Fast-Acting Dry Scalp Treatments

Fast-Acting Dry Scalp TreatmentsDry itchy scalp leaves you uneasy and becomes a huge embarrassment for you in public at the same time. Scalp infections, certain underlying health conditions, eczema, dandruff, and frequent shampooing are some of the common causes of dry scalp. It mostly occurs or worsens in cold and dry weather.

Our scalp contains sebaceous glands which produce oil to maintain the scalp moisturized. The various factors mentioned above may affect the production of oil which leads to dryness in the scalp.

Dry scalp can cause itchiness, flaking and frizzy hair. If you don’t treat the dry scalp in time, the absence of moisture can weaken the hair follicles and increase hair fall.

If you are wondering how to get rid of dry scalp, you should that the right way of treating it is to maintain the moisture in the scalp. This can be achieved by some dry scalp home remedies and dietary changes.

How to Treat Dry Scalp at Home

Are you wondering how to cure dry scalp? There are several ingredients to can treat it effectively. For your convenience we have listed them below. All you have to do is to choose one among them and try it regularly. Try these natural remedies for dry scalp and see clear result in a few weeks!

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains anti-fungal properties which kill the bacteria that cause dry scalp. Tea tree oil soothes your scalp when added to shampoo or conditioner. It works as the best dry scalp remedy because it is super effective.

Process 1:

  • Add 6 drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo or conditioner.
  • Use this mixture to rinse your scalp and hair.
  • Repeat regularly.
  • Alternatively, you can use tea tree oil based shampoo for effective results.

Note: You can replace tea tree oil with peppermint Oil, argan oil, eucalyptus oil, or jojoba oil. The essential oils should be applied directly onto the scalp without heating them. If your scalp cannot tolerate the strong nature of essential oils, then dilute them in carrier oils or natural oils.

Process 2:

  • Combine 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil and enough amounts of water.
  • Use this solution to wash your hair after shampooing
  • Repeat this regularly.

Process 3: Essential Oils Blend

  • Combine 2 – 3 drops of neem oil, 4 – 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 – 2 drops of rosemary oil and 2- 3 drops of lavender oil.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of any carrier oil to the essential oils and stir well.
  • Massage the mixture on the scalp.
  • Leave it on overnight and rinse off with a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat the process 2 times in a week.

2. Coconut Oil

Oiling is the best way to retain the lost moisture and treat the dryness. This process encourages the natural production of oil, enhances the blood circulation to hair follicles and scalp, supplies essential nutrients and locks the moisture content. And that is why coconut oil is one of the best dry scalp home remedies.

  • Warm up enough amounts of coconut oil.
  • Using fingers or cotton ball, apply the oil throughout the scalp and along the hair.
  • Using your fingers, gently massage in circular motions for few minutes.
  • Leave the application for at least 1 hour to overnight.
  • Rinse off the application with shampoo. Use a mild shampoo for effective results
  • Repeat the oil treatment for 2 – 3 times in a week.
  • Alternatively, you can use almond oil, olive oil or castor oil instead of coconut oil.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar neutralizes the pH level of the skin. The antibacterial properties of Apple Cider Vinegar fight off the bacteria causing scalp infections. With just one wash, you can notice a decrease in itchiness and flaking of the scalp. The essential nutrients present in it nourish the scalp.

Process 1:

  • Combine 1/2 cup each of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and massage for few minutes.
  • Leave the application for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair using shampoo (preferably that contains tea tree oil).
  • Repeat the process regularly.

Note: If your scalp can handle the strong nature of apple cider vinegar then you can apply it directly on the scalp without diluting with water.

Process – 2: Apple Cider Vinegar Spray for Dry Scalp

  • Boil 3 cups of water and add a handful of rosemary into it.
  • Cover and let it simmer for 45 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and strain.
  • Allow it to cool then add 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 10 drops each of the rosemary oil and peppermint oil.
  • Stir well and pour into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution after washing your hair.
  • You can either rinse it off or leave it on.
  • Repeat regularly.

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel provides relief from dry scalp if it is caused by hair coloring products or blow drying. The natural astringent property present in it treats itchy scalp by reducing the inflammation.

