urinary tract infection
Image – nature.com

urinary tract infectionHave you ever felt an unusual urgency to urinate over a couple of days, or a burning sensation while you urinate? You were most likely having a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Approximately, 150 million people across the world are diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection every year (1). UTI’s are generally treated with antibiotics however the bacteria causing the infection has become resistant to most of them. Due to this recurring UTI’s have become a major concern. (2)

For this reason, it is better to look back to traditional home remedies for urinary tract infection which are better alternative solutions to treat UTI’s and prevent recurrent infections.

Before learning various home remedies for kidney pain and urinary tract infections, let’s have a look at what is urinary tract infection and what caused it.

What is Urinary Tract Infection?

The urinary tract comprises of organs which are involved in making and transporting urine out of the body. These organs include a pair of kidneys and ureters, a bladder, and a urethra.

A urinary tract infection is therefore, an infection of any or a combination of these organs. In 90% of the cases, infection can be caused due to bacteria called E.coli or Staphylococcus saprophyticus. (3, 4)

These bacteria are either neutral or beneficial until it stays in the digestive tract however when it migrates to urinary tract, it causes infection.

In some cases, it can be caused due to fungi (rare cases) or other common bacteria that causes UTI are Klebsiella species, and Proteus species.

Symptoms of UTI include lower abdominal pain, flank pain, bloody urine, or fever. However, sometimes you might have no symptom at all, which is described as asymptomatic bacteriuria.

Now…You might be wondering how these bacteria gain access to urinary organs.

There are few conditions that can help the bacteria or fungus to access the organs and cause an infection.

  • Sexual intercourse
  • Placement of a urinary catheter
  • Other urinary devices used in the hospital
  • Abnormalities in the structure of the urinary organs
  • Holding the urine in bladder for longer time
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Decreased immunity
  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Kidney transplant

We will discuss in detail regarding these factors later in the article…

How to Cure Urinary Tract Infection

In most of the cases, home remedies are enough to treat the urinary tract infection. However if you are experiencing blood in urine, fever, difficulty in passing urine or flank pain then it indicates serious infection which needs medical help.

Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

1. Increase Fluid Intake

Hydration is a key factor in the treatment of UTI. As per study conducted in 2013 by University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, low fluid intake often linked to risk factor of urinary tract infections (5). Apart from that various other studies have also confirmed the same. (6, 7)

Drinking plenty of water or fluids throughout the day helps to flush out the bacteria from the infected organs. Stick to consuming at least 8 ounces of water per day. However, you can increase the intake a little more than it.

2. Pee Often

As per a study, holding urine for longer period of time can encourage bacterial growth which can result in a urinary tract infection (8)

Urinating whenever the urge arises without holding helps to flush out the bacteria. It also ensures the bacterium isn’t growing in the urine.

Especially after sexual intercourse, urinating immediately helps to flush out the bacteria that might have entered urethra from your partner.

3. Garlic

As per a study published in Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, garlic extract has proven to be an effective weapon against pathogenic bacteria associated with urinary tract infections. (9)

How it Works?

  • It strengthens the immune system through stimulation of cytokines.
  • It interrupts the communications between bacteria which allows them strengthen their colony.
  • The allicin present in garlic contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Use it?

You can directly chew on 2 – 3 large garlic cloves daily or else follow the method mentioned below.

  • Mash 3 – 5 garlic cloves into a smooth paste.
  • Mix the garlic paste with butter and vinegar.
  • Spread the garlic butter or use it as salad dressing.
  • Repeat the process daily.

Some people don’t like to consume garlic because of its smell or taste. For them garlic supplements can be of a great alternative. While choosing garlic supplements, make sure to take the ones with more allicin content.


4. Marshmallow Root Tea

Marshmallow helps to speed up the healing process and naturally kills the bacteria which is the reason for the ailments. (10)

How it Works?

  • It soothes the inflamed urinary tract lining.
  • It reduces the pain while urinating.
  • It is a natural diuretic which increases the urine production. Thus the bacteria will be flushed out quickly and effectively.
  • It modifies the pH of urine and even clears up the blood urine.

How to Use it?

