Weight Loss
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Weight LossBeing over-weight is a condition that generally occurs when you consume more calories in diet and burn very little through physical activity.

Main causes for weight gain are genetic disorder, over eating, consuming more alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, stress, tension, depression, over intake of junk foods, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, lack of physical activity, certain medications, sleeplessness, etc.

Some of its symptoms include excessive sweating, difficulty in breathing, snoring, higher value of BMI, pain in joints and back, easily getting tiredness in doing any physical or mental work or activity, enlarged body parts, high cholesterol, heart diseases, etc.

In this article, we are going to learn about the most popular and effective home remedies and simple DIY weight loss tips that play a vital role in losing weight without any side effects. Examples of great remedies for weight loss include acupunctureAloe VeraBee PollenHoney and cinnamonCoconut oilGarlicLemonsOolong tea, and Topiramate.

DIY Weight Loss Home Remedies:

Some of the effective DIY weight loss home remedies are discussed below. Try these remedies to make your body slim and fit.

1. Honey:

Honey contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help to dissolve fats and cholesterol in the body. It not only reduces the body weight by mobilizing the stored fat and using it for regular activities but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders and results in lowering the increase in plasma glucose levels. Here are some homemade weight loss drinks recipes with honey:

Method – 1: (Honey with Warm Water)
  1. Take a tablespoon of honey and add this to a glass of lukewarm water
  2. Mix it well and drink this as soon as you wake up in the morning (with empty stomach)
  3. Regular intake of this honey water will gradually reduces your weight
Method – 2: (Honey with Lemon Juice and Warm Water)
  1. Take a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Lemon juice is loaded with vitamin C that has fat metabolism to reduce weight.
  2. Mix this honey and lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water
  3. Drink this early in the morning with empty stomach.
  4. Regularize this process to get rid of the weight loss.
Method – 3: (Honey with Cinnamon)
  1. Take a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Cinnamon regulates the blood sugar levels as this levels leads to an increased storage of fat in the body. So when it mixed with honey will form a powerful mixture that boosts your weight loss efforts. It is your natural weight loss powder at home.
  2. Mix this honey and cinnamon powder in a cup of warm water
  3. Stir it well and drink this on an empty stomach, early in the morning.
  4. Drink this regularly to get quick slimming effect on your body.

2. Cabbage:

Cabbage provides an excellent source of vitamins C, A, B1, B2 and B6, potassium, manganese and other nutrients that help to lose your weight by supporting your metabolism. It also controls the blood sugar levels to control your weight.

  1. Take a bowl of cabbage either raw or boiled
  2. Eat this before your lunch to burn the fat
  3. Eating a bowl of this cabbage daily will helps to burn the body fat and controls your weight.

3. Olive Oil:

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that reduce the bad (LDL) cholesterol to reduce your body weight and improves the HDL cholesterol. It also contains vitamin E, carotenoids and polyphenolic compounds that enhance the body’s breakdown of stored fat.

  1. Take a tablespoon or two of olive oil and consume this to get relief from the body weight.
  2. Or you can simply use this by drizzling olive oil on salad dressing or marinades, pasta or cooked vegetables.
  3. Or simply use this oil to cook some dishes which are at low – medium temperature.
  4. But make sure that always use the fresh olive oil rather than refrigerated olive oil.

4. Jujube Leaves:

Jujube leaves are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins like A, C & B2 and other nutrients that help to eliminate the excess body fat.

  1. Take handful of fresh jujube leaves and place it in a cup of water
  2. Allow the leaves to soak in water for overnight.
  3. Then next morning strain the water and drink this leaves-infused water early in the morning before you eat or drink anything.
  4. Repeat the same process for at least a month to observe the changes in your body weight.
  5. This process helps to have an increase in muscles and a reduction in the body fat that finally results in weight loss.

5. Carrot Juice:

Carrot juice has large amount of vitamin B complexes that helps in breaking down the glucose, fat and protein by increasing the metabolism and reducing weight. It also contains vitamins A, C and K that regulates the blood sugar levels and a healthy nutrition.

