The best method to treat acne in the long term is to follow proper hygiene and keep the skin properly hydrated. But if you want to deal with the present acne, then you can resort to home remedies instead of commercial treatments that come with harmful side-effects. Apple cider vinegar, honey, clay mask and lemon are some of the effective ones to try. Today, let’s discuss regarding apple cider vinegar for acne in detail.
Quick Tip: If you want to prevent acne breakouts, then you have to heal from inside. Wondering how to do that then click here to know.
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Acne?
- Apple cider vinegar contains anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties which kills the bacteria causing acne.
- As a natural detox agent, it deals with free radicals and other harmful toxins that contribute to acne.
- Alpha-hydroxyl acid present in it cleans the skin pores by exfoliating the dead skin cells and impurities.
- It restores the pH level of the skin by balancing the acid – alkaline levels which helps to regulate the oil production.
- Due to anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces redness, swelling, and pain.
- Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins and minerals essential for your body to fight acne, speed up the healing process, and reduce scarring.
- As an astringent, apple cider vinegar dries out the pimples.
- It creates a protective layer on the skin to prevent dryness and let it breathe properly.
- It contains high levels of beta – carotene that counteracts the damage caused by free radicals.
- It provides added benefits when used in combination with other ingredients. Read below to learn how different combinations work for acne.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne
Apple cider vinegar can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients. You can choose one of the various methods mentioned below and try it regularly to combat the acne. You will see the clear apple cider vinegar benefits for acne once you begin using it!
Internal Application
Ingesting apple cider vinegar into the body can help to remove the toxins and other impurities in the bloodstream. The vitamins and minerals present in it also boost your immune system.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in a 1 glass of water and drink it.
- Or use vinegar as a salad dressing by mixing with olive oil.
- Regular intake of this apple vinegar will be especially effective.
Note: ACV can damage your tooth enamel so it is better to drink it using a straw. Undiluted acv can cause irritation and burning sensation, so always dilute it before drinking.
Topical Application
1. Just Apple Cider Vinegar
These are different methods of using apple cider vinegar alone to treat acne.
Process 1:
- Using a small cotton ball, apply apple cider vinegar on the affected areas.
- Leave it to dry completely.
- Rinse off with water and pat dry.
- Repeat the process daily.
- Note: If you have sensitive skin, dilute apple cider vinegar with water. The quantity of water depends on the strong nature of acv you can handle.
- For added benefits: You can add tea tree oil, aloe vera gel or witch hazel.
Process 2: ACV Spray/Toner
- Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 2 parts of water.
- Pour into an empty spray bottle.
- Spray this mixture on your affected areas and leave it on for at least 15 – 20 minutes to dry.
- Wash off with water.
- Repeat the same process regularly.
- Note: Store apple vinegar spray bottle in refrigerator for a cooling effect.
Process 3: Steaming with Apple Cider Vinegar
This process opens up the pores and removes the impurities from the skin pores.
- Bring water to boil and remove from the flame.
- Add 2 – 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
- Cover your head with a towel and bend towards the bowl.
- Take facial steam for 5 minutes.
- Remove the towel and splash some cold water and pat dry.
- Repeat the process regularly.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Baking soda acts as exfoliator while apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria and balances the pH levels of the skin.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda.
- Use fingers to apply the mixture as a mask.
- Leave it on for 10-20 minutes or until the skin becomes dry and tight.
- Rinse with cool water, pat dry, and apply moisturizer.
- Repeat once weekly.
Note: Both apple cider vinegar and baking soda are drying agents. So, after trying out this process, apply a good moisturizer that addresses acne as well.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Honey contains antibacterial properties which fight with the bacteria causing acne. Apart from that it hydrates the skin by locking the moisture in skin cells.
- Wash your face with lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. Massaging in circles to clear pores and increase circulation.
- Exfoliate with baking soda.
- Steam your face for three minutes by covering your head with a towel and leaning over a pot of hot water.
- Apply 2 tablespoons raw honey to your face, rubbing gently in small circles. Stop when the honey becomes sticky enough to pull on the skin.
- Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
- Carefully pat dry without rubbing.
- Use a cotton ball to apply a (1:1) mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, wiping it on in upward strokes.