  • Chop 1 – 2 tablespoons of fresh marshmallow root.
  • Tie up the chopped root in a small square of cheese cloth.
  • Boil 8 – 10 ounces of water and remove from the flame.
  • Add the herb bundle into it and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Add honey as per your taste and drink it.
  • Repeat the process 2 – 3 times in a day.

If you are not a fan of taking marshmallow tea, then you can try it in supplement form.


5. Cranberry

Cranberry is one of the best natural remedies for urinary tract infection. In a recent study conducted on women, consuming cranberries juice everyday has helped to cure UTI and prevent them from recurring. Various others studies have also provides cranberry extract and capsules effectiveness on UTI. (11, 12, 13)

How it Works?

  • Cranberry prevents E.coli from sticking to other bacteria and limits its growth and multiplies.
  • The molecules present in it bind with iron and deprives these microbes of this essential mineral.

How to Use?

  • Drink 3 – 4 glasses of plain, unsweetened cranberry juice daily until the UTI clears.
  • To prevent UTI, drink 1 glass of cranberry juice daily.

Note: For enhancing its taste, you can add it to apple juice.

Warning: Avoid consuming cranberry juice if you have a kidney stone.


If you don’t like the taste of cranberry juice then you can take it in supplement form. Daily dosage of cranberry extract in supplement form is 400 milligrams per day.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda is known to ease the UTI symptoms that include pain and burning sensation. Dr. Laurie Steelsmith, the author of natural choices for women’s health indicates the baking soda importance in reducing UTI. (14)

How It Works?

  • Baking soda alkalizes the pH levels of the urine.
  • Prevents infection from spreading to bladder where they can damage and cause serious implications.

How to Use it?

  • Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a cup of cold water.
  • Mix well until the baking soda completely dissolves and consume it.
  • Repeat this daily.


Baking soda is not a substitute for conventional treatment for UTI. It is better to consult doctor before trying it out.

7. Parsley Tea

Parsley tea is 100% effective in treating urinary tract infections. Parsley tea can relieve UTI and speed up the healing process.

How it Works?

Due to its diuretic properties, it encourages the amount of urine which helps to flush out the bacteria and relieve discomfort.

How to Use it?

  • Roughly chop 1 cup of fresh parsley leaves or 2 tablespoons of dried parsley leaves.
  • Bring 1 cup of water to boil and reduce the flame to low.
  • Add parsley and simmer it for 6 – 10 minutes.
  • Strain the leaves and drink while it is warm.


8. D-mannose

D-mannose is a kind of sugar which is closely related to glucose which restricts bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. As per study published in 2014 of World Journal of Urology, D-mannose powder is effective for treating recurrent urinary tract infection. (15)

How it Works?

When consumed in large quantity, most of the D-mannose spills into urine via kidneys. It coats itself on the E-coli and it no longer can adhere to the bladder inner walls. At this point, the urine flushes out the bacteria.


The typical dosage of D-mannose for urinary tract infection is 500mg. You can take it in either capsule or powder form. Consume it with a glass of water or juice for every 2 – 3 hours until 5 days.


9. Coriander

Coriander is an age old remedy which is effective in treating urinary tract infection. As per Indian Ayurveda traditions, it also helps to cool down the body and prevents UTI that contain potent phytochemicals.

How to Use?

  • Coarsely crush 2 – 3 tablespoons of coriander seeds.
  • Boil 3 cups of water and remove from the flame.
  • Add coriander seeds into it and cover to let it steep for 2 – 3 hours.
  • Drink the tea hot or cold.

10. Yogurt and other Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which can be consumed to promote healthy bacteria balance in the gut. Various studies have shown that the bacterial strains have shown decrease and prevention of UTI’s. (16, 17)

How to Use?

Probiotic rich foods include kefir, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and raw cheese. You can include any one of them in your daily food.

You can take probiotics in capsule or tablet form. We recommend the following product…


11. Uva Ursi (bearberry)

In various studies, uva ursi has showed effectiveness in over 70 bacterial strains which are known to exist in the Urinary tract. The anti-bacterial activity of its extract helps to restrict the bacteria from sticking to the tissue walls. (18, 19)

How it Works?