  • Mix one part of witch hazel oil with two parts of water.
  • Apply the solution thoroughly onto the scalp.
  • Massage gently for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.
  • Repeat the process once in 3 to 4 days.

5. Lemon

Lemon has both antiseptic and moisturizing properties. It also removes excessive dead cells.

Process 1: With Honey

  • Squeeze a fresh lemon to extract juice.
  • Add honey and mix well.
  • Massage gently on your scalp for a few minutes.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and water.

Process 2: With Coconut Oil

  • Warm a cup of coconut oil and then add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Apply to your scalp and leave for at least an hour.
  • Wrap your hair in a warm towel for a while.
  • Remove and wash your hair.

Alternatively, you can use any essential oil instead of coconut oil.

Process 3: With Fuller’s Earth or Multani Mitti

Fuller’s Earth moisturizes hair naturally. When combined with lemon juice and coconut oil, it works very effectively.

  • Whisk enough amounts of lemon juice and coconut oil with a cup of fuller’s earth.
  • Apply this paste to your scalp and leave for at least an hour.
  • Rinse your hair with water and shampoo.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly.

6. Mayonnaise

As mayonnaise is made with eggs, it provides nourishment to the scalp. The vinegar present in it disinfects the scalp and fights with bacteria causing dryness and itching.

  • Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise on the scalp.
  • Massage your scalp concentrating more on the hair roots.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Wash your hair as normal.
  • Repeat the process twice in a week.

7. Honey

Honey acts as anti-inflammatory and anti-viral which is effective to treat a dry scalp.

Process 1: With Olive Oil

  • Warm 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil then mix with 2 teaspoons of honey.
  • Apply this on your scalp and massage gently.
  • Let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with herbal shampoo.
  • Use a hot towel to cover your scalp which helps to lock the moisture very effectively.
  • Alternatively, you can use olive oil instead of coconut oil.
  • Repeat regularly.

Process – 2

  • Mix 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons of pure vegetable glycerin and 2 tablespoons of pure honey.
  • Shampoo your hair and apply the above mixture as a conditioner.
  • You can also combine honey with regular conditioner. Mix 1 part honey with 2 parts of conditioner.
  • Repeat this process regularly.
  • This remedy works as the best natural scalp moisturizer.

Process – 3

  • Squeeze juice of a lemon.
  • Add some honey and mix well.
  • Massage gently on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for few minutes and rinse off with water.

8. Egg Yolk and Olive Oil for Dry Scalp

In some cases, scalp needs more than just an oil massage. The combination of egg yolk and olive oil helps in conditioning the scalp, nourishing the hair follicles, and treat dry scalp.

  • In a bowl, add 2 – 3 egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of water.
  • Whisk the ingredients well.
  • Dampen your hair. (The hair should not be dry or completely wet).
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and along the hair.
  • Leave the application for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the hair with lukewarm water.
  • Alternatively, you can use coconut oil or almond oil instead of olive oil.
  • Repeat the process once or twice in a week.

Things to Remember

  • Never rinse your hair with hot water to remove the egg application.
  • Egg may not smell good.You can add few drops of essential oil into it.
  • Avoid applying conditioner to the hair after egg treatment.

9. Aloe Vera for Dry Scalp

The cooling, moisturizing and cleansing properties of aloe vera help in treating dry scalp.

  • Extract aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf.
  • Blend the gel for even consistency.
  • Add few drop of any essential oil into it. (Optional)
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and along the hair.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

Alternatively: You can add freshly extracted aloe vera gel into the shampoo and conditioner. Or else you can rub the rind of aloe vera on the scalp as it also contains many nutrients.

Note: If you are more prone to cold or have a cold body, then avoid using aloe vera. The cooling effect of aloe vera spreads to the entire body, not just the scalp.

10. Avocado

Avocados are rich in minerals, vitamins and natural oils which help to treat the dryness problem. It also makes hair soft, glossy and moisturized.

  • Mash one ripe avocado and mix with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Apply this to your dry hair. Wear a shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with mild shampoo and water.

