joint pain home remedies
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joint pain home remedies
With sharp pain in the joints, it becomes difficult to carry out even the simple activities in our daily life. Joint pain can be cause due to various reasons which include muscle weakness, arthritis, gout, sprain, tendons and many others. Though it can occur in any part of the body, the most common areas are knees, shoulders, hips and arms. Pain is the primary symptom of the joint pain but in some cases, it can be accompanied by swelling and stiffness.

Most of the people resort on medication to cope up with throbbing pain. However, there are some really effective remedies like home remedies, dietary changes and supplements to treat the joint pain.

NOTE: In some degenerative conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthirits and others, it is important to get proper treatment. The following remedies may provide you relief from the pain temporarily but they don’t have any impact on treating the root cause.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Joint Pain:

We have compiled a list of all-natural remedies which provide relief from the pain and swelling. Read them and try to follow any one of them regularly to prevent or treat the joint pain.

1. Warm or Cold Compress

Alternating the hot and cold compress will provide relief from the pain quickly. The heat boosts the blood flow, decreases the pain and relaxes the muscles. Cold therapy reduces the swelling and numbs the areas around the affected joints.

  • Wrap some ice in a towel. Soak another towel in warm water and wring out the excess.
  • First, place hot compress on the affected joints for about 3 – 5 minutes.
  • Then remove the hot compress and place cold compress immediately for 1 – 2 minutes.
  • Repeat the hot compress again followed by cold compress.
  • Continue doing this process for about 15 – 20 minutes to get relief from the joint pain.
  • Repeat the process few times in a day to get complete relief from sore joints.
  • Follow the process for few times in a day until you get complete relief from the sore joints.

Note: Avoid applying heat therapy if the affected area is red, hot or irritated. Also avoid using cold therapy if you are suffering from circulatory problems.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine for treating pain and swelling. Turmeric is very effective for treating rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Into a glass of milk, add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 1/2 teaspoon honey. Stir well and drink. Alternatively, you can follow the below process.

  • Into a saucepan, add 2 cups of water and bring it to boil.
  • Now, add 1 tablespoon each of chopped turmeric root and ginger.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes and remove from the flame.
  • Strain and let it cool down to lukewarm.
  • Stir in 1 – 2 teaspoons of honey and drink it.
  • Repeat the process regularly to get relief from joint pains caused by arthritis.

Note: Instead of fresh ginger and turmeric, you can use them in powder form. The quantities would be 1/2 teaspoon each of it. Add them to hot water, steep it for 15 minutes and drink.

Things to Remember While Trying Turmeric Process

  • Drink turmeric and ginger only in between the meals. Because if you drink it after meals, it will mainly concentrate on improving digestion process but not on reducing the joint pain.
  • If you are on blood thinning medication, then avoid trying this process or follow it under medical supervision.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Potassium in apple cider vinegar prevents the calcium build up in joints as it leads to joint stiffness. It has pectin which helps to flush out the toxins from the body as in certain times, toxins accumulated in the connective tissues of the joints can cause the pain.

Process 1: ACV Drink

  • Into a glass of water, add 1 tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses.
  • Stir well and consume the drink.
  • Repeat the process regularly to cure the joint pain in knees, shoulders and other body parts.
  • Note: You can use honey instead of blackstrap molasses.

Process 2: ACV Poultice

  • Take 1 liter of hot water in a bowl. Make sure the temperature is skin tolerant.
  • Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into it and stir well.
  • Soak a towel or washcloth in the mixture and wring out the excess.
  • Place it on the joints where you are experiencing pain.
  • Secure the washcloth with a plastic or oil cloth.
  • Leave it on for as long as possible and remove it.
  • Repeat the process regularly until the joint pain clears.

Process 3: ACV Massage

  • Into bowl, add 1 tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
  • Mix well and massage the mixture on the affected joints.
  • After massaging for few minutes, let the application sit for overnight or few hours.
  • Repeat the process daily before going to bed for getting relief from chronic joint pain.

4. Homemade Cayenne Salve

This DIY pain relief salve is backed by many herbalists for treating joint and muscle pains. The capsaicin present in cayenne blocks the Substance P which is responsible to neuro-transmit the pain.