  • The glycoside arbutin and hydroquinone are the main bioactive compounds along with tannins help to reduce inflammation and fight off the infection.
  • It alkalizes the urine which helps to reduce the burning sensation.
  • It also acts as diuretic effect which increases the urine production that helps to flush out the bacteria.


400 to 840 mg arbutin or 10g of leaf daily. It is recommended to take potassium supplement as uva ursi has diuretic effect so it may cause depletion of this mineral.


If you are taking any medications that include lithium, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids or any drugs that make urine more acidic then avoid taking uva ursi.


12. Consume Coconut Water or Coconut Milk

Coconut water provides more benefits than just cooling your body. As per Indian home remedies, coconut water or coconut milk is effective in treating UTI.

How it Works?

As per laboratory tests, monolaurin is the wonderful substance in coconut oil which contains antimicrobial action

How to Use?

  • Drink coconut water of 2 – 3 tender coconuts per day.
  • Drink coconut milk in small quantities as it contains high oil content which acts as a laxative effect.
  • You can also take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or coconut cream to provide similar benefits.


13. Blueberry

As per university of Maryland Medical Center, blueberries are effective in preventing UTI. It is one of the easy and effective remedies to treat urinary tract infection.

How it Works?

  • Specific compounds called proanthocyanids present in blueberries restrict the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.
  • They also contains vitamin C which inhibit the growth of bacteria.

How to Use it?

Rinse 1 cup of blueberries and eat them. You can also add them to oatmeal or desserts.

14. Horseradish

Due to its antibiotic properties, horseradish is known to prevent and treat urinary tract infections without any side effects (20)

How it Works?

  • The glycoside sinigrin present in horseradish is known to prevent water retention which makes it a diuretic.
  • The presence of allyl isothiocyanate which is usually expelled through urine also contains anti-bladder cancer capabilities which can be one of the reason for positive effects. (21)
  • It restricts the reproduction of bacteria which clearly states that it can control the bacteria from getting bigger.

How to Use it?

  • Grate the horseradish and consume 1 teaspoon 2 times in a day. You can gradually increase the dose to 1 1/2 teaspoons 3 times in a day.
  • You can consume it with a glass of milk or water.

Warning: If your stomach hurts after taking horseradish, then stop consuming it further.

15. Celery Seeds

Celery reduces uric acid and stimulates urine production. It is one of the best ways to fight bacterial infections within urinary and digestive tract.

How to Use it?

  • Consume a handful of celery seeds after meal once or twice in a day.
  • You can take them with a glass of water.

16. Vitamin C

Vitamin C makes urine more acidic which inhibits the growth of E.coli. It also enhances the immune system which helps to fight off and prevent yeast infections.

As per a study conducted in 2007, daily consumption of 100 milligrams of vitamin C plays a major role in treating urinary tract infections. Researchers have also confirmed that daily intake of vitamin C for a 3 month period also helps to reduce urinary infections and improve health level of gestating women. (22)

How to Use it?

Foods rich in vitamin C include red pepper, oranges, grapefruit, kiwis and others. Include any of them daily in your food.


17. Oregano Oil

The carvacol present in oregano oil prevents the growth of E.coli and proteus bacteria that are the cause of urinary tract infections. (23)

How it Works?

  • Oregano oil contains powerful antimicrobial properties and carvacrol. This active ingredient is effective in treating drug resistant E.coli.
  • Oregano oil contains glucosides which help to control blood sugar which further avoid kidney failure.
  • It contains anti-oxidants that protect your cells from free radical damage which can be a reason of the illness.

How to Use it?

  • Ingest 2 – 3 drops of oregano oil diluted in olive oil, juice, water or coconut oil.
  • Repeat it 2 times in a day for 2 weeks.

18. Clove Oil

As per a research published in Phytotherapy Research, clove oil contains antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It also possess anti-inflammatory properties which provide relief from pain and promotes healing. (24)

Dosage: Consume few drops of clove oil for 2 weeks. You can dilute it in some water or oil before consumption.

Note: We recommend consulting a doctor or nutritionist before taking it.

19. Myrrh Oil

Several studies conducted on myrrh oil concluded that it contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties. (25)

Dosage: It can be used as a warm or cold compress, or rubbed on the skin or consumed internally.

