Aloe Vera for Weight Loss
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Aloe Vera for Weight LossAloe Vera is widely known for its ability to heal cuts and wounds and soothe the skin down. But did you know that it is also super effective for weight loss?

Aloe Vera comes in gel, latex, and juice form, and it is extracted from the tubules of the Aloe Vera plant, which contains 75 active vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, amino acids, salicylic acids, and phytochemicals (sapanins). The best part about using it for different remedies is that it is completely organic and readily available.

You’re about to discover how using Aloe Vera for weight loss can help you shed some pounds, and avoid obesity and all the health problems associated with it.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Weight Loss

  • Aloe Vera contains natural anti-oxidants that slow the growth of free radicals in the body.
  • It is also scientifically proven to increase your metabolism and reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) by helping your body turn carbohydrates and fats into energy rather than storing them.
  • Aloe Vera stimulates production of collagen, a protein that promotes muscle development. Your body spends a lot of energy assimilating the collagen protein, and energy expenditure helps you lose weight.
  • Collagen also speeds up metabolism and ensures that food is stored in the lower intestine for shorter time periods.
  • Aloe Vera is packed with vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, and niacin, all of which help to burn calories and reduce body fat.
  • Aloe Vera Juice is also a natural laxative. It forces food out of the colon faster, preventing constipation, improving digestion, and detoxifying the body.
  • It also helps manage diabetes and balance your blood sugar by promoting slow sugar absorption.

Keep reading to learn how to use aloe vera for weight loss!

Aloe Vera Juice for Weight Loss

How to make Aloe Vera juice for weight loss? Listed below are several simple ways you can use Aloe Vera juice as an effective at-home weight loss system. Since Aloe Vera cleanses the digestive system and boosts energy levels, the recipes described below are best consumed first thing in the morning and before workouts. Always check with your doctor before using Aloe Vera in any form. Ask about side effects, proper dosage, and whether it will interact negatively with any medications you’re taking.

1. Aloe Vera & Fruit Juice

Here is an effective recipe for aloe vera juice for belly fat:

  • Shave the sharp edges off a fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Cut the leaf open lengthwise.
  • Scoop the gel out with a spoon.
  • Mix with your choice of fruit juice.
  • Note: Aloe Vera gel also comes in capsule form. Take with water after eating and use a dosage recommended by the package or a doctor.

2. Plain Aloe Vera Gel for Weight Loss

  • Thoroughly clean your fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Peel away the outer skin.
  • Or grind the leaf to make juice.
  • Filter the juice and store it in the refrigerator for daily use.
  • Drink ½ cup in the morning and 15 minutes before each meal.
  • Keep drinking the juice for 1-2 weeks.
  • Note: You can also scoop the gel out with a spoon and eat 1 teaspoon a day.

3. Aloe Vera Juice with Lemon

  • Clean your fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Cut it lengthwise down the center and squeeze out the juice.
  • Juice your lemon.
  • Mix Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice, and water with your choice of sweetener and stir 2-3 minutes.
  • Drink regularly to encourage weight loss.

4. Aloe Vera with Honey

  • Add 1 tablespoon honey to a glass of Aloe Vera juice.
  • Stir well and drink.
  • Consume regularly to stimulate metabolism, promote proper digestion, and burn extra fat and calories.

5. Aloe Vera with Water

  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons Aloe Vera juice into a glass of water.
  • Drink at least once daily to lose weight.

6. Aloe Vera and Kale Smoothie

  • Clean your fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Shave off the sharp edges and peel off the skin.
  • Extract gel with spoon and place in blender.
  • Add water, kale, salt, ginger, plums, and anything else you like.
  • Blend well, pour in a glass and drink.
  • Consume Aloe Vera smoothies 2-3 times daily for best results.

7. Aloe Vera, Fruit, and Coconut Smoothie

Place the following ingredients in your blender

  • 1 medium-size Aloe Vera leaf
  • 1 cup almond or coconut milk
  • ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
  • ½ tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 handful of fresh basil
  • Honey with cinnamon, maple syrup, or Stevia
  • 1 tablespoon each of coconut flakes and flax seeds
  • Your choice of protein powder
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Drink 1-2 times daily.

