

Pimples: Cause and Effect

Pimples are inflammations of the skin caused by the excess deposit of an oily protective secretion of the skin known as sebum. There are pores on the epidermal layer of the skin. If the pores of the skin are not properly cleaned, that is to say, if the skin is not washed and cleaned properly, this sebum secretion deposits between the pores and the dead skin, leading to inflammation and irritation of the skin. The epidermis is also prone to flaking and drying up.

Pimples are characterized by dark, red, and painful swellings usually on the parts of the body that sweat the most. A deposit of sebum leads to the growth of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, being one of the many species that leads to the painful swelling and infection.

The reasons behind an outbreak of pimples are far diverse. Among women, acne may not become an issue until menopause, or it could be a common side effect of switching birth control pills. Among teens, the outbreak of pimples can simply be a sign of adolescence, caused due to hormonal imbalances mostly. There are also cases of adult acne that stem from stress. It is most common to suffer from acne if one’s skin is exposed to the sun and sweat for long periods of time. Unhealthy diets and use of excessive fatty substances like lard and oil can also lead to the blockage of pores.

The Beneficial Properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most ancient remedies for skin inflammations. Besides being a coagulant, Aloe Vera is also an astringent. It has diverse uses in cases of skin irritation caused by sun burns, cuts, and inflictions both major and minor. The various other properties of Aloe Vera are as follows:

  • The sap of Aloe Vera produces hormones called gibberellins and polysaccharides. These hormones are anti-bacterial in nature and fight the inflammations caused by Propionibacterium acnes and other species.
  • As an astringent, Aloe Vera helps in contracting the skin, thus rendering the skin pores clean of any deposited sebum or dirt that may not have come off after a wash, thus preventing infection of the skin. It helps to keep the skin taut and fresh.
  • Aloe Vera has rejuvenating properties. The sap aids cell growth, leading to a faster revitalization of the skin. Blemishes and scars left by pimples and other depositions simply fade away after a regular application of aloe Vera.
  • It acts as a counter to the inflammation and redness caused by the acne. Applying Aloe Vera on the affected part of the skin can reduce the redness of the spot and reduce pain from the swelling.
  • As an antioxidant, the gel from the Aloe Vera can be used to get rid of unwanted scars. Besides Zinc, it is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • Aloe Vera is rich in ferments like catechins, carotenoids and flavonoids. It is highly rich in carbohydrates and amino acids as well.

How to Treat Pimples with Aloe Vera

There are various ways of treating pimples with Aloe Vera. Some of the most popular treatment methods are listed as follows:

Method 1: Direct Application

Break a leaf from the aloe vera plant and peel it to extract the gel. Apply this gel directly on the affected areas or massage onto the skin in a circular motion. Wash thoroughly after the pack dries.

Method 2: In Combination with Other Substances

  • Treatment 1: Aloe Vera with Honey, Turmeric, Milk, and Rose Water
    • Make a paste by mixing Aloe Vera gel with honey, turmeric, milk, and a few drops of rose water.
    • Apply this face pack and leave it to dry.
    • After approximately half an hour, wash it off and dab your face with a dry towel.
  • Treatment 2: Aloe Vera Paste
    • Break a leaf from the Aloe Vera plant and stew it in boiling water.
    • Crush the boiled leaf and knead it till it becomes a paste.
    • Add honey to the paste and mix thoroughly.
    • Apply the pack on your face and leave it to dry for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse with water thoroughly. For best effect, repeat the process.

Method 3: Consuming Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can be applied internally as well. Consuming Aloe Vera juice can be an excellent remedy for gastrointestinal problems. Besides getting rid of pimples, consuming the juice of the Aloe Vera plant determines a healthy body. It promotes a healthy loss of weight and aids in digestion. Many pimple and acne outbreaks can be predicated upon a faulty digestive system. Sometimes irritations of the skin and blemishes occur due to indigestion. The juice of Aloe Vera, thus acts as a preventive measure for pimple outbreak.

Precautions to be Taken when Using Aloe Vera

  • Aloe Vera may not be consumed or applied to the skin if one is allergic to the plants of the lillaceae family. That is to say, anyone who is allergic to garlic, onion, tulips, and other plants of the selfsame family will advertently be allergic to Aloe Vera.
  • A prolonged habit of drinking Aloe Vera juice exposes one to increased risks of colorectal cancer.
  • A mixture of Aloe Vera with other substances may not be applied to the body without carefully examining every substance and researching on their properties.
  • It is usually advisable to apply an Aloe Vera gel (available at your local stores) after the skin has been treated with the natural paste. This is to reduce risks of excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Only fresh Aloe Vera is recommended for application on the skin. The gel found inside the fleshy leaves of the plant helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and the skin.

We hope you found this article helpful. Do let us know about your experiences in treating pimples and other skin blemishes with Aloe Vera. Do you have other remedies that have worked for you? Feel free to share your tips with us. No matter what the treatment, the trick is to drink plenty of water, and maintain a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. The problem of pimples can easily be countered with healthy living and natural remedies.

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