Note: While taking it internally, make sure to use high quality product and make sure to use it under the guidance of health care provider.

20. Cream of Tartar and Lemon

Cream of tartar balances the pH level of the urine which makes an inhospitable environment for bacterial growth. Adding a bit of lemon juice into it can make a powerful drink to fight off urinary tract infection.

How to Use it?

  • Add 1 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar into a cup of warm water.
  • Add a dash of lemon or lime juice into it.
  • Stir well and consume it.
  • Repeat 1 – 2 times in a day.

21. Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in water content which is a great way of adding extra fluid through your system when you find yourself hard time consuming plain water.

How to Use it?

  • Rinse and chop 1 cucumber into thin slices. Consume them as a snack.
  • You can drink a glass of cucumber juice.

22. Lemon

The alkaline power of lemon water has shown effective results in treating urinary tract infections and prevent the formation of kidney stones. (26)

How It Works?

  • Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning helps to flush out the bacterial toxins from the bladder.
  • Lemon juice alkalizes the blood pH and urinary tract which helps hinder the growth of opportunistic bacteria.
  • Being diuretic agent, it encourages the bladder to expel more urine frequently thus the bacteria will flushed out quickly.

How to Use it?

  • Squeeze juice of 1/2 lemon into a cup of warm water.
  • Stir well and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also add lemon juice to teas, water and salad dressing.

23. Ginger

Ginger has shown a strong antibacterial activity against E.coli. It creates an alkaline environment where the bacteria cannot multiply. (27)

How it Works?

  • Ginger blocks the prostaglandin synthesis (pain signal transmitters). This helps to reduce pain and burning sensation while urinating.
  • It exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
  • It balances the pH of urine which helps to restricts bacterial growth and affects its ability of to adhere bladder walls.

How to Use it?

  • Into a cup of water, add 1 inch ginger (minced).
  • Boil the mixture on low flame for few minutes.
  • Remove from the flame and let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Strain, add honey for taste and consume it.
  • Repeat the process 3 times in a day until urinary tract infection clears.

24. Turmeric

There are various studies that prove turmeric’s capability of inhibiting growth of bacteria like E.coli and staphylococcus. (28)

How it Works?

  • Curcumin and volatile oils like curlone and turmerone present in turmeric contain anti-bacterial properties. These compounds restrict the bacterial growth by damaging the cell membrane of bacteria.
  • Curcumin interferes with sensing system of pathogens causing UTI. It also disturbs the biofilm and restricts colonization.
  • Turmeric boosts immune system which further prevents the recurrence of yeast infection.

How to Use it?

The daily dosage of turmeric is 1 – 2 teaspoons per day. You can add it to food while cooking, salad dressings of juices. Or else you can follow the below process.

  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a cup of warm water.
  • Mix well and consume it.


If you are not able to take turmeric in powder form then it is better to take it as supplement. For proper dosage as per your health condition, we recommend consulting a doctor.

25. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is very powerful in killing the E.coli bacteria causing urinary tract infections. (29) Research conducted in Germany has also confirmed its effects on killing bacteria.

How it Works?

  • Cinnamon contains antifungal and anti-bacterial properties which suppresses the E.coli, staphylococcus and candida albicans.
  • It also boosts immune system which helps to prevent recurrence of yeast infection.

How to Use It?

  • Add 1/2 to 3/4 cinnamon powder into a cup of warm water.
  • Stir well and consume it.
  • Drink at least once in a day.


  • Cinnamon can stop or delay the menstruation.
  • It can be used as a contraceptive or to induce labour.
  • Children under the age of 2 should avoid consumption of cinnamon.
  • Use a lower quantity while making the tea for older people or the people who are above 65 years of age.


26. Tea Tree Oil

According to University of Maryland Medical Center, urinary tract infections caused by bacteria can be treated using tea tree oil. Other studies have also confirmed the same. (30)

How it Works?

  • Tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antifungal properties which kill the bacteria causing urinary tract infection.

How to Use?

Tea tree oil has to be used only in diluted form. It can be combined with any other carrier oils like coconut oil, olive oil. Combine few drops of tea tree oil into any carrier oil and rub the mixture on the abdominal area and near the bladder. Leave it to dry completely. Repeat the process 3 – 4 days.