- Apply oil free moisturizer.
- Repeat the process regularly.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar and Garlic
Garlic contains strong antibacterial properties which fight with bacteria causing acne.
- Crush a few garlic cloves to extract its juice.
- Add equal quantity of cider vinegar and stir well.
- Using a cotton ball, apply on the affected skin.
- Wait for about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
- Repeat the process regularly until you achieve the results.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Onion Juice
Onions contains sulphur which contains antibacterial properties. It helps in combating the bacteria causing acne.
- Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar with fresh onion juice from the fridge.
- Apply on the affected skin using a cotton ball.
- Leave to dry then wash off with lukewarm water followed by cold water.
- Apply this mixture regularly to get rid of pimples.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera
Aloe vera absorbs excess oil from the skin and removes the impurities from skin pores.
- Mix unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, water and aloe vera gel.
- Using a cotton ball, apply on the affected skin.
- Massage it gently in a circular motion.
- Leave for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse with water and pat dry.
- Apply oil free moisturizer.
- Repeat the process regularly.
- For added benefits: you can also use coconut oil, jojoba oil or witch hazel instead of aloe vera gel.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil
- Dilute apple cider vinegar and water in 1:1 ration.
- Using a cotton ball, apply it on the affected areas.
- Leave the application for 30 minutes.
- Rinse off the application and pat dry.
- Take 2 – 3 drops of olive oil and rub it on the affected area.
- Let the skin absorb the oil completely.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt
Sea salt fights with the bacteria and removes the impurities from the skin pores.
- Mix apple cider vinegar and sea salt.
- Apply the mixture on the affected areas.
- Leave the application overnight.
- Rinse off the application in the morning.
- Repeat 2 – 3 times in a week.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon
- Combine 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.
- Using a cotton ball or Q-tip, apply the mixture on acne.
- Leave the application to dry overnight.
- Rinse off with water in the morning.
- Repeat the process daily.
- You can keep this apple cider vinegar toner for acne in a dropper bottle and use it regularly at night.
- For added benefits: You can add few drops of tea tree oil or citrus oil.
- You can also use lemon and apple cider vinegar for acne scars.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar for Scalp Acne
Like facial acne, scalp acne is also caused because of clogged hair follicles. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which helps in restoring scalp’s pH balance, clear skin pores, disinfect skin, and heal acne and dandruff. Apple cider vinegar also serves as a natural de-tangler that leaves your hair soft and sleek.
- Wash and condition your hair as normal.
- Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water and use this to rinse your hair.
- Let hair air dry.
- Repeat once weekly for 4-5 weeks.
Here’s what we recommend: Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
Tips and Precautions:
- Always use raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that contains The Mother. We recommend Bragg’s. It can be found at any grocery stores.
- Drink through a straw to prevent damage to the teeth enamel.
- The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can cause irritation, so make sure to dilute it.
- Apple cider vinegar leaves a strong scent, so make sure you wash it off completely.
- Apple cider vinegar stings if applied over open wounds or too near to the eyes.
- Always apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.
- Do a patch test first to prevent any irritation.
- Apple vinegar increases the skin’s sensitivity to sun rays. So be sure to apply sunscreen lotion.
- Do not use around the eye area as it causes damage to the eyes. Unfortunately, if acv goes into eyes then rinse immediately.
- Wash off after five minutes if you are a first time user.
- Do not apply concentrated apple cider vinegar on the face. The mixture should be 50% diluted.
- Extra care should be taken while consuming apple cider vinegar as concentrated apple cider vinegar proves most deleterious for the body.
- Drinking apple cider vinegar for acne is another great use as it helps improve pH balance of the skin.
- You can also use apple cider vinegar for cystic acne.
Do you try apple cider vinegar for pimples earlier? Do you have any other method that works well other than the mentioned? Share your experience and suggestions in the comments section below.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can you leave apple cider vinegar on face overnight?
Yes, you can leave it overnight. But if you have dry skin then rinse off after 30 minutes as it dry out the skin.
How long does it take for apple cider vinegar to work on acne?