8. Green Aloe Vera Smoothie

Taking smoothies for weight loss really helps. If you are wondering how to lose weight with Aloe Vera smoothie, try this one and you will be surprised. Place the following ingredients in your blender:

  • 1 handful of washed baby spinach
  • A large chunk of Aloe Vera leaf
  • 2 peeled and trimmed celery stalks
  • Spring parsley without stems
  • ½ peeled cucumber
  • 1 cup chopped pineapple or mango
  • 2 peeled oranges
  • Juice of ½ lime
  • ½ teaspoon Spirulina powder
  • ¾ cup coconut water
  • 5-6 ice cubes
  • Blend until smooth
  • Consume 2-3 times a day

9. Aloe Vera Crystals

  • You can buy Aloe Vera Crystals or make them by passing your fresh gel through a cold compress.
  • Consume 2-4 ounces of Aloe Vera crystals 2-4 times
  • Gradually increase dosage according to your health needs.
  • You can also add 1/8 teaspoon Aloe Vera crystals to purified water or your favorite fruit or vegetable drink.
  • Consume crystals before meals and throughout the day.
  • Remember, crystals vary in color, taste, and effectiveness depending on the plant they were made from.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Aloe Vera also comes in capsules you can take with water after meals. A doctor can recommend the proper dosage.
  • For best results, combine your Aloe Vera regimen with 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week. Do a strength training workout 3 times weekly to build muscle and increase metabolism, and do 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 4 times weekly to burn fat.
  • Follow a fiber-rich, low-fat, low sugar, low calorie diet and avoid greasy food and fast food.
  • Some people are allergic to Aloe Vera, so start your regimen by taking small doses. Stop taking it if you experience rashes or itching.
  • Don’t take Aloe Vera if you suffer from colitis, appendicitis, intestinal problems or Crohn’s diseases.
  • Pregnant women, kids, breast feeding moms, and women who are menstruating should not take Aloe Vera.
  • Large doses of Aloe Vera for weight loss can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and dehydration.
  • 2-8 ounces of Aloe Vera juice a day for at least 3 months will achieve maximum results.
  • Avoid anthroquinones by using high quality gel products and sticking with low dosages.
  • Never exceed the manufacturer-recommended dosage of an Aloe Vera pill or other product.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration and cleanse your body of toxins.

Aloe Vera is a very effective at-home weight loss solution. In addition to helping you lose weight, it will improve circulation, regulate blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, heal ulcers, regulate blood sugar levels, and heal damaged bones, joints, and internal tissue.

Have you tried Aloe Vera for weight loss? Do you know of any recipes we haven’t mentioned? Share your experience with us!


  1. The Aloe Vera plant contains a yellow liquid inside the tubules. This is called Aloe Vera juice or Aloe Vera gel. It does taste bitter, but is the best home remedy for losing weight. You need not control your diet, starve or stay away from your favorite foods. Aloe Vera juice makes sure you lose weight in the most natural way possible. You need not put any kind of strain on your body to achieve the perfect shape and weight. Your tips are awesome…I have enjoyed reading your blog.

    1. I’m loving Aloe Vera with cinnamon, great for weight loss and stabilising your blood sugar levels!
      P.s is this Ann Pennington who see’s Weng st Enta in Strathmore?

    1. Anne – Short answer is yes, and you should see great benefit from it.

      If you search for “Aloe Vera Asthma” you’ll find a bunch of info on how it helps, and other ways aside from drinking it that you can use it. I was just reading one post where they suggested steaming it with water and inhaling it and how it’ll really open up your air passageways.

      I thankfully dont have Asthma, and take Aloe for the mucus-fighting abilities throughout the body, but if I did I’d definitely try this inhaling method. I may do it regardless, to go ahead and just clear me out a bit.

  2. hi, i have dozens of lovely alavera plants in my south facing liveing room window. just breathing them in & watching them bask in the sun, calms me…can it be used for help with getting to sleep?

