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Home Remedies for HeadacheHeadache is a common problem for all of us. Everyone has to face this at one or other time. Headache it starts from head & make changes in our lifestyle. You can’t live normally. Generally, headaches are categorized into three main types: tension headaches (common type of headache like a pain or discomfort in the head, neck due to muscle tightness in that areas), migraine headaches (have symptoms nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to lights & sounds i.e. somewhat a serious problem) & cluster or sinus headaches (it is one sided head pain which involves tears from eyes & stuffy nose, that occurs for 1 week to 1 year, followed by periods of remission).

Physiological changes in head & brain, genetic factors, stress etc., whatever are the causes of headache, you just try these natural home remedies in next time when you got headache, you will get relief from the headache.

Triggers of headache:

These are the basic triggers that causes the headache in many people.

  • Caffeine
  • Aspartame (which is found in many artificial sweetened foods)
  • Phenyl ethylamine (which is commonly seen in chocolates, cheese, red wine etc,)
  • Tyramine ( which can be seen in nuts, cheeses, soy & fermented meats)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Food sensitivity
  • Citrus fruits
  • Weather conditions
  • Strong smells like scents, paints. Perfumes & certain types of flowers
  • Aged cheese like blue cheese, cheddar, parmesan, Swiss etc.
  • Red wines & other alcoholic products
  • Processed meats like cold cuts
  • Skipping meals will cause the hunger headache
  • Smoking
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Home Remedies for Headache:

Natural homemade remedies are quite effective & gives the best  solution but not that much instant when you compare to over the counter medicines.That to headache, which we can’t bear it & all our regular/routine things will be changed. Try these natural remedies to get rid of the headache problem.

1 Ice Pack

It helps to numb the things & reduces the inflammation at last prevent the pain.

Method -1:


  • Ice cubes
  • Wash cloth


  1. Take a few ice cubes & cover it with a clean cotton cloth / wash cloth as a pack.
  2. Now apply that ice pack on the painful areas like forehead, temples, back of your neck & other parts to prevent the headache.
  3. Here try to apply the cold compress as soon as headache starts. You will feel relief within 20 minutes of use.

Method – 2:


  • Frozen vegetables
  • Bag


  1. Take a bag & fill it with frozen vegetables
  2. Apply this as cold compress on your forehead, neck, back etc.
  3. Do it like this, within 30 minutes, you will feel relief from the headache

2 Peach

It contains magnesium which helps in relaxation of tiny muscles that contract blood vessels to ease the tension & gives relief from the migraine headaches.

Ingredient: Peach


  1. Take the peach & make a juice of it with the help of blender or mixture
  2. Drink that juice regularly whenever you feel that you’re having headache.
  3. Taking the juice of peach will help you to run away the virus that causes the nausea which further causes the headache.
  4. Drinking peach juice or apricot nectar will helps to prevent the headache.

3 Hot Compress

If the weather outside is cold or snow is falling means it’s the time for you to put the hot water compress for soothing relief.


  • Clean wash cloth
  • Hot water


  1. Take a wash cloth & hot water (not too much hot).
  2. Dip this wash cloth in that water (see that the cloth has to be wet fully)
  3. Squeeze it out & apply it on your eyes or other areas where pain is coming.
  4. Leave it for about 30 minutes.
  5. Make sure to re warm it whenever you feel necessary.

4 Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is a natural & herbal remedy which is known for its calming, soothing & numbing property. It when applied will helps to open & close the vessels that will promote the blood circulation & it quickly reduces the pain that causes the headache.

Method – 1:

Ingredient: Peppermint oil or leaves


  1. Take some peppermint oil into your hands
  2. Apply this oil to your forehead  & temples.
  3. Gently massage on the area where the pain is coming.
  4. Crush the peppermint leaves & put it on your forehead.
  5. It is very effective in treating the tension headaches.
  6. Make sure that not to use this remedy for children,  pregnant lady or people who have sensitive skin as it causes the burning effect.

Method -2:


  • Few drops of peppermint oil
  • Small pot of boiling Water


  1. Place a small pot of water & boil it for few minutes
  2. Then take it out & add few drops of peppermint essential oil in it.
  3. Inhale the  stream for few minutes by covering your body totally from head to toe with a blanket or towel.
  4. During night time, it will give better relief from the headache
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5 The use of Cloves & Other Spices:

Spices will play an important role in treating the headache. Cloves acts as a natural pain killers as it an antiviral property.