It is difficult to tell the exact time as everyone’s skin type is different. The time period differs from one person to another. With regular application, you will can see results in few weeks.
use a straw so you ingest the acid without getting on your teeth.
my daughter is 27. her one hand has birth mark .If use appale cilder vin.egar properly . Then removel birth Mark ? how many days
Yes it can be helpful to reduce the darkness of the birth mark. If repeated daily, you can surely see results in sometime.
Can we just drink ACV (1 Tbsp.) undiluted?
No. Undiluted apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel and burn your throat and stomach lining.
Apple cider vinegar really take off acne scars.
Yes I have been using it daily and it will help lighten the scars.
How about fire burns scars? I have this scar, can Acv help clearing it up?
Try apple cider vinegar with honey (method mentioned in the above article).
So if I don’t mix the Apple cider vinegar with anything and just put it on my face over night will it damage it or help it ?
The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar can be harsh and damage your skin. So apply only the acne and leave overnight.
I have an acne and acne marks…I am using Apple cider vinegar last 3-4 days…..how many days it’s take for remove my acne completely???
It is difficult to tell the exact time as it depends on the person’s skin type and healing capacity. Try the process for another few days, if you didn’t observe any improvement then stop using it and try other remedies mentioned in this article – http://wellness.guide/acne/
what will be the ratio of the acv and water as a toner?
You can mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts of water.
im a first timer can i leave it ovwrnight without washing my face??
Yes, you can use it overnight.
can it also remove fat deposits on the face?
No, It will not.
what remedies you can suggest for this? ..I’ve been so worried about this..can you also help me:(
yesterday i brought heinz acv it is filtered does this help for my acne
Yes, it can.
I have a severe acne will this Apple cider vinegar cure my acne and it takes how long
Yes, it can. It is difficult to tell the exact time as everyone’s healing capacity is different. Apart from the following the methods you have to avoid oily foods and eat a nutrition rich diet for effective results.
Do u have to wash off if u apply on back with spray ?
Yes, you have to wash off with water to re-spray the apple cider vinegar solution on your face.
Is ACV can remove pimple marks?? Leave it for overnight or what?
For methods regarding ACV for pimple marks, you can read this article – http://wellness.guide/apple-cider-vinegar-for-acne-scars/
Is there a purging stage when drinking Apple Cider Vineger. I started drinking the mixture and the day after I had pimples. Is it a detoxifying product. Thank you for your article. It is really helpful
Drinking apple cider vinegar daily is considered effective for detoxification by many health and fitness experts. If you are new to consume apple cider vinegar then may have purge feeling.
Apple cider vinegar with honey can cure melasma patch on my nose? How to use ? Lyk applying? Follow for how many days?
Mix enough amounts of apple cider vinegar and honey. Apply the mixture on the melasma patch. Leave it to dry completely. Rinse off with water. Repeat daily until you achieve the results.
how long should It take to clear up acne? how many days a week is best?
It is difficult to specific time as everyone has different skin and healing capacity. Repeat at least 3 times a week until you achieve the results.
I try to follow your remedies but in a few days many tiny pimple was really comes to my face. It comes day by day, so I’m asking if its normal or I need to stop.? Thank you.
As per your description we are unaware which remedies you followed. May be you have developed an allergic reaction due any of the ingredients. So try other remedies with different ingredients. The main reason for acne is a hormonal imbalance so it is important to consume a nutritional diet and maintain them perfectly.
I suffer from cystic acne on my cheeks and jawline. I have never used ACV. Will it help?
Yes, it will help. It kills the bacteria causing acne. It balances the pH level and reduce the inflammation.
At night do this
1.If you hav a little container mix some baking sods and olive oil together . Not too thick it should be running a little bit . Use it to wash your whole face it will be a bit rough but it will exfoliate those dead skins
2. Then you will use a table spoon of apple cider mixed with five table spoon of water ( if it burns your skin add more water ) with cotton wool rub it all over your face. Get all the crack in your face
3. Then use vitamine e or olive oil to moisturize your In the morning do this
1. Mix warm water and olive oil together to wash your face
2 Then you will use a table spoon of apple cider mixed with five table spoon of water ( if it burns your skin add more water ) with cotton wool rub it all over your face. Get all the crack in your face
3. Then use vitamine E oil or olive oil to moisturize your face
Please does this method works a friend recommended it and I used it once and stopped I have black spots thanks
I have a very oily face. Is it ok for me to do this method without getting too oily
I use apple cider vinegar with half lemon and a cup of water. I mixed these, poured into an ice cube tray. I take one ice cube daily and rub in on my face. I have pimple marks. Would it help?