  3. Sir/mam I have constipation problem whenever I take medicine then my stomach is empty other wise there is not toxic blow out from body so which stomach is so looking big and I want to loose weight from 54 to 49 or 50 I am working girl pls help me

    1. Avoid having raw yellow fluid from aloe, you have to peel the leaf and only use the White gel
      Yellow liquid is poison, it causes stomach problems or carcinogenic effects
      Raw gel to be mixed with warm water & then drink with or without lemon drops

  4. i have so much sensitive skin problem like redness on face so can i eat aloe vera
    please answer quickly so that i can start it now

    1. Yes! You can eat aloe vera for losing weight even if you have a sensitive skin. You can also apply aloe vera gel to relieve from the redness on face.

  5. I have doubt.! what will happen if you take aloe vera in hot water. ( aloe vera in form of powder). Will it helps in add weight or lose weight? I kindly request you to suggest ways for add weight with aloe vera in my diet.

  6. How to prepare aloe vera juice?? Orelse can I cut the upper part of leaf n can I eat whole cube of gel of half or 1spoon daily in morning?? It will help in to loose weight or not.. It is nice for body of any side effects.. Because I am eating from 4dats n tdy after eating in my chest and middle throat it is burning much

    1. Slit the edges of an aloe vera leaf using a knife or scissor. Scoop out the gel. Wash the gel to discard the green liquid. The green liquid is toxic and if consumed it can cause heart burn and irritation. If aloe vera is taken in large amounts, it can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps and dehydration.

    1. Intake of aloe vera should be avoided during menstruation because it can lead to excessive blood loss and prolonged periods.

  7. Hello,

    What if I’m diagnosed with Thyroid disease am I still allowed to take Aloe Vera?

    Another thing, if I want to drink Aloe Vera with water only, am I suppose to blend the gel with water in blender?

    Help please.

    Thank you!

    1. If you are diagnosed with Thyriod then it is recommended to ask your doctor whether aloe vera can interact with the thyroid medicines.

      And yes you can blend the aloe vera gel with water.

    1. It is best to drink on an empty stomach. It is difficult to mention the exact time as everyone is different. Apart from drinking aloe vera juice, exercise regularly, eat a nutritional diet and drink plenty of water.

  8. I Am 28 years old boy and my weight is 48 KG,
    i read Aloe vera juice reduces weight.
    So if i drink Aloe Vera juice will i loose more weight?

    1. Apart from drinking aloe vera juice daily, you should have a nutritional diet and exercise regularly to reduce weight.

    1. Yes, Aloe vera mixed with lemon juice will detoxify your digestive system and break down fat deposits. But along with it, you should have a nutritional diet and exercise regularly to notice good results.

  9. hi,ust wanna ask if Drinking alovera juice on daily basis can cause infertility?? Because i have heard that taking mint juice on empty stomach is very good for skin and reducing weight but it can make a woman infertile as well..thats why i get afraid drinking such drinks like cinemon and other spices..can you please clear it??

    1. It’s very difficult to give exact weight that you will reduce. It usually depends on “how many calories you will eat in a day and how much you will burn”. For quick results, apart from using aloe vera you have to eat a nutritional diet and exercise regularly.

  10. Hi madam/ sir, this is Sireesha I have a Mild PCOD problem and irregular periods and weight is 71 kg .s and my age is 23 and height 5 feet 1 inch.
    so i was consulted a doctor she gives a some medicine and i don’t have kids.Finally doctor said you must and should reduce the weight in this situation aloe vera gel is useful or not pls suggest me.

    1. You can use aloe vera for weight loss even though you are suffering from a mild PCOD problem. But, if you are on medications for treating PCOD then consult your doctor whether aloe vera interacts with the prescribed medicines.

  11. aloevera juice of patanjali available in market can also be used? and if yes, then how to intake it for better results? before how much time from meal and how many times a day?

    1. Yes you can. You can add 2 tablespoons of aloevera juice to a glass of water and drink half of it on an empty stomach and sip remaining 15 minutes before meals. Apart from it, you have to exercise and have a nutritional diet.

    1. The latex present in aloe vera leaves can cause diarrhea, kidney problems so it’s better to restrict its consumption. Recommended daily limit of aloe vera consumption is 1/2 cup or less.

