pest control

pest controlHome remedies for pest control are very popular because of their significant health fbenefits. Pests are a nuisance, no doubt about that. They may harm you and your family. Especially, if you have a child you will want to keep your home pest free without using pesticides. Why?

Because pesticides are not good for your health and the environment as they contain harmful chemicals.

Therefore, the Top 7 Natural Home Remedies for Pest Control are a powerful and easy alternative and they are said to work like magic. These simple home remedies will quickly get rid of pests with no side effects. So, please continue reading and find out more.

home remedies for pest control

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Garlic spray is highly effective for small insects, mosquitoes, slugs and snails. In India people make water based garlic solution and spray it around the house to ward of poisonous snakes.

It is very easy to make, smash some raw garlic and add it to water. You can decide about the concentration.

If you want a highly concentrated spray, I would suggest take a cup of water and add two full garlic. You can smash it with a grinder, and mix it with water afterwards. Sprinkle this solution at the entrance door or anywhere, snakes hate its smell and they will stay away.

I grew up in a place in India famous for poisonous snakes, I saw my grand mother do it all the time, so it works.


Neem is powerful and it has more than 50 natural insecticides. So Yogis in India have been using its medicinal and healing properties for 1000’s of years.

You can do the same, and use it as a natural homemade pesticide spray. It’s easy to make and highly effective with no bad side-effects.

It’s easy to make neem spray solution, simply put 1 teaspoon of high-quality neem oil in one liter warm water and steer. You can always experiment with things, and if necessary increase the strength by adding more neem oil.


We love coffee (some of us) but ants, carpenter ants, sugar ants and pests hate it. You can use recycled coffee grounds to get rid of pests. Looking for ways to get rid of ant bites? Check out our other post!

A research and testing done by Robert Hollingsworth and his team at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service in Hilo, Hawaii found that caffeine based spray is an effective natural insecticide.

This significant study revealed that 1-2% caffeine solution killed nearly all the slugs and snails within a period of two days. Toxicologist Peter Usherwood, of the University of Nottingham, UK, is of the view that caffeine will be highly effective in your garden.


Eucalyptus oil will keep flies, house flies, fruit flies, bees, carpenter bees, spiders, ticks and fleas and wasps at bay. Just put few drops of eucalyptus oil and they will stay away from that space. Get rid of bee stings using home remedies found here.


Mix half portion of vinegar and half water. Put 15-20 drops of any essential oils such as citronella, clove, tea tree, spearmint, lavender, or eucalyptus.


Bay leaves are very effective in keeping moths and other cupboard pests away. So try it.


Mix tea tree oil with water and spray it outside as well as inside the home. The smell of tea tree oil will ward off bed bugs and insects. Having bed bug bites? Cure them with home remedies found here.

In Conclusion:

I would like to reiterate how important it is to take care of our family, and at the same time remain environment friendly.

We have already done enough harm to Mother Nature, so why not become more mindful and a responsible ‘Earth Citizen’ by adopting the powerful home remedies for pest control.

I hope you have found this article useful, and if you do have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you below.

Check out our other great articles:

How to keep mice away from home?

Get Rid of Roaches

Tick Spray for Your Yard

How To Get Rid of Ticks

Natural Ways To Get Rid of Fleas

Essential Oils For Fleas

Getting Rid of Gnats

Home Remedies for Termites

How To Get Rid of Centipedes

Home Remedies for Chigger Bites

How To Get Rid of Scorpions

Natural Ladybug Repellent

Natural Ways To Get Rid of Silverfish

Stink Bug Deterrent

How To Get Rid of Crickets

Beware of 10 Deadly House Spiders

Get Rid of Raccoons

Natural Squirrel Repellent

Chipmunk Repellent

Best Groundhog Repellent

Get Rid of Rats

Lizards Infestation

Take care and talk to you soon.


(1) Article on coffee ground used as natural insecticide.
(2) Research article Caffeine – slugs and snails.

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