Yes, it helps.
I have sensitive skin.. I use acv lastnight and it’s feel itchy in my face….. It’s normal?
If the application of apple cider vinegar is causing itchiness, burning sensation or redness, then avoid using it. You can try other ingredients for acne. You can read them in this article – http://wellness.guide/acne/
For remedies related to apple cider vinegar for acne scars, you can read this article – http://wellness.guide/apple-cider-vinegar-for-acne-scars/. Choose any process and try it regularly to lighten the scars.
It can be molloscum contagiousm…check with your dermatologist
I’m using ACV with honey (Wescobee), what should be the ratio? 2:1? And should it be 3x a day or just once a day?
In a glass of water, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink this mixture daily. If you can withstand the taste, you can drink it 3x times a day or else once is enough. If you are diabetic then don’t drink more than once in a day.
I am 16 nd having almost a acne every day on my face …suggest how to use acv on them can i drink it and apply both ??
Yes, you can drink and apply as well to deal with acne. Choose any topical method of acv application from the article and try it regularly apart from drinking diluted apple cider vinegar. Apart from that you can avoid oily food, exfoliate regularly and remove makeup before going to bed for more effectiveness.
hi. what do you mean by one part?
For example, if you take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar then you should take 2 tablespoons of water.
Can I leave it overnight ? I’m using the baking soda
No, leave it for only 20 minutes or until it dries completely.
Does ACV control oil
Yes, ACV controls the excess oil production.
Hello. I’m 13 and suffering from acne (mild). Can I use this? What organic acne cream/gel can I use/make? Please help 🙂 Thanks!
Yes, you can try any method mentioned above in the article. Apart from that exfoliate regularly. Use an oil-free moisturizer which contains acne-fighting ingredients.
Did you find any that worked for you? I’m 13 as well and have lots of acne.
Hello sir I’m 23 and suffering from acne on neck chin shoulders etc Can I Use Apple vinegar….i tried so many medicines like isotretinian salcalic acid etc….some times i cry Please help Thanks!
Yes, you can try apple cider vinegar methods. Apart from that exfoliate the acne prone areas regularly.
I am a 40 years old mother of 4 kids. Three years ago i have acne breakout n i treated it with some tropical cream. After some time i noticed that my face become uneven. My forehead became very dark, my both cheeks were full of dark spots, my under eye became dark. My face has different shades of colour. I saw a dermatologist who placed me on hydroquinone, retinol n vitamin c brightening cream for some months afterwhich a cosmelan chemical peel was carried out on my face. My face lighten a little not enough to even out my skin. After 2 months another cosmelan chemical peel was administer on my face. I recently find out that cosmelan treatment is a temporary one. I have become so depressed n most times I see my self crying. I can’t eat well again. I noticed that I am losing weight. I can’t even sleep well. I just wish I can get my old face back. My children have try to encourage me, that I am still beautiful with my uneven face. Can my face even again. How do I get permanent treatment. How effective is natural remedies? What is my kind of problem called? Pls I seriously need help.
In order to reduce the pigmentation, acne scars and open pores, you have to follow a proper skin care routine. We have mentioned the skin care routine in this article – http://wellness.guide/skin-lightening/. Apart from that, you have to eat nutrition rich food and drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins.
Can i use pitanjali acv because i dont get bragg acv in market
We haven’t seen a patanjali apple cider vinegar. You can buy braggs acv in this link – http://www.amazon.in/Bragg-Organic-Apple-Cider-Vinegar/dp/B00UPTU286/
Apple cider vinegar is so very useful and help in many ways….Thanks a lot for posting the benefits and uses of ACV. More Power and God Bless you all always.
I can use every day apple cider on my hair
As per your queries, we are not sure of how you are going to use it on the hair. Whether you apply it to the scalp and hair directly or dilute it in your bath water. Can you specify the method you want to try daily? So that we can provide you with correct answer.