      1. Hi there, will u please tell me what is latex and how can we differentiate between aloe vera gel and aloe vera latex?awaiting ur reply,regards.

        1. When you cut an aloe vera gel, you can see a yellow liquid oozing out from it, it is called aloe vera latex. It is present just in the under the skin of aloe vera leaf. The white one is the aloe vera gel.

  12. Pls, how can i make aleo-vera juice,preserve it.cos i want to loose weight nd also want a flat tummy.

    1. Scoop out gel from an aloe vera leaf. Wash it to discard the green liquid as it is toxic. Now blend the aloe vera gel to get juice. Pour in an air-tight container and refrigerate.

  13. i just begin to drink aloe vera juice today…i juice the gel and after that i also juice the leaf…is it advisable to drink it in the morning with an empty stomach right after jogging?

    1. Drinking aloe vera helps you to burn some fats but if you don’t exercise daily and eat a nutritional diet you will never achieve desired results.

  14. Can I take aloe vera gel before going to bed at night instead of taking it on empty stomach in the morning?

  15. Can I mix aloe Vera gel from the plant at home and mix it with triphala also? One of my relatives had the same on a daily basis and lost 7kgs in a month without dieting or exercise. I tried the same with 2 aloe vera strips and 1 tbsp triphala powder and ended up with an upset stomach. Please advice

    1. Aloe vera and Triphala powder have strong laxative properties so that may be the reason behind upset stomach. So it is better to follow the remedies listed above in the article. Apart from that exercise regularly and follow a nutritional diet.

  16. whenever i take aloe vera and lemon juice in empty stomach… stomach pains alot for a period of 20 to 30 minutes ……….i dnt understand why this is happening to me

  17. In the time mensuration shall I take aloevera juice ? And which company’s aloe Vera juice is best to intake

    1. Avoid aloe vera during menstruation as it can cause cramps in the abdomen. It is best to use freshly extracted ones that bottled aloe vera juice.

  18. hi. I’m 5’1 and 55kgs. I want to be 45kgs. I used to skip daily for an hour everyday..and followed proper diet. but I didn’t lose a pound. my calorie intake is 800 still nth is going fed up..I heard about aloe Vera juice. is it going to help me lose weight if i drink everyday on an empty stomach? plus I have gastric problem. is it OK to drink?thank you.

    1. Yes, you can try aloe vera juice. In fact it helps to treat gastric problem as well. Apart from using aloe vera juice, don’t stop exercising and keep an eye on your calorie intake as well.

  19. I blended aloe vera leaf with lemon, ginger and garlic to aid in detoxification and weight loss. It appears my period is late in coming. Could the mixing above cause late period because I did not meet with any man?

    1. No, the detoxification drink you tried may not have caused late periods. The reason behind the late periods might have been different. Please wait for few days and consult a doctor to find out the exact reason.

  20. How long can u keep aloe vera in the fridge. I extract out the juice to keep in a bottle for applying to face.

  21. i tried aloe vera juice with warm water and honey but i was not able to get inside due to smell. can i take along with any fruit juice and take or is there any best way to take to avoid smell …please reply

  22. M 21 n i weight 92 kg is it advisable 2 take aloe vera juice while m on prevention pills,i really wnt 2 loose weight.My dream is 2 weight 70kg by 1 january 2017 ,plz help wth instruction 2 use it

    1. Yes, you can take aloe vera while on prevention pills. For effective weight loss, you have to exercise daily and eat nutrition rich food apart from following the above listed remedies.

    1. You can consume until you achieve the desired results. Apart from that, you have to exercise regularly and eat a nutritional diet to reduce weight and prevent weight gain.

    1. Aloe vera can interact with some medications. So, it is better to consult your physician before you start aloe vera remedies.

    1. Choosing the best one is not possible as the one which works for me may not work for you and vice versa. So, choose any one from the above mentioned methods and try it regularly. Apart from that consume a nutritional diet and exercise regularly.

  23. Hi y is it not advisable to take aloe vera juice while breastfeeding?is it OK if I take it and breastfeed after like 8hrs?kindly advice

    1. No, please avoid taking aloe vera if you are a breastfeeding mother. It can be very harmful to your child. It can cause non-stop diarrhea or vomiting to your kid.