11. Sugar Scalp Scrub

This process helps to remove the accumulated dead skin that is causing dryness.

  • Mix five tablespoons of sugar (brown if possible) with either olive oil or any oil of your choice.
  • Apply this scrub on your scalp.
  • Massage gently in circular motions.
  • Wash your hair as normal.
  • Repeat this process regularly.

12. Beer Treatment

Process – 1:

  • Mix 2 cups of beer with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply this mixture on your hair after shampooing.
  • Repeat regularly.

Process – 2:

  • Mix a few drops of jojoba oil to eight ounces of dark beer.
  • Apply this to your hair and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with warm water followed by the shampoo.

13. Coconut Oil, Grapefruit, and Lemon Juice Mixture

If we talk about dandruff vs dry scalp then these are two different conditions and need to be treated in separate ways. However, the following process is not only effective in removing dryness but also helps to treat dandruff. 

  • Warm some organic coconut oil for a few seconds.
  • Let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Blend the grapefruit to extract the juice.
  • Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon.
  • Mix the juice of a grapefruit and a lemon.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of the juice to the coconut oil.
  • Massage it gently on your scalp and wrap your head with a hot towel.
  • Let it sit for about 15 minutes and shampoo your hair as usual.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

14. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains anti-fungal properties which kill the bacteria causing dryness and white flakes. It soothes your scalp when added to shampoo or conditioner.

  • Mix 6 drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo or conditioner.
  • Use this to rinse your scalp and hair.
  • Repeat regularly.
  • It will work as the best shampoo for dry scalp.
  • Note: Use tea tree oil based shampoo for effective results.

Alternatively:  Mix 5 – 10 drops of tea tree oil with water and use this to wash your hair after shampooing. Repeat this regularly.

15. Listerine

  • Combine 1/2 oz each of Listerine and baby oil.
  • Stir well and using a cotton ball, apply it on the scalp and along the hair.
  • Leave it on for 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process daily for a week to notice the results.

16. Dry Scalp Treatment with Herbs

Process 1: With Thyme

For this process, you can either use thyme, rosemary or sage leaves. These herbs are very effective in treating dry scalp, itchy scalp and controlling hair fall.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of dried thyme to 2 cups of water.
  • Bring this mixture to boil and remove from the flame.
  • Let the temperature of thyme tea reduce to lukewarm.
  • Apply the tea to scalp and massage gently.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Alternatively, you can use 1/2 cup rosemary or 1 cup sage leaves instead of thyme.
  • Repeat the process 2 times in a week.

Process 2: With Lilac, Basil and Henna Leaves

Henna, basil and lilac leaves contain antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties which help to treat dry and itchy scalp.

  • Combine 1 cup each of lilac leaves, basil leaves, and henna leaves.
  • Blend them and take out the mixture in a bowl.
  • Add 6 cups of coconut oil into it and bring the mixture to boil.
  • Once the color changes to brown, remove from the flame.
  • Once the oils cool down, strain the oil and store in a bottle.
  • Apply the oil on the scalp, leave it on for an hour and rinse off using shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process daily.

Process 3: Stinging Nettles

Stinging Nettles are rich in iron. Include them in your daily routine helps in treating dry, itchy and flaky scalp.

  • Bring 1 1/2 cup of water to boil.
  • Add 1/2 cup of dry nettles to the boiling water and let it simmer for few minutes.
  • Now add 1 teaspoon each of rosemary, sage, and lavender into it.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes and remove from the flame.
  • Strain and consume while hot.
  • Repeat the process once in a day to treat dry scalp.

For added benefits: Add 4 to 5 drops of peppermint oil into the tea and rinse your hair using this mixture every time you shampoo hair. Peppermint oil helps in storing the tea for 6 months. So you can make a large amount of tea and store it for regular use.

17. Dried Herbs Rinse

You can use the following process instead of commercial shampoos.

Process 1:

  • Bring 2 cups of water to boil and remove from the flame.
  • Add 5 calendula flowers, 10 to 12 comfrey leaves and 8 to 10 thyme leaves into boiled water. Make sure all are dried properly.
  • Cover and let it steep.
  • Massage the solution onto the scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process once in a week.