  • Dried marjoram
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Dried lavender & Rose petals (Optional)
  • Cloves


  1. All the ingredients are available in the kitchen spice rack.
  2. Take 4 tbsp of each ingredient other than clove into a cloth sachet bag.
  3. Then add 1 tbsp of clove & close that sachet bag.
  4. Inhale deeply by holding the bag to your nose
  5. Until & unless you feel it subsiding or getting relief from the headache, inhale it.
  6. If you don’t have a sachet bag, you can try the clean handkerchief
  7. Or you can apply this bundle of herbs to your head while you taking rest.

6 Rosemary

It is one of the oldest medicines used to treat headaches & other pains. It contains anti inflammatory which is similar to aspirin or ibuprofen. It contains rosmarinic acid which acts as a pain killer.

Method – 1:


  • 1 tsp crushed rosemary leaves
  • 1 tsp crushed sage leaves
  • A cup of boiling water


  1. Take crushed rosemary & sage leaves in  cup
  2. Add boiling water to fill it
  3. Then cover it to prevent the volatile oil to escape from it.
  4. Steep the tea until it reaches the room temperature.
  5. Take 1/2 cup of tea as a dose for once & drink it for 2-3 times a day.
  6. Repeat the process to get rid of headache problem.

Method – 2:

Ingredient: Rosemary oil


  1. Take few drops of rosemary oil in your hands
  2. Apply it gently on your forehead & other painful parts like neck, back
  3. Massage it for few minutes
  4. You can feel a relief from the headache

7 Ginger

It gives relief from the headache as it acts as anti inflammation to reduce the inflammation of the blood vessels in the head & gives a relief.

Method – 1:


  • Tea leaves
  • Ginger
  • Cup of water
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Water


  1. Take tea leaves & ginger in a cup of water
  2. Boil it for few minutes
  3. Then add milk & sugar according to your taste
  4. Consume it twice a day to get best result.

Method – 2:


  • Ginger (in raw form or powder)
  • Water


  1. Take the ginger powder or raw ginger
  2. Boil it in the water
  3. Inhale it like a vapor to get the relief from the headache

Method – 3:

Ingredient:  Ginger candy


  1. Take one or more pieces of crystallized ginger candies
  2. Chew it one by one whenever you feel headache
  3. It will give instant relief from the headache.

Method – 4:


  • Ginger
  • Lemon


  1. Take lemon & ginger & squeeze the juice from it
  2. Then take the juice of both in equal quantities
  3. Mix it well
  4. Now consume it for once or twice a day to get relief from the pain

Method – 5:


  • 1 teaspoon of dry ginger powder
  • 2 tablespoon  of water


  1. Take dried ginger powder & water
  2. Mix it well to make a fine paste
  3. Apply that paste on your forehead
  4. Let it sit for few minutes
  5. Wash it off with normal water.

8 Mint Juice

Mint is an effective medicine for headache. It has antiseptic & anti pruritic properties. It contains menthol & menthone which helps in alleviating headaches.

Ingredient: Mint tea  or mint juice


  1. Take mint tea compress & put it on the forehead to get relief from the discomfort
  2. Or you can also try mint juice
  3. Apply the mint juice on your forehead & temples
  4. If possible apply coriander juice along with mint juices which is effective in treating the headaches
  5. Allow it to sit for few minutes
  6. Wash it off

9 Basil / Indian tulsi

It is one of the medicines for headaches which are caused by tension & tight muscles. Basil works as a muscle relaxant.

Method – 1:


  • Cup of water
  • Few fresh basil leaves


  1. Take some handful of fresh basil leaves
  2. Put these leaves in a cup of boiling water
  3. Let it come to normal heat to drink it
  4. Sip the tea slowly which helps to prevent the headache

Method – 2:

Ingredient: Fresh basil leaves / basil oil


  1. Take some fresh basil leaves
  2. Chew it for some time
  3. Or you can simply massage your head & other painful parts with pure basil oil
  4. It’s very helpful to the people who suffer from mild headaches.

10 Lavender Oil

It has healing & calming properties which helps in giving better relief from the headache. Other than lavender oil no other essential oil will help in that way to get rid of the problem.

