Ceylon cinnamon.
When you stir the mixture of cinnamon and honey, will you drink both the water with the cinnamon that Stirling on the bottom of the cup
Yes drink everything.
I want to know about cinnamon and honey for weight loss. For how much time take for weight loss
It is difficult to specify the exact time frame as everyone is different. The results depend on the weight, immunity and fat burning capacity of an individual. For quick results apart from trying the cinnamon – honey method, you have to exercise daily, eat a nutritional diet, reduce the carbohydrate intake and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins.
Does Oly hot water with honey without cinnamon can help weightless and can v drink while lactating period
Nope. Apart trying out the cinnamon and honey method, you have to eat nutritional diet, exercise or brisk walk daily, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and avoid fatty, oily, processed and canned foods.
am actually trying d Honey nd cinnamon method nd seriously am feeling light already, I also walk 40 min every evening nd I do other exercise for 20 min, but Wot I noticed is that am no longer feel hungry like before, hope it is OK
Cinnamon and honey will make you feel satiated. But make sure to eat your meals on time. If you don’t eat your meals on time, then it can also lead to weight gain and other health issues.
Is it right procedure that I am following? I boil water. After boiling water then I mix cinnamon powder. I let it cold. Then I add honey and lemon when water has become cold and drink. In morning I don’t heat the cinnamon water and I just mix honey and lemon and drink. Is it okay to add honey in cold cinnamon mixture?
Yes, you are following the right procedure and it is okay to add honey in cinnamon mixture. Instead of letting the solution cool down completely, it is better to drink while it is still warm.
Have any one lossed your weight by taking cinnomon & honey ?. Because I want to take.
I just started taking honey and cinnamon water. I drink one cup of mixture of 1 tsp cinnamon in 200ml boiled water and 1 tsp honey (10mins after) in the morning and also night before go to bed. Am i doing the correct thing? Thanks.
Yes, you are doing it right. Apart from that you have to eat nutritional diet and exercise regularly for an effective weight loss.
I have hepatitis b n am oversight too can I use this method to lose weight or the Cinnamon can damage my liver
people suffering from liver diseases should not consume cinnamon. So, it is better to avoid and try different remedies for weight loss.
how long will it take to see the desired result by consuming above mentioned drink?
It is difficult to mention the exact time frame as everyone is different. To achieve quick results, you have exercise daily and eat nutritional food apart from consuming the drink mentioned in the article.
Can l take the cinnamon n honey while breastfeeding @
It is better to avoid cinnamon consumption while breastfeeding as it can lessen the milk production.
I usually have a cup of coffe first thing in the morning. Can I take my cinnamon and honey at that time or take it about 30-45 minutes later or if I can tolerate the taste could I add my cinnamon and honey to my coffee and reap the same benefit?
It is best to replace your coffee with cinnamon and honey tea for effective weight loss.
Can I take lemon and warm water in pregnancy? Advice needed for my sister to loose weight
Yes, you can take. It is completely safe to drink lemon and water during pregnancy. In fact it provides relief from nausea, treats swollen feet, keeps hydrated and boosts immunity.
Can i mix cinnamon spice with lemon juice,honey and herbex tea?
Yes, you can.
I have Heinz vinegar and spice cinnamon and lime juice can I mix all this and see results
Yes, you can try. Apart from that, exercise regularly and eat a nutritional diet.
I’ve multiple sclerosis, can i take this mixture of honey n cinnamon
Yes, you can as honey and cinnamon mixture is an effective remedy for treating multiple sclerosis.
Hi i want to mix 1 teaspoon of honey 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and half squeezed lemon in a cup of warm water
Is it ok cos im diabetic
Is honey good for diabetes
It is better to avoid honey as you are diabetic. For other weight loss remedies You can read this article – http://wellness.guide/weight-loss/
Can I take the mentioned drink during periods?
Yes, you can. In fact cinnamon helps to regulate periods, reduce spams and control heavy bleeding.
Hi can i add honey and cinnamon in green coffee as i hav dat daily early in d morning??
Yes, you can.
Is it possible to take cinnamon powder, honey and lemon juice at night before bedtime and not take it in the morning…will it also help
Nope, it is better to take it in the morning as it curbs binge eating, kicks starts metabolism and provides energy to start the day healthily.
This method.can I drink before I go to bed at night.and I having fibroids can take or no.
Yes, you can take cinnamon and honey for weight loss. In fact cinnamon also helps to shrink the fibroids naturally.
How big of a cup do you add the ingredients in for the honey and cinnamon method
A cup in the article states a general customary cup used for measurement which equals to 250ml.
Am I supposed to take the cinnamon powder that has settled at the bottom of the cup after drinking the mixture?
Yes, you have to consume to the cinnamon powder that settles at the bottom of the cup.
Would any cinnamon work I just started today . How fast would I see results
It is better to use Ceylon cinnamon for effective results. It is difficult to tell the exact time frame as it depends on the metabolism, fat burning capacity and other factors. For quick results, apart from trying cinnamon methods, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, eat nutritional diet and avoid unhealthy foods.
I have high liver function test, is it safe to take cinnamon and honey drink
I soaked the cinnamon overnight in a cup of cold water in mrng I drink it with one teaspoon of honey , I never use hot water if it is correct
Can i make 2 litres of cinnamon water and keep it in the fridge then drink it while it’s cold if I have already mixed it with honey.
Can i drink cinnamon and honey while brestfeeding if not, then sugest safe drink for me and my baby for weight loss
Can you drink the full cup in the morning or does it have to be taken twice?
Why do you have to drink the cinnamon at bottom of cup and can you strain the mixed first before adding the honey