If it is due to urethra catheter, then you can try this process…

  • Add tea tree oil to your bath water.
  • Stir it well and have a bath.
  • Wash your urethra opening with this water.


27. Chamomile

A study published in Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, stated that chamomile is effective in treating urinary tract infections. (31)

How it Works?

  • Chamomile contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which help to treat urinary tract infection.
  • Its soothing and calming effect on the nerves help to combat muscular pain associated with UTI.
  • It also helps to fasten the healing process.

How to Use it?

  • Boil 1 cup of water and remove from the flame.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile into it.
  • Cover and let it steep for few minutes.
  • Strain and consume this drink.
  • Repeat the process 3 – 4 cups per day.


28. Pineapple

The bromelain present in pineapple is very effective in treating urinary tract infections caused by E.coli or any other bacteria. (32)

How it Works?

The bromelain present in pineapple contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which are helpful in treating urinary tract infections. Consumption of pineapple or bromelain extracts improves the effectiveness of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

How to Use it?

Consume 1 cup of pineapple chunks once or twice in a day. Or else you can add them your favorite deserts or juice it.


If you want to take bromelain supplements instead of eating fresh pineapple, then here is what we recommend.

29. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of enzymes, potassium and other minerals which help to prevent the bacteria causing the urinary tract infection from either multiplying or growing. It also stabilizes the natural pH level of the body, reducing pain and irritation.

How to Use it?

  • Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  • Mix it well and then add lemon juice and organic honey.
  • Stir well and drink.
  • Repeat the process 2 times in a day.

30. Hot Compress

Hot water compress helps to minimize the bladder pressure and finally give you relief from the pain and the infection. This compress not only decreases the inflammation but also prevents the bacterial growth causing infection.

  • Place a hot compress on the lower abdomen.
  • Hold it there until you get relief from the pain.
  • Keep the heat setting low and limit it for about 15 minutes at a time.

Tips and Precautions To Prevent UTI

The following are tips which you should know and employ if you want relief from symptoms of a UTI:

1. Avoid Spermicides

Spermicides nurture bacterial growth and also cause irritation of the urinary tract just as unlubricated condoms and diaphragms would do.

2. Avoid alcohol

I’m sure you are trying to link alcohol intake with an infection. Well, here’s the thing: alcohol irritates your bladder which worsens the symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

3. Reduce or Avoid Caffeine

If you have a urinary tract infection, you need to completely avoid caffeinated drinks, because just like alcohol, caffeine is a potent irritant to your bladder which further ads to the discomfort in a UTI.

4. Urinate after sex

I would describe this as preventive against a urinary tract infection, if there is a chance that your partner has it. However, for a woman, after sexual intercourse, it is safe to wipe from front – backwards to avoid introduction of microorganisms from the vagina to the urethral opening .

5. Use Cotton

Cotton underwear and pantyhose are recommended to maintain cleanness and dryness around the pelvic area. Less irritation to that area reduces your risk of a urinary tract infection

8. Avoid the C’s

It is better to avoid chocolate, citrus, and carbonated drinks when you suffering from UTI. Just like coffee, all the above-mentioned food items can irritate the bladder, causing the inflammation to progress and your symptoms stay for a little longer.

9. Take over-the-counter pain relievers

Common examples of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are ibuprofen, aspirin, and diclofenac. These drugs provide relief from the pain.

10. Take Supplements

There are a number of supplements which you can get without a doctor’s prescription for treating UTI. Examples of these are Lauricidin, Nattokinase, and apolactoferrin.

Lauricidin has strong antimicrobial properties. It attacks bacteria by destroying their cell walls and blocking their growth. Lauridicin targets a group of bacteria called gram positive bacteria including streptococcus, clostridium, and staphylococcus. This supplement has little effect on the root cause of UTI on young adults, E Coli.

Nattokinase is an enzyme produced by bacteria found in a fermented food called natto. Nattokinase, when consumed helps to damage the thick walls of the bacteria.