Process 2:

  • In a jar, add 2 teaspoons each of thyme, stinging nettle, budrock, red clover, yarrow and rosemary, 1 to 2 teaspoons of witch hazel, 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoons of white vinegar.
  • Place the jar in a warm and dark place for 5 weeks. Make sure to shake it once or twice in a day.
  • Strain the liquid using a cheesecloth.
  • Add 10 to 12 drops of olive oil and 3 to 4 tablespoons of water into it.
  • Apply enough amounts to the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process 2 times in a week.

18. Oatmeal

Oats are very rich in vitamin E which nourishes the dry skin and treats the dryness, flaking, and itching.

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder and 1/2 cup of water.
  • Stir well and massage the mixture gently on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off hair with cold water.
  • Repeat the process 2 – t3 times in a day.

19. Baking Soda

Baking soda exfoliates the dead skin and other impurities from the scalp. Apart from treating dry scalp, it controls dandruff caused by overactive fungi.

  • Massage olive oil onto the scalp for few minutes.
  • Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda and enough water to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the scalp.
  • Leave the application for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process 1 or 2 times in a week.

20. Sea Salt

Magnesium present in sea salt improves the skin barrier function. It helps in reducing inflammatory conditions like psoriasis.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of dead sea salt or Epsom salt into a powder.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil into it.
  • Mix well and massage the mixture onto the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Alternatively, you can use olive oil instead of coconut oil.
  • Repeat the process once or twice in a week.

21. Onion Juice

Onion juice contains antibacterial and antifungal properties which provide relief from dry and itchy scalp. Onion provides vitamins, potassium, geranium, magnesium, and sulfur to nourish the scalp.

  • Grind 1 – 2 onions and extract the juice.
  • Combine 3 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp.
  • Leave the application for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

22. Fenugreek

Fenugreek not only treats dry scalp but also provides shine and volume to the hair.

Process 1: with Honey

  • Combine 1 tablespoon each of fenugreek powder and honey.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp.
  • Massage the scalp for 15 minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

Process 2: with Amla

  • Deseed 2 gooseberries.
  • Blend 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and 2 gooseberries.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the blended mixture.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with mild shampoo and water.

23. White Gourd

White gourd or winter melon is very helpful in treating dandruff, itching, flaking and dry scalp. It also helps in promoting hair growth.

  • Blend some white gourd seeds with water to make a paste.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat regularly.

24. Ginger

Ginger is helpful in treating dryness and hair fall. It improves the blood circulation to the scalp.

  • Combine 1 tablespoon each of grated ginger and sesame oil.
  • Blend the ingredients and apply the mixture on the scalp.
  • Massage the scalp for 20 minutes.
  • Leave the application for 6 hours.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process once in a week.

25. Parsley

Parsley is considered as one of the tonic to improve hair growth, reduce scalp infections and dryness.

  • Add 1 cup of parsley into 2 cups of water.
  • Let the mixture boil for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Let it cool down and strain the leaves.
  • Grind the leaves into a paste.
  • Squeeze of one lemon into the paste and mix well.
  • Apply the paste on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process once in a week.

26. Green Tea and Beetroot

Green tea contains antioxidants which cure the infections naturally. The combination of green tea and beeroot is one of the effective dry scalp home remedies.

  • Chop 1 beetroot into pieces.
  • Add chopped beetroot and 1 tablespoon of dried green tea leaves into a cup of water.
  • Simmer the mixture on low flame for 20 minutes.
  • Let it cool down and strain the solution.
  • Blend the beetroot and green tea leaves.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and rinse off after 30 minutes.
  • Repeat the process twice in a week.

27. Calendula

As it is loaded with many healing properties and essential nutrients, it is helpful in treating dryness and improving the scalp health.

  • Bring 4 cups of water to boil.
  • Add 5 calendula flower into it and let it simmer for few minutes.
  • Remove from the flame and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, apply the solution on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

28. Hibiscus

  • To 2 cups of water, add 1/2 cup each of hibiscus flowers and leaves.
  • Bring the mixture to boil on low flame for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the flame and let the mixture steep overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the mixture.
  • Using a cotton ball, apply the liquid on the scalp and along the hair.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off with water.

