Tea Tree Oil For Sinus Infection

Tea Tree Oil For Sinus InfectionHeadache, congestion, sinus pressure, facial tenderness, cough and fever are the miserable symptoms of a sinus infection. The infection can be triggered mainly by virus yet sometimes bacteria and fungus can also lead the way.

Sinuses are small air filled cavities in the skull and connected to nasal airway. Humans have 4 pairs of sinus cavities. The main role of sinuses is to produce mucous and discharge bacteria, virus, dust, allergens or pollutants through it. Either by cold or other bacterial activity if nose gets blocked the sinus, unable to discharge mucus sinuses get inflamed.

In order to get relief from this miserable situation, we depend on antibiotics and nasal decongestants. But home remedies for sinus infection can provide safe and effective results than them.

Apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and honey are some of the ingredients that provide relief from sinus infection. But in this article we will learn about tea tree oil for sinus infection in detail.

Does Tea Tree Oil Work for Sinus Infection?

Let’s have a look at the properties…

  • Tea Tree Oil contains antibacterial and antiviral properties which fight with the bacteria causing the sinusitis.
  • A compound called Terpinen -4 –ol is present in tea tree exhibits antimicrobial properties which deal with any kind of sinus invaders.
  • It contains anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the swelling.
  • It helps to calm down the sinus infection symptoms like cold, sinus pressure, clogged nose, chest congestion, and headache.
  • Its antiseptic properties help to treat respiratory properties.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Sinus Infection?

We have listed down methods using tea tree oil in detail. You choose any one as per your convenience and try it regularly to relief from sinus infection.

1. Tea Tree Oil

This process is the most effective way to infuse the sinus cavities and clear the infection. The oil vapors loosen the phlegm in sinuses and help to drain it. This clears the sinus cavity and congestion pressure.

Process 1:

  • Add few drops of tea tree oil on handkerchief or tissue paper.
  • Sniff it throughout the day for relief.

Process 2: Steam with Tea Tree Oil

  • Bring some water to boil.
  • Remove from the flame and add few drops of tea tree oil to it.
  • Bend towards the vessel containing the boiling water, cover your head and vessel with towel and inhale the vapors coming out the boiling water.
  • Repeat inhaling for few minutes.
  • Repeat 2 times a day. Doing this process once before going to bed helps to get a relaxed sleep without interruption.
  • Alternatively, you can add tea tree oil to vaporizer or humidifier to achieve the same results.

Process 3: with Essential Oils

  • Bring some water to boil and remove from the flame.
  • Add 2 drops each of tea tree, oregano, peppermint, eucalyptus and basil essential oils into the boiled water.
  • Bend towards the infused water, cover your head with towel and inhale the vapors coming from it.
  • Repeat inhaling for few minutes.
  • Repeat 2 times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can use lavender oil instead of eucalyptus oil.

Process 4: Tea Tree Oil Balm

  • Take some tea tree oil balm.
  • Rub it gently on the nose and forehead.
  • This helps to drain out impurities from nasal passages.

Process 5: For Sinus Congestion

  • To 1/2 teaspoon of water add few drops of tea tree oil.
  • Dip a q-tip in this solution and swab it inside the nose.
  • Leave it for few minutes.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

Process 6: For Sinus Headache

  • Dilute few drops of tea tree oil in enough amounts of water.
  • Using a cotton ball apply it on the forehead.
  • Leave it on to dry completely and rinse off your forehead.
  • Repeat whenever you experience sinus headache.

2. Tea Tree Oil with Garlic

Allicin in garlic cloves exhibits antibacterial and antiviral and antifungal properties that relieve you from sinusitis and its symptoms. This process is very effective in treating sinus infection in toddlers and children rather than adults.

  • Pour enough amounts of hot water in a large bowl.
  • Add few drops each of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil.
  • Crush 2 garlic cloves and add into it and stir well.
  • Bend towards the solution, cover your head with towel and inhale the vapors coming out from the solution.
  • Inhaling steam for few minutes clears the trapped mucus.
  • Repeat regularly.

3. Tea Tree Oil with Neti Pot

Neti pot is considered to be the most effective way in clearing the nasal passages.

  • Dilute few drops of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Pour the solution in a neti pot.
  • Bend yourself forward over the sink, tilt your head, place the neti pot near one nostril and slowly pour the mixture into the nostril.
  • Note: Make sure to breathe with mouth while doing this process.
  • Make sure the solution has to drain out from another nostril.
  • Repeat the same with another nostril.
  • Repeat the process 2 times a day – once in the morning and another before going to bed.
  • Alternatively, you can pour a dropper full of tea tree oil into a bottle of nasal saline and use this solution to rinse your sinuses.

4. Tea Tree Oil with Lavender Oil and Chamomile Oil

This process needs a diffuser that disperses the essential oils into the air and makes you breathe comfortably. It is especially used if more than one member of your family suffers with sinusitis.

  • Add 3 – 5 drops each of tea tree oil, lavender oil and chamomile oil in 1/2 cup of water.
  • Stir well and pour the mixture in a diffuser.
  • Then start the diffuser and follow as per the instructions on your diffuser’s package.
  • Now sit closer to the diffuser and breathe deeply to clear sinus congestion.
  • Alternatively, you can use a combination of tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and thyme oil for simple diffusion to get relief from sinusitis.
  • For more effective results, you have to follow the same process regularly.