Other Causes of a Urinary Tract Infection

1. Catheter placement

A catheter is a long tube which is passed through the urethra into the bladder to help a person pass urine if he is either not able to pass urine themselves or for whom urine passage is to be measured by their doctor. Unfortunately, these catheters inoculate small bacteria into the bladder.

2. Urinary Instrumentation

Certain instruments are passed up the urethra in certain procedures by the doctors. Like urethral sound – which is used to open up the urethra who suffered from urinary injury. These devices can introduce bacteria into the urethra causing infection.

3. Sexual intercourse

This is a very common cause of a urinary tract infection especially in young adults. If a sexual partner has a urinary tract infection, there is a risk of getting it to be transmitted to the other partner during intercourse.

4. Kidney Transplant

Because of the reduced immunity and due to the drugs used, a patient may be at risk of a urinary tract infection. However, this is not a common cause of UTI.

5. Reduced Immunity

This happens when you have diabetes, are on drugs for cancer, have HIV, chronic disease of the liver, or has renal failure.

How Do Doctors Cure UTI?

Before commencing treatment for a urinary tract infection, your doctor may suggest for some investigations to diagnose the presence of infection.

These investigations include urinalysis, which involves using a multi-colored strip to detect changes in the chemical components of urine, it also involves visualizing the small particles and cells in the urine under a microscope.

Other investigations include urine culture to know which organism is responsible for the infection, and complete blood count to see if the infection had become complicated.

After investigations, once the UTI is confirmed, the doctor would place you on antibiotics, which are the mainstay for the treatment of UTI.

Examples of these antibiotics include penicillins, ciprofloxacin,Bactrim, gentamycin, and nitrofurantoin. Your doctor would write a prescription of these medications either in single or in combination. It is always advisable that you take it for the complete duration even if you feel your symptoms have subsided.


Urinary tract Infection (UTI) is an infection of any or a combination of urinary organs namely the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

The symptoms of UTI include burning sensation while you urinate, frequent urination, and an urgency to go to urinate. Occasionally, you may have bloody urine, flank pain, and lower abdominal pain depending on which urinary organ is infected.

What places you at risk of having a UTI include sexual intercourse, diabetes, holding urine for long periods, catheters and other devices passed up your urethra at the hospital, and a suppressed immunity

A lot of times, home remedies are pretty much all you need to resolve and even prevent UTI. However in some cases where the symptoms persist, a doctor may need to intervene.

How have you dealt with your urinary tract infection? Do you have any other better remedy to treat urinary tract infection? Share your experience with UTI with me and what you did to take it away.


    1. There are many products available that are specifically made for washing genital areas. Try them instead of harsh chemicals. Or else wash them with just water and once in a while with diluted baking soda.

  1. In my country we use dried sour cherry stems, for infusion. One tbs in 250ml of boiled water, cover for 20 minutes. 3 cups a day. It works wonders! ^^

    1. I am 40 years old male I am suffering from uti I have take all tests but all test are normal in the time of take medicines no problem but after two weeks infection come back what I can do

      1. Follow any remedy mentioned in the article regularly. Apart from that you have to drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins, include vitamin C rich foods in your daily diet and exercise regularly to boost your immune system.

    1. Some of them are not safe for treating Urinary tract infections during pregnancy. We recommend consulting a doctor. However, you can increase cucumber and yogurt intake to control the infection.

    1. Yes, ginseng is effective in treating UTI. It contains a natural diuretic properties which help to eliminate the fluid from the body.

  2. Thanks a million. After urinating I still fill my bladder not completely empty. I’ve had frequent uti for many years. I am resistant to antibiotics. Am I in danger? Please any powerful herb combination to help me?thanks in advance.

  3. What do you recommend for the treatment of staphylococcus. I have tried several antibiotics and It’s resistant to antibiotics. I can’t get a good erection and it’s killing. I’m just 19 years. I’m scared I can’t have sex and kids if this persists.

  4. Hello, You say to avoid the 3 C’s which include citrus. However, it says to use lemons to prevent/cure UTI’s? I have had chronic UTI’s until I started taking D Mannose and cranberry pills which have prevented them from reoccurring, but I just started drinking lemon water, and I feel the pressure of it coming back. I don’t know if lemon water is good or bad for me?

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