29. Coconut Milk

Vitamin E present in coconut milk is very helpful in hair growth, preventing dry and itchy scalp.

  • Extract coconut milk from 3 cups of grated coconut.
  • Refrigerate the coconut milk overnight and take it out in the morning.
  • Add 1/4 cup of gram flour into the coconut milk.
  • Leave it aside for 30 minutes.
  • Now apply the paste on the scalp.
  • Massage the scalp for 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Cover your head with showercap.
  • Leave it on for 6 hours and rinse off with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process regularly until you get relief from dry scalp.

30. Neem

The antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties of neem provide relief from dryness and prevent the release of histamine.

Process 1: Neem Leaves

  • Combine 2 cups of water and 1 cup of neem leaves.
  • Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes.
  • Remove from the flame and let it cool down.
  • Strain the leaves and grind them into a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat the process 2 times in a week to achieve the results.

Process 2: Neem Oil

  • In a bowl, combine 6 to 8 drops of neem oil and 1 to 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil.
  • Massage the oil mixture on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

31. Watercress

It is rich in minerals and vitamins which are helpful in treating dry scalp.

  • Crush 1 cup of watercress.
  • Add 1 teaspoon each of geranium and alcohol into it.
  • Gently massage this mixture for 20 minutes.
  • Leave the application for few hours and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process once in a week

Dietary Changes to Treat or Prevent Dry Scalp:

Changing your diet can greatly change the condition of your hair or scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

  • Include foods like leafy vegetables, fruits, eggs and whole grains in your daily diet for protein content.
  • Omega-3 s is found in cell membranes of the scalp skin which hydrates the areas. Salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, spinach etc. are rich in Omega-3.
  • Consume food that is rich in Vitamin B and C.
  • Include the foods that are rich in zinc and iron.
  • Avoid excess intake of Vitamin A as it can worsen the problem.
  • Intake of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.
  • Increase vitamin E content in your diet with foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, blueberries, tomatoes etc.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

Things to Remember to Get Rid of Dry Scalp:

  • Always check the ingredients before purchasing any shampoo or conditioner. Make sure they don’t contain sulfates or paraben.
  • Avoid using hair dryers to dry your hair. Let them dry naturally. Excessive heat coming from a hair dryer can damage the production of natural oils and moisture from the scalp.
  • Drink plenty of water to maintain the scalp hydrated. Lack of hydration also triggers dry scalp.
  • Constant exposure to air conditioners also causes moisture loss in the scalp. So it is better to avoid staying in air conditioner for a long period of time.
  • Oiling regularly helps in maintaining the oil and moisture balance on the scalp. Massage your scalp regularly with vitamin B and E oil, lavender oil or almond oil to increase the blood circulation and helps to prevent the dryness.
  • Use baking soda as a conditioner by adding few drops of water to it. Wondering how to fix hot roots? We discussed that in a separate post that you might want to check out.
  • Avoid using chemical substances on your hair.
  • Avoid washing your hair too often as too much water exposure can also make your scalp dry.
  • Avoid using very hot water to rinse your hair. The heat can damage the production of oils and moisture content on the scalp.
  • Avoid using hair styling equipment at least till you treat dryness completely.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures like direct sunlight and harsh winters.
  • Never leave shampoo or conditioner in the hair for a longer period of time.
  • Do yoga or meditation to reduce stress. Increased stress can also trigger dry scalp.
  • If you have open sores, bleeding sores then it is better to consult a doctor.

We hope the information in this article has helped you. Have you tried any home remedy to treat dry scalp earlier? Share your experience, comments and suggestions in the comments section below.

  1. can dry scalp leads to scalp psoriasis?
    My friend is having psoriasis, does it spread from one person to another?
    My friend scalp will be full of dry flakes, some times when we use his comb or sleep beside him, we used to get dry flakes attached to scalp and some times when we remove it by our nails it hurts. If psoriasis is not viral, what it could be (my friend example).