Method – 1:


  • Lavender oil
  • A bowl of hot water


  1. Take a bowl of hot water
  2. Add some lavender oil in it
  3. Now, inhale its vapor for few minutes
  4. Several times the process has to be repeated in a day

 Method – 2:

Ingredient: Herbal lavender oil


  1. Take some lavender oil into your hands
  2. Apply gently on your forehead externally
  3. Massage it for few minutes
  4. But be sure that not to take this oil orally.
RELATED:  How To Use Coconut Oil For Dark Underarms

11 Cloves

Method – 1:


  • Few cloves
  • A clean handkerchief


  1. Take a few cloves & crush it gently into small pieces
  2. Now take a sachet or handkerchief
  3. Place these crushed cloves in it
  4. Inhale it whenever you feel headache until & unless you get relief from the pain

Method – 2:


  • Few ground cloves
  • Water


  1. Take a few cloves & mix it to make a fine paste by adding few drops of water
  2. Apply that paste on your forehead
  3. Remove it whenever you get relaxed from headache

Method – 3:


  • Clove oil
  • Salt


  1. Take clove oil & add a little amount of salt in it
  2. Mix it well
  3. Rub it on your forehead
  4. Soothing effect of clove oil will helps to prevent the pain of your head within few minutes

12 Cinnamon

Cinnamon can cure the headache which has be affected by common cold & cold air

Method – 1:


  • Few cinnamon sticks
  • Water


  1. Grind few freshly grated cinnamon sticks by adding a few drops of water
  2. It will form like a thick paste
  3. Now apply this paste on your forehead & leave it for few minutes
  4. Remove the paste when you feel relaxed from headache

Method – 2:


  • 2 teaspoons  of powdered cinnamon / cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  1. Add powdered cinnamon in milk
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan until it comes to boiling point
  3. Allow it to cool to get room temperature
  4. Add honey to it (optional)
  5. Drink that milk slowly to fend off from the headache
  6. Take it at least twice a day when you suffer from headache

13 Apple & Apple Cider Vinegar

Both of these have attributes that can help in balancing the alkaline & acidic levels in the body & gives relief from the pain of your head

Method – 1:


  • Apple
  • Salt


  1. An apple a day keeps the problems away
  2. So, eat an apple everyday with the skin on of the apple & with some salt.
  3. It helps to get relief from headache

Method – 2:


  • Two teaspoons of m
  • Glass of water


  1. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a full glass of water
  2. Drink it to get relief
  3. Try to drink it twice a day to get relief from the pain

14 Water

Water helps your body to be hydrated. Dehydration can cause headaches why because lack of water will lead to reduce blood & oxygen flow into the brain.

Ingredient: Water


  1. Drink at least 8 ounces of water per day to prevent the dehydration & further headaches
  2. Whenever you feel dehydrated or headache is coming try to drink water as much as possible
  3. You will get relief from the headache within few minutes
  4. But be sure to drink the water especially after the consumption of alcohol as it leads to dehydrate your body & leads to hangover headaches

15 Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapy like Biofeedback, used as an effective treatment for tension type headache & migraine.

Ingredient: Electronic things like compute


  1. It uses the electronic sensors to monitor body functions & at last gives relief from the pains.
  2. Data are fed back to the patient through sounds & computer images.
  3. The concept of using this biofeedback is to teach the people that how to control bodily responses.

16 Acupuncture

Acupuncture, a most commonly used treatment to realign the flow of energy / blood in the body.


  • Thin needles
  • Practitioner


  1. Consult the specialist for this treatment.
  2. They insert the thin needles under the skin.
  3. Leave it for few minutes either by twisting or by sending some mild electric path to get relax.
  4. It is done mainly to rebalance the energy or blood flow in the body & used as a painkiller too by giving relief from the headache pain.
  5. But carefully in selecting the practitioner to do this therapy otherwise you has to face many problems.

17 Electrode Implants

People who suffer with frequent headache can go for the treatment of Electrode implants.

Ingredient: A good specialist for doing this process


  1. Consult a specialist doctor when you have headache frequently
  2. If the doctor advised for electrode implant then go for this one.
  3. It is implanted in the neck or brain to get the relief from the pain.
  4. The electrode which is used in this treatment will be implanted at the base of the skull, near the occipital nerve.
  5. Then a wire to the electrode will be used to deliver electrical impulses as a power source, is implanted at anywhere in the body.
  6. Lastly you will feel relief from the headache.