5. Tea Tree Oil Bath

  • Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water.
  • Add 12 – 15 drops each of tea tree oil, rose geranium and lemon essential oils into it.
  • Soak yourself as long as you like.
  • Follow regularly for quick results.

6. Tea Tree Oil with Carrier Oil

  • Mix few drops of tea tree oil in 1 – 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil.
  • Stir well and apply this over several pressure points on your face like beside each nostril, on temples, across the forehead, under the nose in the middle, at the beginning of each eyebrow, etc.
  • Massage it gently for few minutes and leave it on for another few minutes by covering your face with hot washcloth.
  • After the cloth gets cooled, then wipe it off with paper tissue.
  • Make sure that you have to apply oil carefully to prevent contact with eyes.
  • Or you can also use body lotion instead of carrier oil and follow the same process.
  • Repeat regularly.

7. Tea Tree Oil Hand Help Pocket Inhaler

  • Combine 4 drops each of tea tree oil, pine oil, lavender, peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil in a small bowl.
  • Place your inhaler wick in the bowl and let it sit for few minutes to absorb all the liquid.
  • Then insert the wick back into the inhaler and close it with the cap.
  • You can use this inhaler up to 5 times a day.

8. Tea Tree Oil Warm Compress

  • In a bowl, add 1 – 2 drops each of eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, pine oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil and 1 cup warm water.
  • Stir well and soak a washcloth in it.
  • Wring out the excess and place it on your face.
  • Leave it on until till cools down.
  • Repeat the process as often as possible.
  • Note: Make sure the solution doesn’t enter your eyes. Unfortunately, if it happens, wash your eyes immediately.
  • Alternatively, you can add few drops each of eucalyptus oil, goldenseal oil, tea tree oil and rosemary oil to a cup of warm water. And repeat the same process.

9. Tea Tree Oil with Apple Cider Vinegar

This process is helpful for sinus congestion, sinus pressure and sinus infection.

  • Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and warm water.
  • Add 3 – 5 drops of tea tree oil to it and mix well.
  • Bend towards the solution, cover your head with towel and inhale the vapors.
  • Repeat regularly to clear the sinuses.

10. Tea Tree Oil with Walnut

  • Add 1 dropper each of alcohol free black walnut and alcohol free Pau De Arc, 3 – 5 drops of tea tree oil and 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water.
  • Stir it well and pour this mix in a jar.
  • Shake it well and use this mix to rinse your sinus with the help of bulb syringe or neti pot.
  • For more effective results, you have to follow the process for 2 – 3 times a day.

11. Tea Tree Oil Saline Solution

  • Add 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt (or Himalayan salt) and 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil in 12 oz of clean distilled water.
  • Stir it well and pour it in a 16 ounce of jar.
  • Use this solution for nasal saline spray to clear the sinus congestion.
  • Repeat regularly.

12. Tea Tree Oil for Toddler’s Sinus Infection

If your toddler is suffering with sinus infection then this process gives relief from the congestion and infection. It helps them to relief without any discomfort.

  • Mix 1 – 2 drops of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of neutral carrier oil (like coconut oil, grapeseed oil or almond oil).
  • Gently dab the solution on the outside and bottom of your kid’s nostrils by using a cotton swab.
  • Follow the process initially for twice a day and later you can follow it by a steam bath session.
  • Repeat regularly until he gets relief from it.

Tips and Precautions:

  • Avoid using tea tree oil if you are allergic to it.
  • Over usage of tea tree oil can irritate the mucous membranes of throat and nose, so it is important to follow the instructions as given above.
  • Direct application of tea tree oil can lead to some side effects so always make sure to use diluted ones.
  • Avoid consuming tea tree oil as it is very toxic.
  • It is not recommended to use tea tree oil more than 4 weeks of time.
  • If you didn’t get relief within this time, consult the doctor.
  • Remember tea tree oil methods are not scientifically proven but many people have got relief from sinus with it.
  • Avoid foods that trigger sinusitis.
  • Eat a nutrition diet to boost your immune system.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and flush our toxins from the body.

We hope this article provided you enough information about tea tree oil for sinus infection. If you have any queries of suggestions, write to us in the comments section below. For more article about health, keep visiting our website.

  1. On process 5 it says in bullet 3 to leave it in for a few minutes. WHat did you mean? Let the q-tip be in there a few minutes or rinse it out after a few minutes? How many drops should you put into 1/2 tsp water? This process isn’t just for an adult, in my case. It is also for a 2yo & 4mo baby. I know tea tree is very strong. Does it burn or sting? I will be testing on myself before administering to them, of course. 1 more question. How well does the oil and water mix together? Normally I use grapeseed or olive to dilute.

  2. i have recently used a swab of tea tree oil inside my nostrils and my polyp seems to stay the same size …

    did i do anything wrong or is tea tree oil not just for me…..

    i dont know…..can i prolong the use of tea tree oil on my nostrils or it can do me harm…..

    pls let me know……



  3. I am chidambaram , in chennai, Tamil nadu, India.

    I seen your website for allergy and sinus infection. Kindly confirm which medicine best cure of sinus and how to use.

    And also i have hearing problem, Is there any solution for medicine.

    Which best company tea tree oil to buy in chennai and confirm.


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