    1. Psoriasis is not contagious. The dry flakes you are experiencing may be because of dandruff. Don’t scratch the scalp with nails as it spreads infection deeper into the skin.

    1. Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water. Apply it on scalp, leave it on for an hour and rinse off with water.

    1. Yes you can but the combination can be too acidic. So, make sure to patch test before trying regular treatments.

  2. Hello!
    If i use Tea Tree Oil and do it everyday or couple time a week???
    Can i mix Tea Tree Oil with Head & shoulder shampoo or what kind shampoo i should use??

    1. You can mix with whatever shampoo you are using. Avoid shampoos with harsh chemicals for effective results. Couple of times a week should be enough.

  3. I have recently done the global keratin treatment and was advised to avoid oil as it would wash out the protien. I have travelled Europe for a month and now feel this dry scalp once I’ve returned. I use sulphate free shmpoos and conditioner only. Still would like to moisturise the hair.. Most of the remidies are oil based. Can u suggest anything to help remove dryness and yet not wash out the keratin treatment…
    Help appreciated.

    1. Try 1, 2, 7, or 11 methods mentioned above in the article. Apart from that, cover your hair while going out in the sun and avoid hot showers.

  4. My daughter is having dry flakes even after shampooing .but I intend to take her to the doctor for further treatment.

    1. It is good to consult a doctor to find out the exact reason. You can also try the above remedies if you are convenient.

  5. Hi, i have dry scalps and the flakes are a lot. These flakes spread across eyebrows, mustache areas and on ears behind ears. I went for checkup and doctor told me its dermatitis. So i was given prescriptions like itraconazole capsules and a dermatitis shampoo. The dry scalps and flakes worn off after a certain period of time. Now in getting the same problem again. Plz ASAP tell me the best solution for this.

    1. You can follow 2, 5 or 9 method mentioned above in the article. Apart from that use a moisturizing shampoo and avoid styling your hair until.

  6. My hair is falling so much because of scalp please tell me best treatment if I Will save my hair.will it work

  7. I’ve had dandruff as long as I can remember. This past year its gotten worse. Head & Shoulders no longer works. I’ve tried mayo, which just made my hair extra oily & smelly. Tea Tree oil did nothing. Apple Cider Vinegar has done nothing. My hair is healthy. It’s only my scalp that is extremely dry & flaky. Even when my hair is towel dried after a shower the flakes are visible. I’m to the point I don’t do my hair. If I straighten it, it last a few hours & the flakes are out of control. If I put gel, moose or hairspray in my hair its worse the next day. I literally wash my hair & it goes up on top of my head. I need help…

    1. For dandruff remedies you can read them in this article – Apart from following the remedies, remember the following tips.

      – Try hot oil massage at least 2 times a week.
      – Avoid using hair styling products until you get rid of the problem.
      – Avoid scratching the scalp as it can spread the infection to deeper layer of the skin.
      – Stress can also cause dandruff. Reduce stress levels by meditating.
      – Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
      – Avoid taking hot water bath.
      – Take a steam once in a while.

    1. Yes, a hot oil massage deeply nourishes the hair and improves the blood circulation. It helps in strengthening the hair roots, deals with dandruff and itchy skin. It gives relief from hair loss and breakage.

  8. Hello, my scalp is constantly itchy and have dandruff all te time especially on the sides and bottom of my scalp. I also have had a lot of hair loss which i knew would be normal because of my 4 pregnancies but my youngest is 6 and it is getting worse. It is significantly thinned on the sides and top front. What remedy would you suggest would be the best for me. Please help. And thank you for this great article.

  9. Hi, I’ve tried quite a few methods like applying mayonnaise, apple cider solution, oiling hair with mixture of 4 types of oil extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, alovera oil, Argan oil, I tried henna paste as well .I even tried with dettol solution before washing my hair but nothing seems to works out. I keep on changing my shampoo too cause if I keep using the same the problem seems to get worse. And I never do hot showers. Just after two days of washing my hair dry flakes starts to appear again. Myabe because of my dry scalp I face lot of hair fall.. Please help me on this.
    Ps I had a oily scalp since childhood but it’s been a few months I’ve been having a dry scalp and flakes.