  • Combine 2 heaped teaspoons of cayenne pepper and 1/2 cup of olive oil.
  • Mix well and warm it up using a double boiler.
  • Once the mixture is warm, remove from the heat and let it completely cool down.
  • Now, re-heat the mixture until warm and let it cool down completely.
  • Repeat the heating and cooling process for at least 2 – 3 hours or whole day. This makes the infusion stronger.
  • After reaching the desired consistency, strain the mixture.
  • Using a double boiler, melt 1 tablespoon of beeswax.
  • Add the melted beeswax to cayenne infused oil.
  • Stir well and store in an airtight container.
  • Massage enough amounts of cayenne salve on the joints and leave it to dry on its own.
  • Repeat the application of homemade salve to get relief from joint pain, stiffness and swelling.

5. DIY Joint Pain Reliever

This homemade cream contains anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties which provides relief from chikungunya joint pain, arthritis pain and stiffness.

  • Combine 2 tablespoons of ground ginger, 1 cup of grapeseed oil, 3 tablespoons each of ground cayenne and turmeric.
  • Using a double boiler, heat the mixture over medium heat for 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Now, add 1/2 cup of beeswax and stir until it completely melts.
  • Now, remove from the heat and place it in a refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the refrigerator, blend it and again place it back in refrigerator for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour the cream into an airtight glass jar and store it in refrigerator for 1 1/2 week without disturbing it.
  • Massage the mixture on the sore joints for few minutes to let the body absorb it.
  • Leave it to dry completely and rinse with water thoroughly.
  • Repeat the application regularly to get relief.

Note: Turmeric can stain clothes so make sure to wear old clothes.

6. Do-It-Yourself Cream for Joint Pain

This 2 ingredient cream is very effective in treating the joint pains in knees, shoulders, neck and hands.

  • Melt 1/2 cup of coconut oil using a double boiler.
  • Remove from the flame and add 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper.
  • Mix well thoroughly and apply it on the affected joints.
  • Leave it on for 20 – 25 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Repeat the process few times in a day to keep the joint pain at bay.

Note: This cream may initially cause burning sensation but subsides after sometime. Avoid applying it on the open cuts and wounds.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains a compound called oleocanthal which is most capable of preventing the production of two enzymes namely COX – 1 and COX – 2 that cause inflammation. So, regular usage of olive oil will definitely inhibits the pro – inflammation enzymes activity and thus gives relief from the pains.

  • Rub enough amounts of olive oil on the affected joints.
  • Leave it to dry completely and let the skin absorb the oil.
  • Repeat the application daily 2 times in a day to get relief from the pain.
  • For effective results: Use olive oil to cook dishes or add it to the salads.

Note: If you are using 3 ½ tablespoons or 50 ml of olive oil then it might work like ibuprofen tablet (200 mg) but its consumption can provide more than 400 calories to the body. So it’s better to replace all other fats in your daily diet with olive oil to avoid weight gain.

8. White Willow Bark

White willow bark is an herb which contains anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, and immunity boosting properties that helps for better functioning of the joints. This bark contains chemical active component called salicin which has pain killing effect like aspirin or ibuprofen.

  • Bring 1 cup of water to boil.
  • Add white willow bark powder into it and stir it well.
  • Simmer it for about 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Turn off the flame and allow it to steep for about 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Now add honey as per your taste to reduce its bitterness taste.
  • Consume the white willow bark tea to get rid of the problem.
  • Repeat the process regularly for 2 times in a day to cure the joint pain completely.

Note: You can also use chipped white willow bark instead of powdered white willow bark.

9. Eucalyptus and Jojoba Oil

Eucalyptus oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that definitely helps you get relief from joints and muscle pains. It also decreases the stiffness caused due to arthritis or regular wear and tear of muscles. It also helps to cure the joint aches caused due to muscle sprains.

  • Into an empty spray bottle, add 1/2 cup of jojoba oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Close the lid and shake well to let the ingredients incorporate.
  • Apply enough amounts of the mixture and gently massage for few minutes.
  • Leave it on to dry completely.
  • Repeat the application regularly.

Note: Remember to shake the bottle well before applying the mixture on the joints.

10. Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil helps to ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, lubricates the joints and reduces the stiffness and joint pain. It contains potassium, proteins, magnesium, B vitamins, zinc, etc. which cures the pain and inflammation in the joints.

  • Consume 2 – 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily.
  • Repeat the process for a month.

Note: This process may not show results instantly but with regular follow up, it will reduce the joint pain. If you are undergoing medication or have cancer, then avoid this process.

11. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which helps in relaxing the muscles and nerve endings that usually lead to joint stiffness and pain. It also helps the bone to re-mineralize.