Tips to Prevent Headaches:

Follow these tips to prevent the problem of headache & migraine.

  1. Massage your body by mainly covering the parts of head, neck, back & shoulders will give temporary relief from the pain of headache & migraines. Doing it regularly will give better result from the headache.
  2. Stretching neck & shoulders can get at muscle tension that contributes to pain. You  can do these at neck range of motion like chin forward, upward & towards each shoulder and shoulder shrugs (shrug up, up & forward, up & back) and neck isometrics (press palm into forehead & hold, press palm into forehead & hold, press hand on each side of the head). Regularly doing this will helps you to get rid of the head ache problem.
  3. Aerobic exercise like biking, swimming, brisk walking etc., can minimize the intensity of migraine & headache problem.  So, do aerobic exercise daily to get perfect health.
  4. Meditation techniques which can use to focus attention& quiet the mind from various problems like chronic pain, headaches, migrates, other pains will be relived.
  5. Doing yoga which combines physical postures, breathing exercise & meditation to get relaxation & balances the mind, body & spirit so that you get relief from headache & many other problems.
  6. Concentrate on your interests like listening music, gardening, deep breathing, a relaxed sleep will helps to prevent the headache. Simply saying, keep your mind & body in a relaxed form.
  7. Use Heat & Cold compress, whichever is comfortable to you & there is no age to use this remedy even pregnant can use this. It is an effective medicine for headache.
  8. Botox commonly known as wrinkle reducer, it is an FDA approved injection for treating adults with chronic migraines & headaches. It will reduce the intensity & frequency of headaches.
  9. Try to avoid food which contains nitrates & nitrites like bologna, salami, smoked fish, hot dogs, bacon & ham, why because it can cause headache & migraine problem.
  10. Do physical therapy exercises every day, if you have excessive muscle contractions.
  11. Use an over the counter (OTC) pain killers like aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen or other over the counter medicines which gives relief from the headache. But make sure that not to use it too much, as it will results in side effects.
  12. Research says that bright light may also cause headache. So, take rest in darkened room & try to minimize the habits of starting at a glowing computer screen, doing the work under the sun etc., will causes headache. So, take necessary precautions before starting the work.
  13. Avoid smoking & drinking alcohol which causes the headache
  14. Nausea is one of the reasons for headache. So, try to prevent it first to get rid of headache problem.
  15. Make a habit of sleeping regularly at same time & waking up at the same time even in weekends also. This will helps to make your body stable & get resistance to fight against the headache problem.
  16. Make a note to write all the things which causes headache to you. This habit will be very helpful to you & your physician to take better treatment to cure headache.
  17. Place a wash cloth by dipping it on cold water over your head for five few minutes, & do it regularly to get rid of the headache pain.
  18. Wear polarized sunglasses with UVA / UVB protection as prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause the headache
  19. Many women gets tension headache because of the unforgiving hairdo that pulls at their scalp. So, let your hair down which helps to minimize the risk of getting headaches.
  20. Find yourself a quiet, dark room to get relax / sleep / nap by taking a break from your regular work will definitely helps you to get rid of the headache.
  21. Include almonds, cayenne pepper, caffeine (helps to speed up the medicine’s effect mainly for painkillers) in your diet which helps to fight against the headache.
  22. Check by consulting the specialist that whether you face headache because of other problems like consult dentist if you have tooth decay, jaw misalignment etc., which causes the headache (OR) consult eye specialist if you need glasses to prevent your eyestrain, which causes the headache (OR) consult ENT specialist, if you have untreated infections, perforations & other problems with your ears, nose & throat which are also culprits of headache.
  23. Include magnesium, vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). Coenzyme Q10, butterbur or petasites in your diet.
  24. Be in peaceful mind which reduces the stress & makes you feel happy by getting relief from the headache.
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Use the over the counter (OTC) medications will harm us to certain extent. So, try these natural remedies which helps to prevent the headache & makes you feel happy. But be sure that if you have severe & frequent headaches, consult the specialist doctor for medications.

Looking for blogs to follow that discuss migraine and chronic pain into depth? Check out our rounded up list!

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