    1. Try castor oil or almond oil application. Apart from that make sure to drink plenty of water to keep the scalp hydrated. Consume food rich in vitamin C, B and A.

  10. Hi
    I have very dry, itchy scalp and I lost a lots of hair as well. What can I use for regrow my hair and prevent my dry scalp. I have changed my diet as well but feel like nothing helps me.

  11. I have a dry scalp but with spots and clusters of scabs. It is always itchy but no dandruff flakes. What can I do please

    1. Get your scalp checked by a professional dermatologist to know the problem. Once we get to know the problem, we can provide a natural solution to treat it.

  12. which shampoo is best for regular usage recommend the shampoo name

    head and shoulder is good or bad I am using it now

  13. Y scap is very itch and flaky, it recently moved to my face so i started using ezcema creme that helps, but my scalpt is getting worse.

  14. hi , if i used process 2 of the apple cider vinegar using cotton ball , should i use a diluted vinegar or straight from the bottle. and imsee that there is no shampoo before that , does that mean i don’t have to wash my hair at all and just stick with this process? thank you.

    1. You can dilute the apple cider vinegar in water and apply it on the scalp. After leaving the process for 15 minutes, rinse off with plain water. You can rinse your hair with shampoo before applying the apple cider vinegar solution.

  15. Hi, my hair are curly and very dry ,sometimes after shower when my hair get dried then it become very difficult to comb throughout the roots and it causes breakage .please suggest me something very
    effective because i have tried hot oil massage and it work for few times but now it does’nt work.

  16. Should i wash my hair everyday? My scalp is dry. What type of shampoos should i use? Do you recommend shampoos that says “anti-dandruff” like head n shoulders?

    1. If you have dry scalp, then avoid washing your hair daily. Use shampoos that are mild. Try doing hot oil massage regularly.

    1. Though the two problems share similar symptoms, there is a lot of different between scalp psoriasis and scalp fungus. In scalp fungus infection, the patches of scaling are confined to the hair line while in the psoriasis, the patches of scaling extend beyond the hairline.

    1. It depends on your interest. You can just apply the coconut oil and leave it for few hours or overnight and rinse the hair. Or else you can apply the lemon and grapefruit mixture as well. Applying the lemon and grapefruit mixture will provide added benefits.

      1. hi i saw a video on youtube on this and i tried,
        its heating up coconut oil then adding in curry leaves and Fenugreek seeds.
        i have been doing it for about 2 weeks,my hair seems to be healthier but my scalp is still quite dry. any suggestions ?

        1. Continue doing the same process for another few weeks. Apart from that drink plenty of water to keep the scalp hydrated.

  17. My scalp and hairs are too dry that my hairs come out easily and my hair growth is also become too slow
    What should i do suggest me effective treatment i want to get rid of this badly

    1. Cool weather, improper hygiene, certain hair products, accumulated dead skin cells and lack of exposure to sunlight can cause dry scalp. Drink plenty of water to keep the scalp hydrated. Include iron, omega fatty acids, vitamin E, B and C and protein rich foods in your daily diet. Reduce the amount of sugar intake.

  18. Hai,
    I am suffering from a dry scalp which I get itchyness when I’m tensed or when I move through Sun light I have tried lots of hair products and consulted doctors but they are temporary please recommendme any effective remedy and a shampoo.

    1. Try any method mentioned in the article. Apart from that you can drink plenty of water to maintain the scalp hydrated. Do an oil massage at least once in a week. Eat nutritional food to boost scalp health.

  19. Dandruff is the worst thing that lets a person loses confidence. It is better to apply natural home remedies than medicated shampoos to preserve texture of your hair.

  20. Dear Doctor
    i’ve been suffering from dandruff n flaky scalp for last 2 yrs. I’ve tried different anti dandruff shampoo containing zinc. p, coaltar and kiticonozole but didn’t succeed.
    I m 15 yrs living in jeddah, saudi arabia.
    can u suggest an effective treatment. please

  21. Coconut oil is really great, but if you have really fine hair, it can sometimes be too greasy. When I use it, it really weighs my hair down and I can never really wash it out. I like using olive oil instead because it is more lightweight and washes out better.