  1. Take 1 – 2 fresh carrots and peel it off the outer skin
  2. Cut it into slices and put it into a juice blender
  3. Extract its juice and pour it in a glass
  4. Drink this carrot juice every morning before taking breakfast or eating anything else.
  5. Or you can include these carrots in your diet like in salad mixture or eat it in raw or cooked form.
  6. Follow this process regularly to watch the visible weight loss in your body.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar contains organic acids and enzymes that increase the metabolism rate which in turn speed up the process of burning fat in your body. It reduces the water retention and makes you feel hydrated and refreshed. It lowers the blood sugar levels and has high levels of potassium, fibers that are essential for weight loss. It is one of the best homemade drinks to lose weight fast.

Method 1:
  1. Take 2 tablespoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar and add this a glass (16 ounces) of water
  2. Stir it well and drink this 2 – 3 times a day before meals
  3. Regular intake of this apple cider vinegar will helps to lose the weight quickly and naturally.
Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Tea)
  1. Take 2 tablespoons each of organic apple cider vinegar and honey
  2. Mix it well in a cup of boiling water and simmer it for few minutes
  3. Then add tea to that water and drink this to get relief from the overweight.
  4. Or you can add this in your salad dressing, or any other juice, etc.
  5. Have this 3 times a day regularly to treat the weight loss problem.

7. Cucumber:

Cucumber has soothing and cooling effect on the body as it is filled with water content so that it reduces fat in your body naturally. It is also rich in vitamin A, C & E, fibers and extremely low in calories which finally results in reducing weight loss by removing the toxins from the body.

Method – 1: (Cucumber)

  1. Take 1 – 2 fresh cucumber and peel it of the skin
  2. Cut it into slices and have this like a salad regularly.
  3. Or cook cucumber by adding them to soups, stews or stir fries.
  4. Eat this cucumber pieces regularly to have water content and also to stay healthy.
Method – 2: (Cucumber with Salt and Olive Oil)
  1. Take 2 lbs of cucumbers and add this to a teaspoon of salt and olive oil
  2. Mix it well to make this as tasty diet meals
  3. Eat this as a salad everyday to get relief from the over weight
  4. Or you can mix the cucumber with a teaspoon of herbs like oregano or parsley, dill or olive oil with a pinch of salt.
  5. Or have a whole cup of sliced cucumber as a snack in between meals.
  6. Eat this daily to get rid of the weight loss.

8. Parsley:

Parsley is a low calorie nutrition that aids in digestion and assimilation of food which relieves excess gas, indigestion and stomach cramps that finally leads to weight loss. It is high in vitamins A & C, iron, manganese, phosphorus, folate and copper that helps to speed up your body metabolism and reduces your weight by eliminating the stored fat. It has mild diuretic properties and an anti-oxidant called quercetin helps to treat the weight loss problem effectively.

Method – 1: (Parsley Leaves)

  1. Take a fresh handful of parsley leaves and chop it finely
  2. Add this to salads and cooked dishes as this will bring extra nutrition to the food
  3. Or y can add this chopped leaves and stems to sauces, vegetable dishes, casseroles and soups.
  4. Or else you can use this fresh leaves to a sandwich or to any food.
Method – 2: (Parsley Tea)
  1. Take 2 teaspoon of dried parsley and add this to a cup of boiling water
  2. Let it steep for about 10 minutes and then strain the solution
  3. Drink this tea 2 – 3 times a day to loss the overweight.
  4. Or you can simply buy a parsley tea bag and dip it in a cup of water for few minutes and then drink this to get relief from the overweight.
Method – 3: (Parsley Herbal Tea)

Here is a recipe for great homemade weight loss tea:

  1. Take a large bunch of parsley, 1 chopped blackberry leaf, 1 chopped dandelion leaf, 10 cherry stems and 1/2 teaspoon each of celery tops, couch grass, corn silk and fennel seeds.
  2. Add all the above listed ingredients into a quart of boiling water
  3. Steep it for few minutes and then strain the tea
  4. Drink this DIY slimming tea throughout the day to get rid of the over weight problem.