  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt into your bathtub filled with lukewarm water.
  • Stir well until the salts get dissolved.
  • Soak in it for at least 15 minutes and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process regularly until you get relief from sore joints.

Note: Alternatively, you can add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt into a large bowl of warm water. Let the salts dissolve and soak the aching joint in the solution for 10 – 15 minutes.

12. Nettle Leaves

The aerial parts of nettle reduce the painful sensations by interfering with the pain signals which are sending to the brain. Other than this, it is rich in boron which is a mineral that is very much required for healthy bones and joints.

Process 1: Nettle Tea

  • Bring 2 cups of water to boil.
  • Add 1 cup of nettle leaves and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and strain the tea.
  • Stir in 1 – 2 teaspoons of honey into it and drink it.
  • Repeat the process regularly until you get rid of the joint or hip pain.
  • Note: Instead of fresh leaves, you can use dried nettle leaves.

Note: nettle herb may interfere with some blood thinners and other medications prescribed for blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. So consult doctor first before starting this remedy.

Process 2: Nettle Poultice

  • Take few fresh nettle leaves and place them on the affected joints.
  • Secure it with a gauze or bandage.
  • Leave it on for 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the process daily for few days till you get relief from the joint pain in fingers, shoulders of knees.

13. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another anti – inflammatory agent which reduces the joint pain caused by arthritis. It contains beneficial fatty acids which reduce pain and lubricate the joints.

  • Warm up enough amounts of coconut oil.
  • Apply the oil on the affected joints and gently massage for few minutes.
  • Leave it on to dry completely.
  • Repeat the process 2 – 3 times in a day to get rid of joint pain.

14. Cayenne, Mustard and Ginger Infused Oil

The combination of cayenne, mustard and ginger provides relief from joint pain quickly. Mustard flushes out the blood towards the skin surface and loosens the stiff joint muscles. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which provide relief from swelling and pain.

  • Into a jar, add 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons crushed mustard seeds and 2 teaspoons grated ginger.
  • Pour 1 cup of olive oil into it and stir well.
  • Cover the jar and let it aside without disturbing for about 7 days.
  • Now, using a sieve or cheesecloth strain the solution.
  • Discard the herbs and store the oil in an airtight container.
  • Apply enough amounts of the oil on the affected joints and massage well.
  • Leave it on to dry completely.
  • Repeat the application regularly to get relief from the pain and swelling of the joints.

15. Peppermint and Eucalyptus Oil

Both peppermint and eucalyptus oil contain analgesic and pain relieving properties which ease the arthritis or joint pain.

  • Into a small bowl, add 5 – 10 drops each of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil.
  • Now add 1 – 2 tablespoons of almond oil or olive oil.
  • Mix well and store it in a small and dark glass bottle.
  • Close the lid and keep the bottle away from direct sunlight.
  • Massage enough amounts of the mixture on the affected joints.
  • Leave it on to dry completely.
  • Repeat the application until the joint pain or arthritis pain gets cured.

16. Burdock Root

This burdock root is a traditional medicine used by herbalists in India, Europe and China for treating joint pains and detoxification. It has essential fatty oils with sterols and tannins which contains anti – inflammatory properties.

  • Bring 2 cups of water to boil.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of fresh burdock root.
  • Simmer for 10 – 15 minutes and remove from the flame.
  • Using a sieve, strain the tea and drink it warm.
  • Repeat the process 3 – 4 times in a day to treat or prevent joint pain.

Note: You can use 2 teaspoons of dried burdock root if you don’t have fresh one.

17. Pectin and Grape Juice

When pectin is mixed with grape juice it becomes the best home remedy for treating arthritis. This combination helps to return the synovial tissue to more elastic and lubricated state that finally results in pain – free movement. This process is very effective for people with arthritis pain.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin into 8oz of grape juice.
  • Stir well and drink it.
  • Repeat the process regularly for 1 – 2 times in a day to get relief from joint pain.

Note: It takes 1 – 2 weeks to show its effect on joint pain.

18. Dandelion Leaves

The fatty acids present in dandelion leaves encourage prostaglandin production in our body. The prostaglandin regulates the immune responses and suppresses the inflammation. This in turn provides relief from the join pain caused due to rheumatoid arthritis. You can add dandelion leaves into your salad or dishes in your daily food and follow the process below.

  • Into a cup, add 3 tablespoons of fresh dandelion leaves.
  • Add 1 cup of hot water and let it steep for few minutes.
  • Strain the tea and add honey as per your taste.
  • Stir well and drink the tea.
  • Consuming 2 cups of dandelion tea in a day cures the joint pain.