  22. I have pimples on my scalp and dandruff too I’m using assure mild shampoo BT there is no benefit of using it..suggest me why should I do ?

    1. You can follow any remedy mentioned in this article for treating dandruff – Pimples on the scalp may be caused due to dandruff clogging the hair follicles. So, once you treat dandruff the pimples on scalp will also diminish.

  23. Hello .I have very dry scalp so serious .I can’t make my hair without been worried for the flasky coming out .please what do I do to cure it.

    1. Try any remedy mentioned above in the article. Apart from that, drink plenty of water to keep your scalp hydrated, increase omega 3 fatty acids content in your diet, try oil massage 2 – 3 times in a day and avoid shampoos that contain harsh chemicals.

  24. Hi..I m also suffering from the dry scalp too & i consult wth the doctor he gave me a shampoo having ketoconazole & zinc pyriothine in it thats a conditioner & i m using it twice in a week & there is also a pimples on my back so regarding to the food should i take the egg bt my skin is too oily & it produce some heat So egg can also effect to my pimples well can i use it for my head massage with some oil & wht kind of oil is best for me

    1. Yes, you can mix only egg yolk with some olive oil and apply it on the scalp. Rinse off after an hour. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil for best results.

  25. I live in a warm sunny climate, should I cover my hair with a hat when out in the sun?
    I will try some of the remedies suggested on your website.
    My scalp feels hard to the touch, it’s dry also lots of falling hair.

  26. Hi.. is there something i can make/use to keep my scalp moist throughout the whole day.. something to apply every few hours that i can leave it on for the whole day and wash it on the evening?

  27. Does iron water make the dry scalp even worse. How do I keep away from getting really dry scalp and flaky.

    1. Yes, iron water can dry out the skin and leave it unable to absorb the moisture. Try to use water that contains less iron content. Make sure to use less quantities of shampoos or soaps while bathing. Apply shielding lotions to protect the skin against certain substances. Do a hot oil massage 3 times in a week to moisturize and nourish the scalp. Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.

    1. Try coconut milk, hibiscus, or onion juice method mentioned in the article to reduce dryness, itchy scalp and hair fall problem.

  28. Excellent research and very good article. Thank you! I am going to start with some of these soon. Are there any remedies that we should NOT mix together?

    1. Thanks for your appreciation. You should not combine any of the remedies together in a day. You have to choose any one among them and try it regularly.

  29. I haven’t had as bad as a dry scalp in years I suffer from eczema and it’s gotten really bad lately I was just wondering would exam stress lead to a dry scalp?

  30. Can you use aloe Vera gel for temporary itch relief? I only get dry scalp in the summer. I have very thin hair and it gets oily overnight but still have extreme itchiness and thick dandruff even if I don’t wash every day. I use a coconut water shampoo and coconut milk conditioner. Any suggestions?

    1. Yes, you can try aloe vera remedy to get relief from the itching. It also helps to treat the oiliness and dandruff too. Apart from that drink plenty of water to keep the scalp hydrated. Dehydration is often one of the reasons for oily scalp and dandruff.

    1. Dandruff and hair fall can be caused due to dry scalp, so choose any method among the above mentioned article and try it regularly to achieve the results.

  31. Thank you. After trying one of your suggestions (hot olive oil and non-sulfur shampoo) I could hear my hair thanking you!

  32. When adding tea tree essential oil to shampoo you recommend adding 6 drops to shampoo – does that mean to the bottle of shampoo or just to the shampoo that you are applying to your hair.

  33. I used coconut oil for itching dry scalp. Instructions say to leave on for 1 hour or overnight. Will this affect color treated hair if left on overnight?

  34. I went to a dermatologist recently and last year. Paid 50.00 dollars copayment each time, and about 50.00 for shampoo’s and steroid drops, and my scalp is twice or three times worse. That is why I am on this sight to see if home remedies work better. Hope so.

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