9. Peach:

A fresh large peach has 2.6 grams of dietary fiber which is a high fiber diet that aids in weight control by making you feel full in the stomach so you eat less of other high calorie foods. It is filled with water (89% of its total weight filled with water) and water is a calorie free nutrient that fills your belly and reduces hunger. All these will finally makes you lose the weight quickly. Peaches are rich in vitamins A & C and have low calories that always aids for weight loss and perfect metabolism rate.

Method – 1:
  1. Take a large fresh peach and consume it
  2. This fruit is a fat-free and low calorie fruit that helps to reduce weight of your body
  3. Regularize this process of taking peaches everyday to get rid of the weight problem.
  4. Or you can substitute carbohydrates rich fruits or vegetables with the peach fruit that helps in reducing the weight.
  5. It’s better to choose fresh peaches, unsweetened frozen peaches or peaches canned in their own juice rather than sweetened frozen peaches or peaches canned in heavy syrups.
Method – 2: (Peaches)
  1. You can try any of these combinations with the peach to reduce your body weight.
  2. Peaches with fat free cottage cheese or a whole grain waffle
  3. Green salad with peaches, chicken and walnuts
  4. Have a large peach that grab a low fat cheese stick.

10. Brown Rice:

Brown rice contains has good source of magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, vitamin B-6, niacin, iron and zinc which makes it beneficial for weight loss. It is relatively low in energy density but high in fiber and water that has low calories (as it is whole grain rice) than those in high energy density like white rice and makes you lose weight.


Take a cup of brown rice and eat this as your meal
It has healthy carb that helps to boost the metabolism and burns fat.
Repeat the process of eating brown rice daily to relieve from the overweight.

11. Green Tea:

Green tea has catechins, fat-fighting metabolism and natural antioxidants called Polyphenols that help to reduce appetite and makes you slim and fit.

  1. Consume 2 – 3 cups of green tea every day which helps to burn the fat and calories in the body and also improves the metabolism.
  2. You can increase it to 5 – 8 cups a day to get complete effectiveness on weight loss.
  3. Regular intake of green tea without sugar helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in the body to make you lose weight quickly.

12. Black Pepper with Lemon Juice:

Black pepper contains piperine which helps to stop the formation of new fat cells and also reduces the fat levels in the blood stream. It also contains anti-oxidant properties and speed up the metabolism by burning unwanted calories that aids in weight loss. Lemon juice removes the toxins from your body and helps to suppress your appetite, improves digestion that finally leaves your body slim and fit.

  1. Take 4 tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of freshly crushed black pepper powder.
  2. Add all these ingredients to a glass of hot water and mix it well
  3. Drink this early in the morning to get relief from the over weight
  4. Regular intake of this water helps in making your body to lose weight and to become fit.

13. Salmon:

Salmon is an oily fish that has lean source of protein and nutrient-dense (rich source of vitamin B-6, B-12, D, niacin and selenium) food which helps to feel full in your stomach without adding any fat. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that also help to increase the weight loss.

  1. Eat 2 – 3 servings of salmon in a week as it has low fat when compared to red meat.
  2. But make sure to prefer roasted, grilled or baked salmon instead of fried salmon.
  3. Regularly eat this salmon fish rather than other meat to reduce your weight and look healthy.

14. Berries:

Berries are rich source of antioxidants that controls the weight. It has blood sugar regulation, high amount of fiber and metabolism booster that helps to control your weight.

  1. Take berries of your desired level and amount
  2. Wash the berries properly and place it in a single layer on cookies sheet
  3. Freeze it for 30 minutes and then remove it to transfer to freezer bags.
  4. Try to remove the air as much as possible in it
  5. Seal, label and toss in the freezer and use this in any of your desired way like in smoothies or thaw, etc.
  6. Drink this to lose weight and gain health
  7. Or you can take a cup of full of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries or cranberries or a mixture all the above mentioned berries and eat this every day morning
  8. Enjoy drinking these berries recipes every day to get relief from the overweight and also to look healthy and beautiful.

