10 foods to avoid for dogs

10 foods to avoid for dogsThe temptation to share your food with your dog may be strong. Those puppy eyes begging you even for a morsel is hard to resist. However, you should be careful what you feed your dog. Sometimes it pays to say no to your dog since some human foods are not good for your canine.

You should not assume that if your dog has eaten these foods in the past without showing any problems, it means they are good. It may be causing serious health issues that will keep on building up. We’ve designed an infographic to show you some examples of foods your dog can’t eat.

Beware: These 10 Foods Could Kill Your Dog!

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1. Avocados

A fungicidal toxin called persin is present in the fruit, seeds, bark, and leaves of avocado. This compound is not harmful to humans but is dangerous to your dogs when taken in large amounts. The pits of avocados also pose a choking hazard to your dogs. Keep these away and prepare something enjoyable and safe for your canine pet.

2. Raw fish, eggs, and meat

There is a lot of controversy on this subject since many vets consider the health benefits of switching to raw meat diets. Some have the view that feeding dogs on raw meat, fish, and eggs gives healthier coat and skin, eases digestion and cleans teeth.

However, other vets recommend cooking the food to kill any bacteria and harmful parasites that may make the dog sick. Even the FDA discourages feeding dogs raw foods since they have a higher risk of contracting e.coli and salmonella infection. Dogs with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of these infections and since it is difficult telling if the dog has a healthy immune system, avoid feeding them uncooked food.

In raw eggs, some enzymes can bring about skin conditions. Raw fish, on the other hand, can carry harmful parasites. A raw diet carries a lot of risk for your dog compared to the benefits, hence the reason it is not recommended.

3. Garlic and onions

Humans enjoy the benefits of these two though it leaves a terrible breath. They are, however, bad news for your canine. They destroy your pet’s red blood cells and could lead to anemia. When taken in small doses, there may be no much harm, but giving your dog large doses may poison it. The dog may show symptoms such as vomiting, weakness, breathlessness, and lack of interest in food. Just keep the onions and garlic to yourself and leave your dog out of it.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate is a very common food eaten by almost everyone as a snack. However, it can harm dogs, a compound called theobromine present in the cocoa-based food is not harmful to humans but is dangerous to your dog. It is present in all kinds of chocolates and especially in the dark chocolate.

It is known to cause dogs to vomit, get too thirsty, diarrhea, high blood pressure, and even causes seizures, tremors, and abnormalities in heart rhythm. Any of these extremes may lead to death hence the reason you should not make it a dog food and just eat it alone. If you realize the dog is restless or agitated, it may have eaten chocolate and requires a quick visit to the vet.

Here’s what Rachel Black, a Principal Vet from Vets Now has to say about theobromine poisoning.

5. Salted foods

Dogs are extra sensitive to salt than humans. This requires that you avoid feeding them things like popcorn, pretzel, and other salted foods. It can cause sodium ion poisoning, excessive thirst, and increased urination. When a dog eats too much salt, it will cause diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, have high body temperature or bloating. Since salt can kill your dog, it is crucial that you keep it to a minimum.

6. Bacon

You may not know it, but your dog should avoid bacon. It contains high-fat content that can cause pancreatitis, just like ham, or meat trimmings. These meats usually have high salt contents that can cause upset stomachs, bloating among other unwanted harmful effects. You may mess your diet, but keep your canine out of it.

7. Nuts

Nuts are the other harmful group of foods you should never feed your dog. Within 12 hours of ingesting Macadamia nuts, your dog can begin experiencing tremors, depression, weakness, increased body temperature, and vomiting. These may last for between 12 and 48 hours. In case you suspect ingestion of nuts, contact your vet immediately for a solution.

8. Raisins and Grapes

Grapes and raisins may be sweet to humans but are not recommended as dog food. Its’ toxic substance is yet to be identified, but they are known to cause kidney failure in those dogs which are sensitive. If your dog already has an underlying health condition, they stand a greater risk of the toxicity.

Listen to Dr. Katy Nelson’s view on grape poisoning in dogs. She is a PetMD Veterinary Expert.

There is no agreed safe dose of raisins and grapes, so it is wise to avoid feeding your dog any of these. In a situation where your dog has eaten grapes or raisins, or any food containing these two, it is best you contact your vet for assistance before it is too late.

9. Caffeine

Caffeine, just like chocolate, is a strong stimulant. Dogs are highly sensitive to it than humans. A little tea or coffee may not harm, but if the dog swallows a coffee bean or a tea bag, then there could be trouble. Caffeine poisoning is treated just like chocolate since their signs and symptoms are almost similar.

10. Candy

Humans may have no issue with sweets except for the sugar content, however, for dogs, Xylitol, a component of sweets can cause a surge in insulin leading to a significant drop in blood sugar and maybe liver failure. Xylitol poisoning has symptoms, including seizures, vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, and death. It is crucial that you check the ingredients of your foods before feeding them to your dog.

Apart from these common snacks, there are other foods and accessories that should not get into your dog’s mouth. These include raw potato, apple cores, human medicine, uncooked yeast dough, cooked bones, alcohol, seeds and fruit pits. These food products may poison or even kill your dog. You should always stick to approved dog foods and consult with your vet before making any changes.





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