I use white vinegar with similar results. Not one scalp bump since I’ve been using it. Once in the morning and once before bed. Wish I’d found this solution sooner as I’ve been dealing with this for a few years with zero result.
I have infinite pimples on my upper chest and back, does acv works for me,how long it takes,how to apply, only on pimple or all over my chest and back, mine oily skin, plz help me.
Yes, ACV is helpful for reducing pimples on the upper chest and back. It is difficult to mention the exact time as it depends on the skin texture. You can apply over the chest and back or else just on the pimple depending on your preference. You can try any method mentioned above to achieve the results.
How to apply ACV for pimple/Acne? What is the exact thing to do to apply ACV for pimples/Acne on the face?
Dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into 2 tablespoons of water. Using a cotton ball, apply the solution on the acne affected areas. Leave it to dry completely and rinse off with water. Repeat the process daily to get effective results.
Mam i have acne from 4 years, how can i use aplle cider vinegar to treat acne if my face is oily?????????
You can follow any method mentioned above in the article. Apple cider vinegar exfoliates the excess oil present on the skin. It balances the pH levels of the skin which restrict the excess production of oil.
I tried treating my 15 years old son using acv mixing it with water ( 1 to 3 ratio) for almost 1 week. He started breaking out more after using acv. Also, I noticed he started having lots of darks spots all over his face especially on his forehead. Is it normal that he is breaking out more? will he eventually get better?
Initially, for some people ACV can cause more breakouts but it will reduce in few applications. However, we suggest him to follow a nutritious diet which doesn’t include oily, fatty, refined, gluten and processed foods. Let him drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and control oil production. This may help him to control new breakouts.
For first timer, should I remove it after five minutes or I can use it overnight?
You can leave it overnight even if you are trying it for the first time. However, if it is causing any discomfort, then you can wash off the application after 5 – 10 minutes.
Should I use this everyday for better result or every other day?
Hello.. I think mine is not acne just pimples. But the scars are very visible. Its reddish scars and sometimes they’re very itchy.. please help me what to do? been suffering for almost a year now…
Any brand of Apple Cider Vinegar will do? Like just what I get from the grocery stores?
1 tbsp acv + 2 tbsp water and cotton and I can just apply directly to the scars?
Thank you.
Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar available in the grocery stores. But make sure it is organic and contains mother element in it. You can mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of water. Apply the mixture using a cotton ball and rinse off once it dries completely. Apart from that, exfoliate and moisturize the scars regularly.
I have acne scars all over my butt since a really long time. I intend to apply ACV and leave it overnight. I also intend to stick to the routine on alternate days and will continue it for a couple of months. The days I don’t apply ACV I will exfoliate.I sit for almost 14-15 hours a day and hence have horrid scars on my butt. Any other advice would be extremely helpful.
For more remedies and information, you can read this article – http://wellness.guide/acne-scars-1/
i made ma acv and lemon mixture can I refrigerate it?
Yes, you can for a couple of days.
I’m 20 year old female. I have severe acne since more than 4 years on face, back and chest, its spreading over on the thigh region. I have pcos since a year. I’m overweight. I’ve tried alot of treatments for my skin. Its become worse and full of scars coz of cystic big bumps on my body. I have hair issues too. Not dandruff. But hairfall and very thin hair. I don’t know what products creams sunscreens and stuff to use. I get burning sensation wen I’m in the sun like in the day time. So please suggest me how to use ACV along with which other daily skin products I shud be using.
Waiting for your response.
As per your description, it is clear that the acne and hair issues you are facing is due to hormonal imbalance. Topical treatment may reduce the swelling and inflammation of acne, but it doesn’t have effect on internal issues. First, you have to concentrate on reducing weights. Instead of depending on fad diets and other unhealthy weight loss techniques, we recommend practicing yoga or at least 15 minutes of brisk walking every day. Second, start eating healthy foods. Avoid junk, deep fried and processed foods. Apart from that, you can get other information in this article – http://wellness.guide/acne/. Once you fix the internal issues you will get relief from acne, hair fall problem and other discomforts caused by PCOD.
i m 25. i have been using apple cider vinegar since 10 days in (1:1) . in initial phase i got a good result. but now i got some pimples. so what should i do?
