Pregnancy Things Featured

Pregnancy Things FeaturedWhen carrying a bundle of joy in your tummy after seeing those two lines on a stick, you’re bound to experience a bit of pain and discomfort along the way. But that does not compare to the amazing things that bearing a child can do for your mind and body!

For those who feel down or nervous, here are some amazing things about being pregnant that you should know about.

10 Amazing Things About Being Pregnant

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1. You’re Gonna Stop Traffic!

You’ll now be able to walk around without any worry because you are guaranteed to stop vehicles while crossing the streets!

2. You’ll Bring Joy to Others

When people look at your stomach, they can’t help but feel the joy about what’s in store for you and your family.

3. A TON of Naps!

When pregnant, you’ll need bed rest and NEED to take a ton of naps for the sake of your body and the growing baby! Here are some natural home remedies if you aren’t getting enough sleep.

4. The Weird but Cool Dreams

You’re going to have those wild and intense pregnancy dreams, which can’t even be understood or analyzed. But they’re fun and you get to encounter a few people in your life from the past.

5. You Suddenly Become a Health Buff!

You’ll suddenly begin to eat healthier, taking probiotics during pregnancy and checking nutritional labels. It isn’t only for your body, but you need to eat better for a healthier baby!

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6. A Sudden Distraction from the Ugly

If you’re stressed from work or see something negative, the sad or angry feelings go away once you feel the baby squirming inside you.

7. Hearing the Heartbeat

Simply hearing your baby’s heart beating inside of you makes you feel more alive and determined to push through with what’s to come!

8. EXTRA Attention for YOU!

Your partner will be bound to give you more attention and do more around the house, your friends and family will check in on you more, and everyone will do things to ensure you’re all right!

9. Skipping the Lines

No need to wait in line when commuting or in the restroom. You’re given priority access and can skip to the front of the line!

10. Shopping Galore!

You’re going to be shopping a lot for your little one, from tiny clothes to awesome room decor!


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