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RringwormRingworm, also known as Tinea, is a fungal infection in the outermost layer of the skin. It’s called ringworm not because there is an actual worm involved, but because of the red, raised circular patches it leaves on the skin. These patches, if not properly treated, can grow in size until they blend together and form a large, itchy rash.

Ringworm can infect the scalp, feet, nails, groin, and other body parts. It is contagious and can be contracted from soil, animals, and other people. Ringworm is not life threatening. It’s fairly common.

Ringworm on feet, toes called as athlete’s foot or tinea pedis and ringworm on the groin called as tinea cruris or jock itch, on body called as tinea corporis.

Home Remedies for Ringworm:

You’re about to learn 17 effective methods for treating it at home without spending tons of money on specialized over-the-counter medicines.

1. Garlic

Garlic has anti-fungal properties that make it a very effective solution for ringworm. Eat garlic raw or cooked and use the methods described below.

Process 1:

  • Peel and slice a few garlic cloves.
  • Place the slices on the ringworm-infected area.
  • Wrap with gauze and leave on overnight.
  • Replace garlic and gauze in the morning.
  • Repeat until ringworm is gone.

Process 2:

  • Crush or blend peeled garlic cloves to make a paste.
  • Spread paste on infected areas.
  • Leave on 5 minutes, then wash off with water.
  • Repeat daily until ringworm is gone.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties that kill ringworm. It can irritate skin, so remember to dilute it.


  • Mix equal quantities of tea tree oil and water.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to infected skin and leave it on.
  • Repeat twice daily for 4 weeks to cure ringworm.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera soothes irritated skin, and it has anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.


  • Slice down the center of a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Squeeze out the gel.
  • Apply the gel to infected skin.
  • Repeat 3 times daily until ringworm is gone.
  • Note: You can use fresh aloe vera juice if you don’t have organic aloe vera gel.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties, and it helps to balance your skin’s pH levels. When used regularly, it also helps prevent infection. It’s also safe to use on pets.


  • Soak gauze in undiluted apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the gauze to infected skin.
  • Repeat 4-5 times daily for at least 3 days.
  • Note: adding ACV to the wash helps disinfect clothing.

5. Myrrh

Myrrh has anti-fungal properties, and it relieves itching and irritation.


  • Mix a few drops of water with equal quantities myrrh and golden-seal.
  • Apply to infected skin.
  • Repeat 3 times a day.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has antibiotic and anti-septic properties that help kill ringworm.


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric juice with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and swallow it.
  • Immediately after, apply turmeric juice to infected skin.
  • Repeat daily until ringworm is gone.
  • Note: you can also apply the turmeric and honey paste to your skin 3 times daily.

7. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is antibiotic and anti-fungal.


  • Apply colloidal silver gel or liquid directly to infected skin.
  • Repeat twice daily until ringworm is gone.

8. Raw Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme that kills fungus, and it reduces inflammation.

Process 1:

  • Remove the seeds from a fresh papaya.
  • Spread them on a baking sheet and leave them in the sun to dry.
  • Crush or grind them to make a powder.
  • Add enough water to make a paste.
  • Apply papaya seed paste to infected skin.
  • Leave on 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Repeat 3 times daily.

Process 2:

  • Slice a fresh papaya.
  • Rub a slice on infected skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat 3 times daily.

9. Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds reduce inflammation and itchiness.


  • Grind mustard seeds to make a powder.
  • Add water to make a paste.
  • Apply to infected skin.
  • Leave on 45-60 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Note: you can also soak the seeds for 30 minutes, then grind them to make the paste.

10. Salt and Vinegar

This mixture helps balance the skin’s pH levels.


  • Mix enough salt and vinegar to make a paste.
  • Apply to infected skin and leave on 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Repeat daily for at least a week.
  • Warning: this may irritate skin.

11.Olive Leaf

Olive leaves strengthen your immune system, and they have anti-fungal properties that kill ringworm.


  1. Eat a fresh olive leaf 3 times daily.
  2. Or eat olive leaf supplement pills 3 times daily.
  3. Repeat until ringworm is gone.

12. Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil has anti-fungal properties that treat and prevent ringworm.


  1. Apply lavender oil directly to infected skin.
  2. Repeat several times daily to get rid of ringworm.

13. Holy Basil

Holy Basil has anti-fungal properties that fight ringworm.


  1. Crush holy basil leaves to extract juice.
  2. Apply juice to infected skin.
  3. Repeat twice a day for at least 10 days.

14. Licorice

Licorice has multiple anti-fungal properties that cure ringworm.


  1. Mix 6 teaspoons of licorice powder into 1 cup water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer 15 minutes.
  3. Use a cotton ball or clean cloth to apply the paste to infected skin.
  4. Repeat 3 times daily until ringworm is gone.

15. Jojoba Oil and Lavender Oil

These are two of the most soothing remedies for ringworm, which makes them great for treating babies.


  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil with 1 drop of lavender oil.
  2. Use a cotton ball to apply the oils to infected skin.
  3. Repeat regularly until you get relief from ringworm.

16. Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass relieves itchiness.


  1. Dip lemongrass tea bag in a cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for few minutes.
  3. Drink the tea, then place the bag on infected skin.
  4. Leave it like that for few minutes.
  5. Drink this tea 3 times daily and use the bag.
  6. Repeat daily to cure ringworm.

17. Coconut Oil

This is an especially effective treatment for ringworm on the scalp.


  1. Apply coconut oil directly to infected skin.
  2. Repeat frequently throughout the day until ringworm is gone.

Tips for Treating and Preventing Ringworm

  • Drink 300 ml of carrot and 200ml of spinach juice daily.
  • Wash bedding and towels regularly with hot water by adding anti fungal cleaner.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat raw vegetables.
  • Dry yourself thoroughly after a shower.
  • Don’t touch people and animals who have ringworm.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t share towels, clothes, or brushes.
  • Avoid processed white grains and sugar.
  • If you have ringworm, don’t scratch your skin.
  • If you have ringworm on your scalp, wear a cap during the day and while sleeping, and wash your hair frequently.
  • Avoid public pools and bathrooms, or wear sandals when using them.
  • Keep your skin cool and dry.
  • If your infection does not improve within two weeks of using the above treatments, consult a doctor.

Have you tried any of these remedies for ringworm? Do you know of others we haven’t mentioned? Share your experience with us!


  1. Last month, my son also got ringworm in the arm,I,have been applying apple tea tree oil, baking soda and resting slice of lemon on it for a few minutes each day,I rub raw coconut oil over it, day 3 now its almost gone.

  2. I suffered for 2 full years with those infections and I tried many of the above remedies and found some temporary relief from itching but they never went really away. I hope I can help someone. What gave me full relief and healing was this:
    – Quit having regular sugar, replaced with stevia in my drinks and meals
    – Diminish intake of flour
    – Bought me a good fruit extractor(Nutribullet) and had about 16 ozs of vegetable juice twice a day morning and before going to bed. (carrots, whole lime/lemon, celery, ginger, water) . I did try it sometimes with beets and spinach but they had those ingredients for the most part.
    – For the itching I used ” Blue Star ” ointment.
    After about 2-3 weeks I started seeing great results until they completely dissapeared.
    For maintenance I kept the juices only once a day, every night right before going to bed.

  3. Almost a year ago, I had a ringworm in my thigh once, and I used turmeric paste, it never healed. When I used a store bought product, that’s when it healed but now I do have Tinea capitis, a scalp ringworm and it’s right on my forehead, I’m trying to find a good remedy for this.

    1. Try any remedy mentioned above in the article. Apart from that keep the area dry and cover the area with shower cap while sleeping.

  4. My daughter has ring worm behind her knee. Have been putting tea tree oil with lavender in jojoba oil once a day. Seems to be getting bigger! When do I start seeing results? Thinking of changing to ACV and leaving on for extended periods .

    1. It is difficult to mention the exact time frame as everyone’s condition is different. Since you have already used tea tree oil for few days and didn’t see any results, you can stop using tea tree oil. The method which works for me may not work for you and vice versa. So you can try apple cider vinegar now and see is this ingredient works. Hope this helps her.

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