Note: If you don’t have fresh leaves then you can add 1 teaspoon dried dandelion leaves.

19. Garlic

Garlic is rich in sulfur which provides relief from joint pain and inflammation. It contains selenium which has anti-rheumatic effect on the body. Include 2 – 3 fresh raw garlic cloves in your daily diet. Apart from that, try the below process.

  • Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of mustard oil.
  • Now, add 2 garlic cloves (chopped) into it and stir well.
  • Once the garlic turns brown, remove from the flame and strain.
  • Let the strained oil cool down to lukewarm temperature.
  • Massage the oil on the affected joints and massage for few minutes.
  • Leave it on for 3 – 4 hours and rinse off thoroughly with water.
  • Continue following this process 2 times in a day to notice the improvement.

20. Juniper Berry Tea

Juniper berry contains a compound called terpinen – 4 – ol which suppresses a type of white blood cells called monocytes that plays a part in the immune system by responding to the inflammation signals. This process is effective for treating inflammation and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Into a saucepan, add 1 cup of water and bring it boil.
  • Into a cup, add 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries.
  • Now, add boiled water into it.
  • Cover and let it steep for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and consume it. You can add honey as per your taste.
  • Drink 2 cups of juniper berry tea in a day to treat or prevent joint pains.

Note: Pregnant women should avoid drinking juniper tea.

21. Ginger

Researchers have stated that taking ginger regularly treats the joint and knee pains caused by osteoarthritis. It has anti – inflammatory property that deals with inflammations in the joints.

  • Bring 1 cup of water to boil.
  • Add 1 inch fresh ginger (chopped) into the boiling water.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes and strain the tea.
  • Add honey or lemon juice as per your taste and consume the tea.
  • Drink ginger tea regularly to get relief from joint pain and muscle cramps.

Alternative Method: combine equal amounts of ginger powder, turmeric powder and fenugreek powder. Stir well and consume 1 teaspoon of the mixture daily until satisfied with the results.

22. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an effective remedy for treating joint pain. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat arthritis and joint pain. Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder into a glass of lukewarm water and drink it in every morning. Alternatively, you can follow the below process…

  • Soak 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water.
  • Cover and let it soak overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the seeds and eat them.
  • Repeat the remedy daily to get relief from chronic pain.

23. Golden Raisins and Gin

The sulfides used in processing of raisings are helpful in treating joint pain caused by arthritis. Gin, with its flavor derived from juniper berries has anti – inflammatory properties.

  • Take 1 cup of golden raisins.
  • Now, pour enough gin into it until it covers the raisins properly.
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and store them in the dark place for 2 weeks.
  • In this period of time, the gin subsides and evaporates.
  • Eat about 9 raisins every day to get relief from the joint pain.
  • Follow this process regularly.

Note: Remember that it may take several weeks to show the results.

Dietary Tips for Joint Pain:

  • Pineapple contains bromelain and vitamin C which helps to relieve joint pain and improve the connecting tissue’s health. It also contains copper which nourishes the bones and support joints functioning. Include it in your daily diet.
  • The calcium, potassium and magnesium in the molasses are very helpful for maintaining healthy bones. Add 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses into a glass of water and drink it.
  • University of Maryland Medical Center has conducted a research which states that wheat germ contains omega – 3 and omega – 6 fatty acids which help the people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis by reducing the pain with its anti – inflammatory properties. Consume 1 – 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil daily to treat knee arthritis and chronic joint pains.
  • Eat foods that are high in magnesium like dark leafy greens (spinach), nuts (almonds) and legumes (beans).
  • Bosweilla or Frankincense works as anti – inflammatory and pain killer so it disables the white blood cells causing swelling. The supplement can be easily available at many health stores and online also. Take this regularly by consulting your doctor for correct time and dosage.
  • Everyday intake of a gelatin (like Jello – O) may also help you to get relief from the arthritis and joint pain. But avoid over consumption of sugary flavored gelatin as it can cause more inflammation and make the joint pain worse.
  • Cut down the food from nightshade family like tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplants, etc. as the alkaloids in them can cause inflammation.
  • Carrots are one of the best remedy in Chinese medicine for treating the aching joints. So, include carrots in your daily diet. Eat it either raw or steamed as carrot nurtures the ligaments and brings relief from the pain.
  • Drinking water will help to soften the cartilage and always keeps it hydrated. Drinking water not only helps to maintain the adequate blood volume but also helps to detoxify the joints and thus makes it less likely to pain.
  • Onions are generally famous anti-inflammatory food which helps to cure the pain. It contains phytochemicals that will improve the immune system. The sulfur in it helps to inhibit the pain causing enzymes. So include onions in your daily diet to get rid of the joint pain.
  • Avoid food which cause weight gain as this in turn causes joint pain.
  • Never include processed, oily, sugary, red meat, fast foods, carbonated beverages, etc. in your daily diet for fast recovery from the joint pain.

