Upset stomach, also known as indigestion or dyspepsia, is used to describe discomfort in the upper abdomen. Indigestion is not a disease. It is very common and is caused by gastritis, anxiety, stress, overeating, certain medications, constipation, peptic ulcers, intestinal blockage, or reduced blood flow in the intestine. If left untreated, it can lead to serious intestinal problems, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, stomach cancer, and belching. Treat the problem with natural home remedies rather than over the counter medications.
Home Remedies for Upset Stomach:
Follow these natural, home remedies to prevent indigestion.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
The antibiotic properties of apple cider vinegar help digest food and prevent upset stomach.
- Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
- Drink 2 – 3 times daily for best results.
- Note: Add honey to enhance flavor.
2. Ginger
Ginger is an effective remedy for treating indigestion. Sprinkle ginger on your food for relief from upset stomach.
Process 1:
- Mix 2 teaspoons of ginger juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.
- Dilute with water, if desired.
- Drink daily for best results.
Process 2:
- Sprinkle salt on fresh ginger slices.
- Chew regularly to get rid of the upset stomach.
Process 3:
Drinking ginger tea relieves upset stomach, bloating, cramps, gas, and stomach aches.
- Steep 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger in hot water for 3 – 4 minutes.
- Drink regularly for best results.
- Note: Add honey or sugar to enhance flavor.
3. Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds contain oil which reduces nausea and gas. It is especially helpful for treating indigestion caused by spicy or fatty food.
Process 1:
- Boil 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds in a glass of water for 5 minutes.
- Let it steep for 10 minutes.
- Drink the tea water regularly for best results.
- Note: Add honey to enhance flavor.
Process 2:
- Grind ½ teaspoon of dry fennel seeds to make a powder.
- Mix with water.
- Drink twice a day for best results.
- Note: Alternately chew fennel seeds for indigestion relief.
4. Caraway Seeds Tea
Caraway seeds, similar to fennel seeds, help digestion and relieve gas.
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds.
- Cover and steep for 10 minutes.
- Drink the tea three times daily for best results.
- Note: Alternately chew caraway seeds for indigestion relief.
5. Mint Tea
An old remedy, mint (either peppermint or spearmint) soothes upset stomach and helps digestion.
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of dried mint.
- Cover and steep for 10 minutes.
- Drink the tea three times daily for best results.
6. Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon is an aromatic spice which stimulates the digestion system and helps the digestive tract function properly.
- Steep 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes.
- Drink regularly for best results.
- Note: Add honey to enhance flavor.
7. Carrots
Carrots relieve indigestion and reduce symptoms of upset stomach. Eating too many raw carrots, however, can lead to indigestion.
Process 1:
- Boil 4 – 5 sliced carrots in 4 cups of water.
- Add a teaspoon of dried peppermint (or one peppermint teabag).
- Cook on medium low heat for 15 minutes or until the carrots become soft.
- Discard tea bag and blend it.
- Add an inch of ginger piece or few drops of lemon juice as per the taste.
- Drink regularly for best results.
Process 2:
- Boil 1.5 cups of baby carrots, 4 teaspoons of minced fresh ginger, and 2 cups of water on medium heat for 25 minutes.
- Blend the mixture with buttermilk and salt until smooth.
- Drink regularly to reduce stomach upset.
8. Baking Soda
High levels of stomach acid lead to indigestion. Baking soda is a simple and effective remedy for this problem as it acts as an antacid and neutralizes stomach acid. Baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate, so don’t take it if suffering from high blood pressure or if on a sodium-restricted diet.
- Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water
- Drink regularly for best results.
9. Thyme
Thyme stimulates the digestive system, helps with stomach cramps, and relieves gas pressure.
- Boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of dried thyme leaves.
- Let it steep for 10 minutes.
- Strain and drink the tea on empty stomach.
- Drink three times daily for best results.
10. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea calms the stomach and soothes the intestinal tract. It is one of the oldest remedies for digestive problems.
- Boil a teaspoon of dried chamomile herbs in a cup of water for 5 minutes.
- Strain and drink the tea water twice daily for best results.
- Note: Add honey to enhance flavor.
11. Diet Plan
A proper diet helps prevent upset stomach and indigestion.
- Eat bananas, apples, papaya, pomegranate, cherries, raisins, apricots, prunes, yogurt, raw honey, and buttermilk.
- Avoid dairy products, fatty foods, high fiber foods, spicy foods, processed foods, nuts, tomatoes, caffeine, chocolate, and red and black pepper.
- Toast and crackers calm upset stomach very effectively.
- Drink plenty of water and juice to stay hydrated.
Tips to Reduce the Stomach Upset:
- Exercise helps rid indigestion. Particularly after meals, have a brief stroll to aid digestion.
- Stress exacerbates gastrointestinal problems. Relax by doing yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to avoid upset stomach.
- Morning sickness during pregnancy causes indigestion. Check your medications and diet to ease stomach woes.
- If you haven’t eaten anything all day, eat crackers to stop overactive stomach acids.
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol as it irritates the stomach lining.
- Place heat (either a hot water bottle or heating pad) on the upset stomach as this increases blood flow and eases pain.
- Try carbonated soda to ease your upset stomach.
- Avoid sleeping flat on your back as it leads to acid reflux.
- Don’t eat too fast nor swallow big pieces without chewing properly.
- Maintain a healthy weight to rid the problem.
Have you tried any of these methods? Do you know any other methods to treat an upset stomach? Share your experience with us!
i have acidity problem need help.
You can find remedies related to acidity in this article –
If you mix one Tbs of baking soda and a cup of water and drink it this will make you burp which will stop a bubbly stomach
Yes, it helps.
Am suffering from nausea n when I eat something it comes out .plizx I need help. Thanks
You can try any method mentioned in this article –