Apple cider vinegar helps to treat acne but it doesn’t prevent the new breakouts. Because the root cause of acne is internal. To prevent the new breakouts of acne, we recommend trying the method mentioned in this article – http://wellness.guide/acne/
should i use acv only on affected areas? or i can use it on whole face for glow. ? and how many times i can repeat this task in a day? and please suggest me the best way to get read of acne as soon as possible using acv.
You can either use it on pimples or on whole face as per your preference. You can repeat once in a day. You can choose any one among the above as per your convenience as all of them are equally effective.
I am having cyringoma on my face. Can it be cure by using raw ACV on affected area? Can I use without diluting?
Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar for treating syringoma. But make sure to dilute it because direct application can cause irritation and other discomforts.
I have acne,large pores as well as dark spots,how I can use apple cider vineger,also mention which ingredient I should use along with apple cider vineger. Also mention proper routine.
We recommend you trying 2nd method (Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda) for treating acne, large pores and dark spots. We have mentioned step-by-step method in the above article. You can read and try it regularly without fail to achieve the results.
-hi i have acne, many creams i use and many pills i take, i decide to try acv, but i’m not sure if i bought acv its ok… This is the name (rauch) (apfelessig)( apple cider vinegar)…thank you
Check out the specifications mentioned on the label, if it says organic, unfiltered and contains mother element then you can use it.
-hi i saw that the vit.zinc 30mg, vit.D3 5000iu, vit.C 1000mg and vit.A 5000 iu need to take to help acne.. My question is all that vits. (4vits)Can take together in one day? Thank you
I hv sensitive skin can I leave it for overnight
If you have sensitive skin then rinse off the application once it completely dries off.
Hello the one which I bought mentionned only organic.. Can I still use it for my face and scalp?
Yes, you can.
Am using acv and almond oil it is good for the skin..
Yes, both apple cider vinegar and almond oil are good for skin.
How long the combination of acv and water should be on our face?
And do we wash it off after putting on the face?
Is it okay to wash my face with any soap before applying ACV? And I wanna know how soaps affects on the skin.. thanks
Is it compulsory to apply sunscreen on skin before going out (for someone who has been applying diluted apple cider vinegar on face regularly )?
pleas,hope it is not a bleaching agent because I am dark in completion and I am afraid of using it for the first time.
My daughter only 11 years old and she is suffering with pimples, acne and blackhead and whitehead, I am so worried for her also she is so embarrassed don’t want to go outside . I used for her many creams and also many remedies but nothing work, so last day I just started acv but not organic ? And today I realized more acne on her face . Can u help me please, as a mother of 11 years old u can understand how much I am worried. And I use one tbs of vinegar and one of water is is right ? Please help me we r vv worried
I don’t know where my message disappear because last nite I tried to wrote u but anyhow my daughter only 11 years old , she is suffering with acne and pimples, blackhead so couple days ago I am using for her ACV , I really get tired because I used on her face many creams and rubes also other remedies but nothing worked so now last two days I just started Urs remedy. But I put one 2 tbs of ACV and one of water it is alright ? Then it is not organic ? Please help me I am so worried. Ty
Hi .I have acne on the lower part my chin.
Is it possible if I tone it all over my face or just a part that has an acne?pls help.thanks
M taking glutathione tab can i take Acv diluted in water in the morning???
can’t the processed ACV be used instead if the unfiltered ACV is unavailable??
Does it cure blackheads on face ?
Hi, can I leave the acv & aloe vera gel mask on my skin? then apply moisturizer? or should i really wash it off? Thank you, great blog!
I’ve had acne all of my life. I’m 50 now. Several years ago a dermatologist put me on 3 rounds of strong accutane . It helped for a few years but now I get cysts. Painful cysts. They had to do surgery half way around my neck. Now the other side has them.
I am very thankful for your help! For being one of those that have seen only a slight holiday from the misery accompanying severe acne, Thank you.
I’m currently trying ACV on my scalp and the cyst on my neck. Im very hopeful.
Many Thanks,
Is it bad to use all over your face? And can it clear white heads and blackheads?
I can use this all over my face right? And can it help with Whitehead’s too?