Physical Exercise to Prevent and Treat Joint Pain:

Even though you have stiffness and pain in the joints, minimum physical movement especially in the painful areas is important to get relief. Though it sounds weird, it is very important to maintain the proper functioning of the joints. Exercising helps to control the weight (as overweight will put more strain on the joints to get pain), strengthens the muscles to support the joint even when your cartilage is thinning and finally lubricates the joints to make them move freely.

Whenever we restrict the movement, the synovial fluid in the joints harder and clears the lubrication that finally makes it hard to do things with joints and leads to discomfort even if you move a little. So if you once get started moving and warming up then the liquid becomes viscous and this helps for a better lubricating the joints and keeping them go smoothly. Here are few exercises you can try.

  • Go for a brisk walk by starting with a time period of 15 minutes and then work up on your way to a solid daily routine.
  • Regularly do some targeted exercises with certain stretches and other exercises that specifically target the joints which help you to get rid of the stiffness and pain.
  • You can try a simple yoga pose for tennis elbow, it is nothing but cobra pose or bhujangasana which helps to stretch out the aching elbows and joints and this will open up the stiff muscles in the shoulders and back.

Consult a trained professional to guide you with exercise routines as per your convenience and timings.

Supplements for Joint Pain:

In addition to diet and exercise, supplements also play a major role in preventing bone and joint problems. They cover up the nutrition gaps which we couldn’t fill with the daily food. Here are few supplements you should consider for bone health…

  • Calcium: Bones are made up of calcium but unfortunately our body doesn’t produce it. It has to be absorbed from the food we eat. You can take it in supplement form to supply enough amounts of calcium to the bones.
  • Vitamin D: This vitamin is responsible for the absorption of vitamins and nutrients into the body from the food we eat. Deficiency of this vitamin is often one of the main aspects of bone and muscle weakness.
  • Glucosamine: It is naturally found in cartilage. Absence of it can cause discomfort in the joint movements. Opt for a liquid form instead of powder as it can be easily absorbed by the body.
  • SAMe: This molecule builds strong bones by transferring sulfur to the cartilage. It has similar effect of pain relieving like ibuprofen or aspirin. There is no food source for this, so it has to be taken in supplement form.
  • Magnesium: It helps to relax all the muscles and nerve endings, gives relief from stiffness and pain. A study also showed that people who take magnesium in high quantity (either in diet or in supplement form) then they have high bone density and finally makes the bones stronger.

General Tips and Precautions for Joint Pain:

  • First and foremost thing that you have to do is to lose weight. As overweight even though a single pound of excess weight can add 4 pounds pressure on the joints and knees. This makes the pain worse and makes you unable to do anything.
  • Many people think that copper is an anti-oxidant agent which reduces the inflammation but there is no evidence to support it. However you can wear this copper bracelet as this won’t cause any harm to the body.
  • You can also go for acupuncture which helps to give relief from the pain and also cure osteoarthritis.
  • In certain cases, electrical energy can also be used to ease the pain and swelling. For this you can go through electro-acupuncture to get relief from short term pain and also ease the joint stiffness.
  • Stress is another factor that causes joint stiffness and thereby pain. So do meditation and laughter exercise to reduce and anxiety.
  • You can take about 250 – 500 mg of turmeric capsules thrice daily to prevent joint pain.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol because it deteriorates the cartilage and synovial fluids that act as protective and shock absorber for joints.
  • But make sure to consult your doctor if you don’t get any relief from joint pain after using these remedies within 3 – 4 days and also go for immediately treatment if the joint area is in red, swelling or causing your more discomfort.
  • Try to avoid lifting heavy objects when you are suffering from joint pains.

Try to follow the remedies, dietary guidance, and other suggestions mentioned in the article to get relief from the joint pain. If you have any queries, write to us in the comment section. We will reply as soon as possible. Don’t forget to share your experience as it can helps others.

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