    1. For effective results, you have to use freshly extracted aloe vera juice. Avoid using store brought as it may contain preservatives.

    1. Yes, you can take. Consult a doctor for proper dosage as per your health condition. However, fresh aloe vera juice provides more effective results.

  24. Hi im 22yrs my weight is 72 and i have to reduce 15kg in 3months i have plzz help me can i take it in morning and night before bed…taking twice in a day is it ok…for weight loss….and i hav PCOD problem and im tkng pills and irregular periods soo is aloe vera can help for PCOD as well…..

    Please help me will be waiting for ur reply

    1. Yes, you can drink aloe vera juice once in the morning on an empty stomach and again at the night. It helps to reduce your weight, prevent blood glucose spikes, improve insulin sensitivity and promote hormonal balance. Apart trying aloe vera method, you have to eat nutrition rich food, reduce calorie intake, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins.

  25. Hey, i see at home they take aloe vera leaf then boil it and then drink its water.
    Now mt question is; is it okay drinking that water mixing it with lemon juice as well?
    Morning and evening ?

    1. Yes, you can drink it by adding lemon juice. Apart from that, exercise daily and eat nutrition rich food.

  26. Please reply back to me. I just started taking aloe Vera and it immediately came up after taking it. I couldn’t stop it. Sorry for sounding aweful but I need to know why and what to do to avoid this issue. Thank you.

  27. I know aloe vera juice intake can enhance the size of breast so how do i increase my breast size by drinking aloe vera juice without loosing weight because am very slim already. Thank you

  28. Hi i am taking directly 2 piece of aloe Vera in empty stumock after i will drink green tea is this right method for lose weight please replay me

    1. Yes, you can take aloe vera and consume green tea after it. Apart from that make sure to exercise regularly and eat nutritional food.

  29. Hi I cut peeled and blended the gel from aloe plant/leaf about 2 and a half to 3 weeks ago and have had it stored at room temperature. Can i still use it to drink as weight loss? How much do i use per drink whether juice or water and how many times a day?

    1. We recommend taking only freshly extracted aloe vera gel rather than stored ones. You can add 3 – 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel into juice or water and drink it. You can drink it once or twice in a day.

  30. great article! I took my Ph levels ( urine & saliva) 5.5 very acidic ….I am looking at making my own Alkaline water with baking soda,lemon and sea salt BUT with baking soda I have read it is hard on blood pressure (mine is high).

    So. I am going to use aloe vera instead of baking soda. Mixing aloe with lemon, sea salt and corral calcium powder. Will this mix be ok with aloe inplace of baking soda?

    I grow aloe vera plants, I have read that their are species of aloe that is not good to use, I just bought mine at a popular mart store. Will those be OK to use in this context?

    Thanks alot.

    1. Do a patch test to know if they are good or not. Apply a small amount of aloe vera on hand and leave it on for few hours. If you have any bad reaction then avoid it further. And as you are taking it internally, start with small dosage to observe for negative reactions. If you don’t have any then you can gradually increase to recommended quantities.

  31. This article mentioned that Aloe Vera gel also comes in capsules. What brands would you suggest?

  32. hello if i boil the aloe vera can it help in weight reduction???i also don’t understand is the gel the fluid that comes from aloe vera or??,

    1. Yes, you can. When you peel the green part of the leaf, the white or transparent colored gel should be used and the green part of it should be discarded. It may help, try and share your experience.

  33. hello i want to lose weight can i do it by drinking aloevera ..
    i badly need to remove 6 kg ..
    is it good if i do the lemon juice wiz aloevera

    please help me
    am very stress i need to remove 6kg in one month ..

  34. Hi, if I blend aloe vera gel with room temperature water and store in refrigerator for next day is it more effective to drink cold for weight loss or should I warm it up or leave it out to get room temperature? Also, I’m doing a water only cleanse for a month with no food intake, can I still do the aloe vera during this process? If so, I would I do the intake if no meals are included?

  35. pls as a student i want to loose weight.. pls what are the food to avoid and food to eat while taking aloe vera juice

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