15. Bottle Gourd:

It is high in fiber and water content vegetable that has low calories. It is also called as dudhi or lauki will reduce your weight as it causes fullness in your stomach and allows nothing to go into the stomach to reduce the weight and speed up the metabolism rate to fast up the weight lose.

  1. Take 200 grams of bottle guard without peeling the skin
  2. Take a half carrot and slice or cut it into pieces
  3. Take half an apple and chop it into big pieces
  4. Take 5 – 6 fresh mint leaves and place all these above ingredient into a mixer grinder pr a juicer
  5. Blend it well by adding a cup of water in it and grind it for 5 – 7 minutes
  6. Pass the mixture through sieve to extract the juice
  7. Finally add black pepper powder and salt to it and mix it well
  8. Have this drink before your breakfast or as an evening snack.
  9. Or you can consume this either in liquid form or juice or in cooked form or salad form, etc.

16. Cranberries:

Cranberries has high levels of anti-oxidants, vitamin – C and diuretic properties that encourages the body to get rid of excess fluids that inturn reduces the body weight and cholesterol levels.

  1. Take a glass of cranberry juice before breakfast, lunch, an evening snack or in place of dessert at dinner time to reduce the calories and to maintain perfect weight to your body.
  2. Or you can add half cranberry juice to half of water and mix it well to drink this juice throughout the day
  3. Make sure that not to add sugar or any of its supplements to that juice as it helps in gaining the weight.

17. Soy Protein:

Proteins are very easily digested food and also help to control your weight. It is also muscle used to fuels your muscles to help burn fat faster by speeding up the metabolism.

  1. Take soy proteins and include it in your diet in any of your desired way.
  2. Regular consumption of these soy proteins helps to digest the system more effectively and promotes weight loss.

18. Grapefruit:

Grapefruit contains vitamin C and other properties that naturally boost up the metabolism which helps to reduce weight of your body. It can also lower the insulin, a fat storage hormone and also has low calories. It has a good source of proteins, fiber and contains about 90% of water in it.

  1. Take a grapefruit and cut it into half
  2. Eat this half grapefruit before meals to shed extra pounds that cause weight.
  3. Consume half a grapefruit before breakfast and other half before lunch will helps to lose weight quickly.

19. Eggs:

Eggs contain an ingredient that helps to cut the calories consumed during the meal. The proteins in the eggs will you feel fuller for a longer period of time that will reduce the urge to eat frequently.

  1. Take an egg or two and eat this either by boiling, scrambling, baking or frying it
  2. Have it regularly to get relief from the overweight and to manage perfect weight for ever.
  3. You can take this either in the time of breakfast, lunch or an evening snack.

20. Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate helps to lose weight as it contains high quantity of cocoa powder i.e. rich in antioxidants to help in slimming your body. It also revive the metabolism to burn more fat and calories and a nipple of dark chocolates here and there will slow down the digestion and makes you feel full for longer time in your stomach and at last you will eat less at the next meal.

  1. Take a dark chocolate of any flavor and eat it 2 – 4 times a day.
  2. Regularly consume these chocolates to get rid of the weight problem.
  3. But remember that only dark chocolates help to lose weight than other chocolates.

21. Flaxseeds:

Flaxseeds has rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and also the outer coating that makes you feel fuller than normal that curbs your tendency to eat. It speeds up the metabolism to manage the weight properly.

  1. Take some flaxseeds and crush it finely
  2. Add these crushed seeds to foods like soups, cereals, oats, chapatti, etc.
  3. Eat them to enjoy the original taste as these seeds won’t change the taste of the dish
  4. Regularly take these flaxseeds in any form to control your weight and to look fit.

22. Ginger:

Ginger is a thermogenic which helps to raise the body’s temperature by burning fat. It helps a lot in controlling your weight perfectly.

Method – 1: (Ginger)
  1. Take a piece of ginger and chew it throughout the day
  2. Or you can use this ginger either in powdered or raw or cooked forms.
  3. You can add this ginger to any type of foods like rice dishes, curries, soups, etc.
  4. Follow taking ginger regularly to manage your weight.
Method – 2: (Ginger Tea)
  1. Take a fresh ginger root and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Pour it in a cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for few minutes
  3. Strain the pieces and drink this tea when it is warm.
  4. Drink this regularly to lose your weight.

