How to Use Lemons for Warts

How to Use Lemons for Warts

Warts are benign skin growths that mostly appear on the hands, feet and around genital areas. They are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus enters the body through cuts and scratches on the skin.

Although, warts are harmless in nature but they can affect a person’s appearance. Thankfully, there are a number of remedies using natural ingredients to treat warts such as lemon. It can successfully remove and prevent warts with its amazing properties.

Is Lemon Useful for Removing Warts?

  • High levels of citric acid in lemon juice breaks down the cells and tissues of the wart. It levels the abnormal skin growths gradually.
  • Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, a potent antiviral that destroys the HPV virus that causes viral infection and leads to formation of warts.
  • Lemon is a natural astringent that dries out the warts, induce it to detach from the skin and fall off on its own.

How to Use Lemons for Warts?

Both lemon juice and lemon peels can be used as a natural remedy for warts. Lemon juice can be used alone or combined with other natural ingredients such as baking soda, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, etc.

1. Lemon Juice Soak

  • Take a tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Soak your wart in the undiluted lemon juice for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Now remove the wart from mixture and let it dry completely.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times in a day for a few weeks.

Note – Those with sensitive skin should avoid this remedy or use lemon juice diluted with water.

2. Lemon Oil

  • Soak your wart in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe it with a tissue paper and apply a few drops of lemon essential oil directly on the wart.
  • Reapply it several times a day for a few weeks.

3. Lemon Peel

  • Soak a few lemon peels in white vinegar for a few days.
  • Take a piece of vinegar-soaked lemon peel and place it over the wart with the white pith side touching the wart.
  • Secure it with a bandage or duct tape and leave it on overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the application and rinse with water.
  • Repeat this remedy once every night for a couple of weeks.

4. Lemon and Vinegar Soak

The strong acidic nature of vinegar breaks down the skin cells that form as a wart. It promotes the skin to peel off so that the wart falls off naturally.

  • Mix equal parts of lemon juice and vinegar in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton ball into this mixture and hold it on the wart.
  • Secure it with a bandage and wait for an hour.
  • Remove the bandage and wash the area with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for a few weeks.

Note – You can use either apple cider vinegar or distilled white vinegar for this remedy.

5. Lemon and baking Soda Paste

The powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of baking soda fight the viral infection that causes warts. It also dries out the wart from inside so that it detaches from the skin and falls off.

  • Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with some baking soda.
  • Apply this paste over the warts and let them dry out completely.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and dry with a towel.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for few weeks.

6. Lemon Juice and Garlic Ointment

The potent antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties of garlic help to get rid of warts by fighting off the virus that causes warts.

  • Crush 5 to 8 cloves of garlic and add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Mix it well and apply this ointment on the warts.
  • Cover with a bandage and wait for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the bandage and clean the area with water.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 times every day till the wart is completely gone.

7. Tea Tree Oil and Lemon Juice Mix

Tea tree oil is known for its natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties that destroy the HPV virus that causes warts. Its anti-inflammatory property speeds up the healing process of the skin after the wart falls off.

  • Take a tablespoon each of lemon juice and water in a bowl.
  • Add 5 to 8 drops of tea tree essential oil to it.
  • Stir it with a spoon and soak a cotton ball into it.
  • Place this cotton ball on the wart and secure with a bandage.
  • Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then discard the cotton ball.
  • Follow this treatment daily till the wart falls off and the skin heals.

8. Lemon Juice and Castor oil Rub

Ricinoleic acid present in castor oil contains potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that destroy the virus causing warts and helps to heal the damaged and inflamed skin.

  • Take a tablespoon each of lemon juice and castor oil in a bowl.
  • Give it a stir with a spoon and apply this mixture on the warts.
  • Massage the areas around the warts with your finger tip for 5 minutes so that the oil soaks into the skin.
  • Wait for an hour and wash the area with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy 1 to 2 times every day till the wart is gone.

9. Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice Ointment

Aloe Vera gel contains natural antipruritic and astringent properties that reduces irritation and inflammation of the skin. It dries out the warts from inside, so that they detach from the skin and fall off.

  • Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Mix it well and apply it evenly on the warts.
  • Secure the area with a bandage or gauge and leave it on for a couple of hours or overnight.
  • Open the bandage and clean the area with warm water.
  • Follow this procedure daily till the wart is gone.

10. Basil and Lemon Paste

The natural oil in basil leaves have antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties that heal the viral infection and help to remove the warts.

  • Take a handful of basil leaves and crush them to make a paste.
  • Add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice to it and mix with a spoon.
  • Apply this paste on the warts and leave it on for an hour.
  • Wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day till the warts are removed.

11. Pineapple and Lemon Juice Mix

The natural enzymes in pineapple juice break down the cluster of cells and dissolve the skin growth that forms the wart.

  • Crush a few pieces of pineapple and squeeze out the juice.
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and place it on the wart.
  • Secure it with a bandage or tape and leave it on for an hour.
  • Remove the bandage and wipe the area with a wet towel.
  • Follow this process 1 to 2 times in a day for a couple of weeks.

12. Lemon and Sandalwood Oil Mix

Sandalwood oil possesses antiviral and astringent properties that destroy the HPV virus causing warts. It dries out the existing warts from within. Its antiseptic properties prevent the viral infection from spreading while its anti-inflammatory properties heal the damaged skin underneath the warts.

  • Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice.
  • Add a few drops of sandalwood oil to it.
  • Hold this cotton ball on the warts and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times every day till the wart is removed.

Tips and Precautions:

  • Undiluted lemon juice might irritate the skin due to its high acidic pH. Those with sensitive skin should use lemon juice in diluted form mixed with water.
  • Don’t go out in the sun immediately after applying lemon to your skin because it reacts with the UVA rays of the sun and cause phototoxic reaction which burns the skin.
  • Always use fresh lemon juice for the remedies because the concentration of vitamin C in the lemon juice reduces with time once exposed to air.
  • Drink lemon juice to treat human papilloma virus from inside.
  • Make sure your wart is benign before trying out these home remedies.
  • Avoid touching the warts with your hands. Wash your hands with soap and water after touching the warts.
  • Wear footwear around public pools, gyms and baths.
  • Keep cuts, scratches and burns well-covered so that the HPV virus can’t enter the skin.
  • Apply essential oils such as clove oil, lavender oil, wheat germ oil, etc on the warts to boost up the healing process.
  • Eat plenty of citrus fruits, red and yellow bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, etc. to boost your immunity.

Try out any one of these remedies for removing warts. Share your tips and suggestions with us in the comments section below.

    1. For people with sensitive skin, lemon application may cause slight burning sensation or irritation. But if it is unbearable then you can discounted the process.

    1. yes, it can. However patch test the mixture before applying it directly on the mole to make sure your skin is not sensitive to any ingredient.

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