Tips to Reduce Weight Loss:

Follow these simple and effective tips to get complete control over the weight of your body.

  1. Always eat only steamed or boiled food rather than fries and other oily food as these steamed or boiled foods prevents the risk of adding on the weight.
  2. Have a daily plan of 5 small meals with different servings of fruits and vegetables rather than 2 -3 large meals.
  3. Avoid completely the fried food in any form like fried chicken, fried rice, fried meat and any other fried snacks in your daily diet.
  4. Water helps to flush out the toxins in the body. So drink water as much as possible in a day i.e. at least 12 – 15 glasses of pure water or you can replace 2 – 3 glasses with any citrus fruit juices like lemons, oranges, etc. as they will provide natural vitamins to lose weight. You can also include plenty of fluids like fruit juices, watery fruits, water, soups, etc.
  5. Regular do some exercise at least walking for about 30 – 40 minutes also doing yoga with different postures or asanas will helps to lose weight quickly and safely. Try to include more time on laborious or physical activity in your daily life rather than sitting more.
  6. Ragi (Finger Millets) is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and B2 which helps to curb your appetite to lose your weight. Regularly eat ragi chapattis for better effective results over weight loss.
  7. Eat tomatoes, fresh fruits (papaya, pineapple, oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, carrots, potatoes, spinach, etc.) that have more water content and low calories will help to control your weight and makes your healthy slim and fit with perfect BMI. Make sure that not to skip the meals every day.
  8. Have sufficient time to sleep and relax from your work tensions. Keep away your stress and tensions and go to bed in a relaxed and happy mood. To happen this, go to sleep in time and wake up in time.
  9. You can also drink fennel seeds tea by steep a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of boiling water for few minutes and then strain the tea to drink it.

Regular exercise and healthy diet will definitely helps to reduce your weight. You can also lose your weight by taking the weight loss pills like Phen375, Phenq etc, but you must read the phenq review so that you can take it in regular schedule. But the main thing is that the strong desire in you to lose your weight. Follow these home remedies and tips regularly until you reached your goal of desired weight for your body. You can also to learn how to lose belly fat and how to lose weight on the face without any side effects.

Do you know any other remedies or have you tried any of the above remedies? Then kindly share your experience with us.

    1. Apart from using the above mentioned methods, don’t forget to exercise regularly, eat nutritional food and avoid fatty foods.

    1. It is very difficult to tell the exact time frame as everyone’s calorie intake and fat burning capacity is different. Try the remedies with some patience until you achieve the results. Apart from that reduce the calorie intake, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water and avoid fatty, oily foods.

  1. i have a normal body not fat but my face is bloated please suggest me some recipes for face fat loss except facial exercise and i also drink lot of water daily

  2. I need to loose a lot of weight ASAP but I am having a hard time. Help! Need to loose weight in 1 month

    1. By exercising, eating less calories, and following other tips mentioned above in the article, you can reduce your weight. However, it is hard to tell the exact weight you can reduce within a month. For effective results, make sure to avoid junk, processed, and oily foods.

    1. It is difficult to tell the exact time frame as it depends on the person’s fat burning capacity, calorie intake and other factors. For effective results, it is best to exercise daily, eat nutritional food, reduce junk food and drink plenty of water.

    1. You can choose any one as per your convenience and try it regularly to achieve weight loss. Apart from that you have exercise daily, eat healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

  3. I have a sensitive bowels, will drinking the honey and lemon cause loose stools>? Seeing that I have a long commute to work each day, this could cause issues.

    1. Usually lemon and honey combination doesn’t cause loose stools. So, try it for a long and see if it is causing any trouble. If it is causing loose stools then avoid using it further.

  4. I just had my uterus removed.. after which I am gaining weight.. can any of these method help me to loose weight.


  6. There are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up. I offer the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly there are questions like the one you bring up where the most important thing will be working in honest good faith. I dont know if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment?s pleasure, for the rest of their lives.

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